Healthcare workers in Hai Duong province, the epicentre of the country's latest coronavirus outbreak, have been vaccinated against COVID-19.

Healthcare workers in Hai Duong province, the epicentre of the country's latest coronavirus outbreak, have been vaccinated against COVID-19.

Both patients tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus after coming into close contact with COVID-19 cases in these locality.

Notably, one of the patients works for Poyun Electronics Co. Ltd. in Chi Linh city where the first case of the latest coronavirus outbreak was detected in late January 2021.

Hai Duong has recorded 713 out of 897 new COVID-19 cases since the virus recurred in late January.

This is the only locality in Vietnam that has reported cases during the past few days, through the outbreak has been brought under the country.

Elsewhere, 12 other cities and provinces have registered no new cases thanks to drastic anti-coronavirus measures.

Vietnam kick-started its national COVID-19 vaccination campaign on March 8, using AstraZeneca vaccine imported in late February. So far more than 1,000 people in a number of localities have been given shots first.

Those vaccinated people have shown common side-effects such as tenderness, joint pain or muscle ache, warmth, itching or bruising, fatigue, a headache, and feeling sick.

The Ministry of health has approved AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccines and it is considering licensing other vaccines produced by Moderna from the United States and Generium from Russia.