Forecast trajectory of storm Doksuri as of Tuesday afternoon. — VNA/VNS Photo

The National Centre for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting (NCHMF) said that Doksuri is forecast to gain more strength in the next 24-48 hours with velocity up to 201km per hour, becoming a superstorm.

Local natural disaster prevention and control, search and rescue steering committees from Quảng Ninh to Khánh Hòa provinces have been ordered to closely monitor the situation and notify vessels at sea.

Due to the impacts of the storm, the northern area of the East Sea is predicted to experience strong winds and rough seas with waves of 5-7m from Tuesday to Wednesday.

Showers and thunderstorms are likely to take place in the central and southern part of the East Sea, including the waters of Spratlys as well as those from Bình Thuận to Cà Mau, Cà Mau to Kiên Giang, and the Gulf of Thailand.

The Central Highlands and southern regions are forecast to experience moderate to heavy rain and thunderstorms, with an average rainfall of 40-100mm, even over 150mm in some places.

At 7am on Tuesday, the storm was 230km east of Luzon island of the Philippines, with winds close to the storm’s eye at 167-183km per hour. — VNS