Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung said on Thursday that the National Council of Education and Human Resources Development must consult with the country's intellectuals to reform Viet Nam's education sector.


The PM noted that human resources remained a priority in Viet Nam's socio-economic development and global integration efforts.

The Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) is in the process of implementing a set of measures to improve the quality of the country's general education curriculum.

A programme to develop communication skills in foreign languages for students that differed from the old method that only focused on grammar and writing was underway, according to a report by the ministry.

The ministry said it would continue to push for education reforms with the support and involvement of labour experts and employers.

A draft version of the general education curriculum has been completed and published to receive input and feedback from the public.

In regards to the ongoing project to redesign and compile national textbooks, the ministry encouraged individuals and organisations to contribute or work independently on textbooks, which must be based on the general education curriculum. It would also start working on dual-language textbooks, which consisted of Vietnamese and several other ethnic groups' languages, as well as online textbooks.

The PM has instructed MOET to make information regarding the 2016's university and college exams available to the public as soon as possible. He said lessons must be learnt from this year's exams and changes must be made to help reduce the pressure on both students and parents, accurately reflect students' abilities and promote educational institutions' autonomy.