The Giang Brothers climbed 90 stairs in 52 seconds while doing a head-to-head balancing act in 2016

The Giang Brothers climbed 90 stairs in 52 seconds while doing a head-to-head balancing act in 2016

Their original record was set in 2016 when the duo climbed 90 stairs in 52 seconds while doing a head-to-head balancing act.

The two circus artists are set to fly to Spain on December 17 and undergo several training days and cultural exchanges before taking on the challenge on December 23.

This time they will attempt to climb a total of 100 stairs in less than a minute at the same venue – the Girona Cathedral, in Catalonia.

Quoc Co and Quoc Nghiep first rose to global fame after finishing in the top 4 of the 2018 Britain’s Got Talent.

In 2016 the pair also beat a Guinness World Record when they scaled 90 steps to the Cathedral of Girona in just 52 seconds, with one sibling balanced atop the other using only head-to-head contact.  

They set a Guinness World Record in 2018 for 'climbing and descending ten stairs backward while being blindfolded and balancing head-to-head' during a performance filmed in Italy. 

The Vietnamese duo also won several local and international circus prizes, including the Grand Prix Award at the 10th International Circus Festival 'Circuba 2011' in Havana, Cuba. In addition, they picked up three prizes at the 13th International Circus Festival in Italy, including a silver medal and two minor titles awarded by internationally renowned circus groups Monte Carlo Circus and Cirque du Soleil, along with the Silver Lion Award at the 2011 13th International Circus Festival in Hebei Province of China.

Source: VOV