On the morning of July 25, the memorial service for Secretary General Nguyen Phu Trong was held with great solemnity at the National Funeral Hall, 5 Tran Thanh Tong Street, Hanoi. Before delegations from the Party, State, ministries, and international guests paid their respects, the Secretary General's family conducted their own poignant ceremony.

Led by his widow, Ngo Thi Man, the family paid their respects amid the somber strains of "Hon Tu Si" (The Soul of the Martyrs). They offered incense and flowers with deep reverence. A floral tribute from the family bore the words, "From his wife and beloved children and grandchildren, with deepest sorrow."

As they slowly walked around the Secretary General’s casket, the grieving family, all wearing white mourning bands, could not hold back their tears.

The media and social networks have been filled with images and stories about the Secretary General and his family's life, evoking deep emotions among the public. Over the past few days, Mrs. Ngo Thi Man has received numerous messages of condolence from the Party, the State, citizens, and international friends.

In a handwritten letter to the Secretary General’s widow, the President of Laos expressed heartfelt condolences, stating, "Dear Mrs. Man, the people of Vietnam and many in Laos know Mr. Trong as a tireless servant of his country and people, dedicating his life until his last breath."

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A cherished moment of Secretary General Nguyen Phu Trong making traditional banh chung cakes with his family, featured in the book 'Building and Developing an Advanced Vietnamese Culture Rich in National Identity.
The Secretary General's family, led by his widow, Ngo Thi Man, paying respects at the memorial. 
Mrs. Ngo Thi Man, overwhelmed with grief, beside the casket of Secretary General Nguyen Phu Trong.
Mrs. Ngo Thi Man, and her children at the memorial service.
Tran Thuong - Pham Hai