Dao Tien women in Hoai Khao are meticulously embroidering traditional costumes.

The northern mountainous province of Cao Bang has the highest proportion of ethnic minorities in the country (accounting for 95% of its population), according to the 2019 census. Specifically, the Tay ethnic group is 40.83%, Nung 29.81%, Mong 11.65%, San Chi 1.49%, Lo Lo 0.54% and Dao 10.36%.

The authorities at all levels, relevant agencies and localities in the province have paid attention to carrying out many research, propaganda and educational activities to strongly arouse and honor the traditional cultural values of ethnic minorities in the province.

The Dao people in Cao Bang consist of two branches: Red Dao and Tien Dao, living mainly in the districts of Nguyen Binh, Ha Quang, Bao Lam, Bao Lac, Thong Nong and Thach An.

The Dao people still preserve and promote many traditional handicrafts, such as: paper making in Yen Lac commune, silver carving of the Red Dao group in Thai Hoc commune (Nguyen Binh), beeswax pattern printing of the Dao Tien people in Quang Thanh commune (Nguyen Binh).

In particular, keeping up with the needs of tourists who favor brocade embroidery products, the Dao Tien people have built an embroidery workshop in one of the tourist destinations on the Western route - "Discover Phja Oac – the area of changes" of the UNESCO Non Nuoc Cao Bang Global Geopark to attracts tourists.

The embroidery workshop in Hoa Tham commune (Nguyen Binh district) is well developed by local people.

To preserve and promote the traditional crafts of ethnic minorities, the brocade embroidery production group was established and put into operation in 2012. By 2017, to continue improving quality and operational efficiency of this model, the People's Committee of Hoa Tham commune established a Dao brocade embroidery workshop in Na Chan hamlet, Hoa Tham commune of Nguyen Binh district. The embroidery workshop gathers people with similar interests to weave, embroider, and create unique costumes and products of the Dao Tien people.

To preserve and promote local cultural values, the Culture, Sports and Tourism Department of Cao Bang province has linked the embroidery workshop of the Dao Tien people with tourism development, attracting tourists to visit and experience the traditional profession. In particular, the Management Board of Non Nuoc Cao Bang Geopark always strives to find and perfect the system of partners to contribute to sustainable tourism development.

With the goal of promoting sustainable development associated with conservation activities, Non nuoc Cao Bang Geopark has strived to support and bring many benefits to its partners - those who directly preserve and promote precious cultural assets. At the same time, it has encouraged the Dao Tien people in Hoa Tham to proactively invest in handlooms, diversify designs and product types... to create quality products to supply to the market to further attract tourists.

According to the Committee for Ethnic Affairs of Cao Bang, in order to combine traditional cultural values in implementing the National Target Program for socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas, it is necessary to promote and diversify forms of dissemination, propaganda about the traditional cultural treasures of ethnic minorities;

Pay special attention to propaganda in ethnic languages, oral propaganda through a team of reputable people, village elders, village chiefs, through the "Great National Solidarity Festival in residential areas" and festivals of ethnic minorities to create consensus of the entire society in promoting the role of traditional cultural values in deploying and implementing the National Target Program for socio-economic development of ethnic minority areas.

Along with that, research and review statistics of traditional cultural values of each ethnic group and locality, evaluate effectiveness and sustainability; combine and use traditional cultural values in a reasonable manner, suitable to the specific conditions of each locality and each ethnic group; propagate, praise, and have policies to encourage and disseminate experiences of groups and individuals who have contributed to the conservation, preservation and development of traditional cultural values of ethnic minorities.

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