VietNamNet Bridge – Beautiful landscapes, cultural activities and remarkable products of Cuba are on display at an event which kicked off yesterday in Hanoi.


A space showing Cuban tourism and culture. — VNS Photo Minh Thu

The 7km-long Malecon esplanade, Old Quarter in Havana and Vinales Town are some outstanding destinations introduced at the event.

Hanoitourist Company co-operated with the Cuban Embassy in Hanoi to organise the Cuba Tourism Festival on March 26-30 at Hanoitourist building, 18 Ly Thuong Kiet Street, Hanoi.

Visitors will have a glimpse of Cuban tourism, society and culture. On the occasion, the company introduced a tour to Cuba and Russia with Aeroflot over 12 days.

Ambassador Lyanis Torres Rivera said up until March 3, Cuba received 1 million international tourists. Last year, the number was 4.7 million foreign tourists.

“The increasing number proved the rapid growth of Cuban tourism,” she said.

“Today I’m happy to introduce attractive tours and beautiful landscapes of Cuba.

“This year we will organise an international tourism mart on May 6-11 to boost the tourism and enhance the co-operation between foreign partners. Spain will be the special guest because it’s the largest market for us.

“I’m glad to see an exhibition featuring destinations, landscape, culture and products of Cuba. However if you come to Cuba once, you will realise that they are much more beautiful.”

She also expressed gratitude to Hanoitourist Company for the idea of organising the Cuba Tourism Festival in Hanoi to introduce the potential of Cuban tourism.

“We will strengthen the exchange and co-operation in the future to have more Vietnamese to Cuba and vice versa,” she said.

Phung Quang Thang, director of Hanoitourist Company, said Cuba is a beautiful country in the northern Caribbean where the Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean meet. However the number of Vietnamese tourists to Cuba is still low due to the far distance.

“Actually most Vietnamese tourists to Cuba are middle-aged and old people because the tour length is up to 12 days. We expect that more and more Vietnamese people plan to visit Cuba because the country is wonderful.”

Source: VNS