drink driving

Update news drink driving

MoPS proposes to reduce fines for drink driving

The Ministry of Public Security has proposed a significant reduction in fines for drivers with alcohol concentration levels that do not exceed 50mg in 100ml of blood or 0.25mg in one litre of breath.

Alcohol involved in nearly 40% of cases of evading, resisting traffic police

Traffic police have reported an increase in cases of people attempting to evade on-duty officers.

Public Security Ministry proposes to maintain zero-tolerance alcohol policy

After collecting opinions from the ministries and sectors, the Ministry of Public Security has announced that it will maintain the absolute ban on alcohol consumption on those who drive vehicles.

NA Standing Committee members advocate for absolute ban on drink driving

Members of the National Assembly (NA) Standing Committee threw strong support behind an absolute ban on drink driving while debating the draft law on road traffic safety today.

Over 3,700 drink driving cases dealt with in first week of new year

Up to 3,785 cases of drink driving have been handled in the first seven days of 2020, with total fines of more than VND12.5 billion ($539,400).

Ban on drink driving to take effect early next month

The Law on Preventing and Combating the Harmful Effects of Liquor and Beer will take effect early next month, imposing a blanket ban on drink driving.


National Assembly passes law that bans drink driving

The National Assembly (NA) today, June 14, passed a law on preventing and combating the harmful effects of liquor and beer, with 84.3% of NA deputies voting in favor of the legislation.


Some laws may slap tougher sanctions on drink driving

Multiple laws will be amended to impose harsher sanctions against drunk drivers, even though the National Assembly has failed to pass any regulations on penalties for this behavior.


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