VietNamNet Bridge - From July 1, the Department of Interior of Da Nang city will begin implementing the model of evaluating the performance of public servants online, after gaining good results in the pilot period.


Each public servant will be assessed by at least four people in his/her office.


The public servants who will be assessed online include directors, deputy directors of state departments, chairs and vice chairs of districts, the chief and vice chief of other state agencies and all public servants of state agencies and district people’s committees in Da Nang.

Public servants will be evaluated in three categories, through specialized software in the offices, including: objectives and tasks assigned; the results based on actual products; and civil servants in the same units commenting on each other.

Firstly, the public servant will score himself in work, attitude, responsibility ... and is then assessed by his boss for the second time. Later colleagues in the same agency will make comments on each other. The staff will secretly assess their bosses and the higher-level officials will make the final marks.

The working result of public servants is monitored monthly and quarterly and will be the basis for the annual review. If a public servant does not fulfill his tasks for two consecutive years, he will be fired. This is also the basis for emulation and commendation, income distribution and allocation of administrative expenses.

Director of the Department of the Interior Dang Cong Ngu said this model of evaluation aims to well manage human resources, to help leaders evaluate the work of the staff honestly and effectively.

"The advantage of the model is to promote openness, democracy, taking the actual working results as a measure and public servants will also be seen from various angles. It is also an opportunity for public servants to listen to comments, suggestions from their colleagues to improve work efficiency," Ngu said.

From July to September 2012, Da Nang developed this model on a trial basis at seven department and three districts, with the participation of 250 public servants and officials.

Tran Cham