dairy producers

Update news dairy producers

As domestic market becomes saturated, dairy producers seek foreign markets

VietNamNet Bridge - Vinamilk and Nutifood have decided to enter foreign markets. 

Vietnamese female billionaires enter US market

VietNamNet Bridge - Two Vietnamese female billionaires in the dairy industry have officially set foot in the US market. 

Vietnam expected to export dairy products to China

VietNamNet Bridge - Chinese agencies have said they are considering opening the market to Vietnam dairy exports through official channels. 

Milk producers focus on yogurt products

VietNamNet Bridge - Yogurt, whey and cheese are bringing two-digit growth rates to milk producers. 

Dairy producers run a race to develop material areas

 VietNamNet Bridge – It is not the technology, but the capability to control the material sources which will determine who can dominate the dairy market.

Milk firms asked to explain prices

 VietNamNet Bridge – The Ministry of Finance's Price Management Department has required six dairy producers to report on their retail milk prices for products aimed at children aged under 6 years old.

Local dairy producers try to make hay when the sun shines

 VietNamNet Bridge – Vietnamese mothers’ worry about the quality of foreign made dairy products after a series of bacterial contamination scandals has brought the golden opportunity to domestic producers to conquer Vietnamese hearts.