Edward Snowden

Update news Edward Snowden

Malala and Kailash Satyarthi win Nobel Peace Prize

 Pakistani child education activist Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthi, an Indian child rights campaigner, have jointly won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Norwegian lawmakers nominate Edward Snowden for Nobel Peace Prize

 Two Norwegian lawmakers have jointly nominated National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden for the Nobel Peace Prize, they said Wednesday on their party website.

Snowden offers to help Brazil in NSA inquiry, bolsters case for asylum

 Edward Snowden, the former contractor for the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), has offered to help Brazil investigate the extent of NSA's spying against the South American country in an open letter published Tuesday.

NSA tracks mobile phone locations worldwide: report

 The National Security Agency is collecting billions of records on the location of mobile phones around the world, The Washington Post reported, citing documents from US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden.

Merkel insists German-U.S. ties should not be put at risk

German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Monday stressed the importance of the German-U.S. alliance, adding that an ongoing debate on whether to grant Edward Snowden asylum must not hamper bilateral ties.

Edward Snowden given 'integrity in intelligence' award

 US fugitive Edward Snowden has been honored with a prize awarded annually by former CIA staff for exhibiting "integrity in intelligence," the group said.

Yahoo CEO fears defying NSA could mean prison

 Yahoo chief Marissa Mayer said she feared winding up in prison for treason if she refused to comply with US spy demands for data.

Wikileaks' Bradley Manning to be sentenced

 US Army Private Bradley Manning will be sentenced Wednesday for handing a mass of data to WikiLeaks in the biggest breach of official secrets in American history.

Putin says Snowden to leave Russia when opportunity emerges

 Fugitive U.S. spy agency contractor Edward Snowden will leave Russia when opportunity emerges, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Monday.

Russia not to decide Snowden's fate: diplomat

 Moscow will not influence the circumstances around Edward Snowden because the NSA leaker has not appealed for political asylum in Russia, a high-ranking diplomat said Thursday.

Obama, Merkel discuss concerns over US spy programs

 President Barack Obama spoke with German Chancellor Angela Merkel to address mounting European concerns about broad US surveillance programs.