debt crisis

Update news debt crisis

Vietnam’s notable economic achievements after 30 years of Doi Moi

 VietNamNet Bridge – After 30 years of the Doi Moi reform, Vietnam has recorded significant achievements, emerging from a backward country with 90% of the population working in the agricultural sector

Greek debt crisis: IMF wary of third bailout

 The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is very wary of any financial contribution to a third Greek bailout.

Greek debt crisis: MPs prepare for second vote on bailout reforms

 The Greek parliament is to vote later on a second set of reforms needed to secure its bailout deal.

Greek debt crisis: Banks to reopen after three-week shutdown

 Greek banks are set to reopen after three weeks of closures sparked by the deadlock over the country's debt.

Greece debt crisis: IMF attacks EU over bailout terms

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has fiercely criticised the bailout deal offered to Greece by the eurozone.  

Greece debt crisis: Leaders try to thrash out deal

 Eurozone leaders have talked through the night in Brussels in a bid to agree terms for a new bailout for Greece.

Greece debt crisis: Eurozone sets 'final deadline' for new plan

 The eurozone has given Greece until Thursday to present new proposals to secure a deal with creditors, and has called a full EU summit for Sunday.

Asian shares bounce back from losses

 Asian markets traded higher on Tuesday, recovering losses made a day earlier on fears that Greece would exit the eurozone, after voting no to bailout conditions from creditors.

Greece debt crisis: Tsipras says voters made 'brave choice'

 Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has said Greeks made a "brave choice" in voting to reject the terms of an international bailout in Sunday's referendum.

Greece debt crisis: IMF payment missed as bailout expires

 Greece has missed the deadline for a €1.6bn (£1.1bn) payment to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), hours after eurozone ministers refused to extend its bailout.

Greece debt crisis: Global stock markets slide

 Stock markets in Europe and Asia have seen big falls after Greece closed its banks and imposed capital controls.

Greek debt crisis: Banks to remain shut all week

 The Greek government has confirmed that banks will be closed all week, after a decision by the European Central Bank not to extend emergency funding.

Greek debt crisis: Germans to vote on bailout after Athens violence

 The German parliament is set to vote on a plan to extend financial aid to Greece by another four months.

Greece bailout talks: No agreement in Brussels

 Greek and eurozone officials have failed to reach an agreement over Greece's debt crisis, though both sides said there was still hope for a deal.

Greece to hold new tender for sale of gas firm DEPA as privatization hits snag

Greece will hold a new international tender for the sale of gas firm DEPA a government official announced on Monday, as the privatization program under way in the context of efforts to raise revenues to tackle the debt crisis, hit a snag.

France in firing line as EU sets economic guidelines

 Struggling France will likely be the focus Wednesday when the European Commission sets down the economic and fiscal lines it expects EU member states to follow in the search for desperately needed growth and jobs.

EU leaders hold broad talks on growth

Top leaders of the European Union held broad talks on growth without making concrete decisions on the first day of the two-day spring summit in Brussels, against the backdrop of easing market pressure

EU summit to focus on growth, jobs

 European Union (EU) leaders are scheduled to meet in Brussels Thursday and Friday to iron out measures to promote growth and create jobs in Europe which is still mired in the debt crisis.

Greek indignant return to protest austerity outside parliament

 Greek indignant returned to protest austerity outside the parliament building for first time after several months on Sunday evening with a symbolic rally which ended in minor scuffles with police forces.

World economy to strengthen modestly in 2013, says IMF

 The global economy is poised for a gradual upturn in 2013 as the constraints on growth gradually ease, but policy complacency should be guarded against as risks remain,