In a document to the Ministry of Transport dated September 5, Da Nang proposed that the Ministry instruct its relevant agencies to re-launch land, rail and air routes to and from the locality, in an effort to restore local economic development and ensure social security.





Da Nang authorities said that the coronavirus outbreak has been put under control as there were no new cases detected in the community during the past seven days. The local health sector has cured 267 patients, and the remaining 76 patients are in stable health condition.

Da Nang has lifted social distancing on a number of areas as of 00.00hrs September 5 to reboot the economy and restore social activities.

“The local administration is committed to fully implementing COVID-19 prevention and control measures in line with regulations as soon as transport routes are back to normal,” stated the document.

All vehicles traveling to and from Da Nang have been suspended since the resurgence of the virus in late July. Thousands of residents, holidaymakers and students of other localities have been left stranded in the city. Economic and trade exchanges have been forced to come to a grinding halt.