VietNamNet Bridge - Insiders believe that an unreasonable examination scheme and lack of transparency are the two reasons that led to many good candidates failing the Hanoi civil service exam.


When asked why 30 candidates, who graduated from foreign schools with “distinction” and “excellent” levels, or came first at domestic schools, failed the civil service exam, the leaders of the Hanoi Department of Interior Affairs said the candidates did not really want to become civil servants.

Under current regulations, candidates do not have to attend the civil service exam to be employed by Hanoi state agencies. However, they have to sit written tests and direct interviews to show their abilities.

Deputy director of the Hanoi Department of Interior Affairs, Nguyen Dinh Hoa, said he talked with the failed candidates after the tests.

“They told me that they were working for other agencies and businesses when they applied for the positions at Hanoi state agencies. Therefore, they did not have much time to prepare for the tests,” he said.

“They also said they knew the pay to civil servants is very modest. Therefore, they were not really determined to become civil servants,” he added.

The official affirmed the city’s policy on attracting talents to the city’s agencies, especially those who finish schools at “excellent” level or graduate from overseas schools. 

However, he said only workers who have high enthusiasm and passion for their jobs will devote themselves to the work and fulfill the tasks assigned to them.

The official went on to say that state agencies are not the choice of the workers with high qualifications because of the modest pay the state can offer to them. 

In 2014, an excellent university graduate was employed by the Hanoi Department of Industry and Trade, but he later resigned from the post. 

The candidate decided to give up the job because of the low pay which did not cover his room rent and basic needs.

Meanwhile, T, an excellent candidate who failed the tests, who asked to be anonymous, denied that he did not have high enthusiasm enough when attending the tests.

“Please do not say we are not enthusiastic. Why did we still apply for the jobs at state agencies if we did not want, while foreign companies offered high salaries and good job promotion opportunities?” he said.

T decided not to work as a civil servant after finishing school and instead became a university lecturer. Later, he studied abroad on a scholarship and then returned to Vietnam.

“My financial conditions are good now. And I want to work for state agencies just because I want to devote myself to the country’s economic development,” he said.

Ngan Anh