VietNamNet Bridge – Foreign Ministry spokesman Le Hai Binh on Saturday confirmed US State Secretary John Kerry’s invitation to Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh to visit Washington in the coming days. The invitation was given at the time the US Congress was considering the adoption of a resolution on the East Sea.


Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh.

Earlier, a spokesman for the US State Department had said that Secretary Kerry had invited Mr. Minh to Washington "for a comprehensive consultation on bilateral and regional issues”.

In that telephone conversation, Minh informed his American counterpart about the latest events surrounding China’s illegal oil rig in the exclusive economic zone and continental shelf of Vietnam, including China’s continual escalation in its deployment of ships, including military vessels, in the area, making the situation very tense.

Minh affirmed that Vietnam has exercised utmost restraint and persevered in maintaining dialogue, avoiding conflicts and demanding that China withdraw its rig and vessels from Vietnam’s waters.

Kerry thanked Minh for the updated information. Kerry expressed his appreciation of Vietnam’s restraint and goodwill, and perseverance in the pursuit of peaceful means and dialogue. He expressed deep concern about the recent developments in the East Sea and considered China’s deployment of the rig a provocation, exacerbating tensions in the region.

Secretary Kerry also reaffirmed the US’s position on resolving East Sea disputes peacefully, on the basis of international law, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.

Talking to the press, Foreign Ministry spokesman Le Hai Binh said the US is one of the countries that promptly and clearly expresses its opinions in many different ways and at many level on disputes.

Binh said that according to his sources, in the next few days, the US Congress will pass a resolution on the East Sea to protest China’s actions.

According to the agenda of the US Congress, it is likely that the resolution will be adopted before May 26.

Nguoi Lao Dong