VietNamNet Bridge – The Souvenir Design Contest for 2017 APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) Summit gave first prize yesterday to a porcelain vase featuring the Han River and the red-shanked douc langur.


Tat: The contest, launched in January by Da Nang city’s People’s Committee, is a sideline event of APEC Summit to be held in November in Da Nang. It drew more than 170 entries. — Photo

The contest, launched in January by Da Nang City’s People’s Committee, is a sideline event of APEC Summit to be held on November in Da Nang City. It drew more than 170 entries, 28 of which were designs and 143 were finished products with different materials including wood and porcelain.

“The contest drew individuals and companies in and out of Da Nang who shared great enthusiasm and devotion to make unique and highly aesthetic products with symbolic images of the city. They all helped to diversify the souvenir and gift supply and to help bring more tourists and investors to the city,” said Deputy Chairman of Da Nang City’s People’s Committee Ho Ky Minh in the awards ceremony held yesterday.

A total of 20 products won prizes at the contest, which include a wooden APEC logo carved in plate, lacquer products with images of langurs and 3D paintings featuring Da Nang’s Rong River, stamp and langurs.

The red-shanked douc langur , which was chosen as Da Nang’s official mascot at the 2017 APEC Summit, was widely used among the participant entries.

“Coming to this contest, our biggest honor is to contribute our small part in promoting the image of Da Nang and Viet Nam to participant delegates,” said Nguyen Duc Nha, director of Ve Vang-Bo Trai porcelain company in Ha Noi, first prize winner of the contest.

Le Ba Linh, third prize winner said her collection of products is made from lacquer with the image of red shanked douc langur.

“I want to convey the message of the need to protect biodiversity and the environment toward a green planet for the next generation,” said Linh.

The winning products and designs will be produced as gifts presented to delegations and deputies participating in 2017 APEC in Da Nang. The contest’s entries will be exhibited in Da Nang Museum of Fine Arts when the summit is completed.


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