Vietnam and the US will discuss measures to promote the Vietnam-US comprehensive partnership during Deputy Prime Minister cum Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh’s upcoming visit to the US.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Le Hai Binh made the announcement at a regular press briefing on September 25 to inform of Vietnam’s foreign affairs in the future and answer correspondents’ queries.

Binh said Deputy Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh will begin an official visit to Canada from September 29-30 and the US from October 1-2 at the invitation of Canada’s Foreign Minister John Baird and the US Secretary of State John Kerry.

Deputy Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh

In Canada, both sides will discuss practical measures to develop bilateral ties in an in-depth and effective manner, strengthen high-level delegation exchange, and accelerate cooperation in such fields as economics, trade, investment, oil and gas, education and training, science and technology and cooperation at multilateral forums.

The Deputy PM and the US Secretary of State John Kerry are expected to dilate on regional and international issues of common concern and how to effectively implement signed agreements on the development of Vietnam-US comprehensive partnership and  launch celebratory activities  marking 20 years of diplomatic ties.