
Update news degree

MOET revokes economics university lecturer’s doctorate

 VietNamNet Bridge – The Ministry of Education and Training on October 4 released the decision to revoke the doctorate of Hoang Xuan Que, Deputy Head of the Finance & Banking Institute, an arm of the Hanoi National Economics University.

Rice exporters worried about the new rules

 VietNamNet Bridge – Rice export companies have got worried stiff when hearing that they would have to develop their material growing areas in order to be eligible for exporting rice.

Unmarketable degrees

Being proud of passing the university entrance exams after four years of study, many students face a bitter reality when they cannot find a good job. Even bachelors with excellent diplomas only wish to get a job.

Despite students’ protests, MOET still vows to tighten inter-school education

The Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) has its reason to tighten the control over the quality of the inter-school education, the type of education which allows students to pass credits to continue the study at higher levels.

Universities keep the doors open to welcome postgraduates

A lot of people, who have just graduated universities, or finished schools many years ago, now rush to attend training courses to obtain higher degrees before the State tightens the postgraduate education management.