China has recently accelerated archaeological exploration in the East Sea in order to support its seeking of the UNESCO’s world heritage title for the "Silk Road on the Sea". If UNESCO recognizes the "Silk Road on the Sea" as China’s world heritage, Vietnam's sovereignty in the East Sea will be affected, said Dr. Nguyen Tan Anh, Director of the UNESCO Centre of Science, Technology and Investment, in an interview with VietNamNet.

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Prof. Nguyen Tan Anh.

What do you think about the “trick” of world heritage registration of China?

The world has had similar precedent. For example, the border and Preah Vihear temple dispute between Thailand and Cambodia took place for a long time. In 2007 Cambodia applied for UNESCO’s recognition of the Preah Vihear Temple as the World Heritage. On June 7, 2008, the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO met in Canada and recognized the temple as the world's cultural heritage, the third world heritage of Cambodia.

According to Article 4 of the International Convention on World Cultural and Natural Heritage, the country that submits heritage profile to UNESCO, the heritage will belong to that country. As Cambodia submitted the temple profile to UNESCO, that temple belongs to Cambodia and Thai troops had to immediately withdraw from the area.

For China, their position and power are very strong at present. China's influence in the world is huge so it will be very easy for them to seek the recognition from the UNESCO because the principles and operation mechanisms of UNESCO is different from those of the UN Security Council. The principle adopted by UNESCO is "overwhelming majority," with "one vote - one country".

The latest evidence is on October 31, 2011. UNESCO voted to recognize Palestine as a full member of UNESCO, opening the way for the recognition of independent status for Palestine of the UN. Earlier, a number of countries, especially the United States and Israel, had opposed UNESCO, but with 107 votes in favor, 14 votes against and 52 abstentions, Palestine has officially become the 195th full member of UNESCO.

The United States Department of State announced to stop its funding for UNESCO (22% of the total annual funding of UNESCO). And some countries have declared to be ready to cover the amount (approximately $80 million/year), including China and Japan, as both countries want to "use" UNESCO to resolve disputes in a "most democratic, most peaceful and most progressive" way.

How has China implemented this “trick”?

According to the media at home and abroad, including Chinese sources, the Chinese have officially registered with the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO for consideration. What they are doing now is to consolidate the files! They started this plan very early but until now they have just disclosed a little information.

I think this is really "new moves on the East Sea" of China, after its deployment of the HD 981 oil rig in Vietnamese waters.

What do you think about China’s chance because Vietnam has a lot of historical and legal evidence on its sovereignty over Hoang Sa Archipelago (Paracel Islands) since the 16th-17th centuries?

If China submitted the Silk Road profile to the UNESCO, they have  prepared well for this. As I’ve said, with its current position and strength, China will be much more favorable at the UNESCO since UNESCO is a highly democratic organization.

Established before the United Nations, the precursor of UNESCO is the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation (1922-1946), which appeared shortly after the First World War, with many members as famous scientists, artists, journalists and educators. The purpose of this organization is "to contribute to the building of peace, the eradication of poverty, sustainable development and intercultural dialogue through education, the sciences, culture, communication and information".







In particular, UNESCO highlights the principle of democracy, equality and majority so even a superpower like the United States has only one vote like small countries as Laos or Brunei.

China's influence around the world today is huge. In Africa, China is the biggest investor, who holds the lifeblood of the local economies. In Asia, China is building its influence and soft power. Some European countries also depend on and are influenced by China. Even in Southeast Asia, according to a survey by the Pew Washington Research Institute (United States), 7 out of 11 member states of ASEAN support China.

At international forums and big events, and even at the US Congress, Chinese has invested big in lobbying to achieve their goals.

At UNESCO, the impact of China is increasing and it is now more powerful than many other powers. At the 8th Congress of the Unions of World UNESCO Associations host by Vietnam recently, China just needed one more vote to be elected as the Union’s chair.

With the democratic principle "one vote - on country", it is easy for China to lobby to have the Silk Road on the sea recognized as the world heritage by UNESCO.

It means that China is trying to take advantage of the UNESCO to have the "Silk Road on the Sea" being recognized as the world heritage, thereby indirectly assert its sovereignty in the East Sea?

Obviously! UNESCO must pay attention to the cultural heritage that needs protection. China can submit the heritage profile without mention the sovereignty or fake evidence for its sovereignty over the East Sea. UNESCO only notes the cultural aspects of the heritage and considers the profile based on Article 4 of the Convention which both China and Vietnam have signed.

If UNESCO approves the "Silk Road on the Sea" as a world heritage of China, Vietnam's sovereignty in the East Sea will be affected.

What should Vietnam do to defend its sovereignty and cope with China’s wicked trick?

Vietnam has no other way than the use of political, diplomatic and finally legal solutions.

Interviewer: Duy Chien

* Prof. Dr. Nguyen Tan Anh successfully defended his M.A.. and PhD thesis on UNESCO in Vietnam and the United States and has had many valuable studies related to UNESCO in the field of sustainable development.

According to Xinhua, the so-called "Sansha City" that China established illegally in 2012 on Vietnam’s Phu Lam Island in the Hoang Sa Archipelago launched conservation programs on the islands of Huu Nhat and Da Bac of Vietnam’s Hoang Sa Archipelago in early 2014. In addition, China has conducted archaeological exploration activities around Hoang Sa and has now extended that to Truong Sa Archipelago of Vietnam.