
Update news improving

Offshore waste disposal laws need improving: experts

 VietNamNet Bridge – Vietnam’s laws on waste disposal at sea put the marine ecosystem, aquatic resources and people’s livelihoods under severe threat,

Unions demand better conditions

The minimum wage is too low for workers to survive on while social housing is inadequate and too expensive for them, trade unions told HCM City’s leaders at a meeting on Sunday.

Admin reforms will make nation more competitive

VietNamNet Bridge – Vuong Dinh Hue, Deputy PM and Head of the national steering committees on National Single Window and ASEAN Single Window, tells Hai Quan that admin reforms will target reaching ASEAN-4 levels

JICA supports improving hospital management

 VietNamNet Bridge – The HCM City-based Cho Ray Hospital and the Japan International Co-operation Agency (JICA) has signed a Record of Discussion for a project to improve hospital management competency in southern Viet Nam.

Tax reform too slow: official

VietNamNet Bridge – Deputy Director of the Department of Business Environment and Competitiveness of the Central Institute for Economic Management, Nguyen Minh Thao, spoke to the Hai Quan newspaper about Viet Nam’s tax and insurance reforms.

No excuse for bad decisions made by senior officials

Ho Xuan Hung, adviser to the National New Style Rural Development Programme, told newspaper Nong thon Ngay nay about some key factors leading to the VND10 trillion debt incurred during programme implementation.

Vietnam to issue health data books for pregnant women, children across country

 VietNamNet Bridge – Vietnam will use books to record pregnancy time, children and women health data across the country,

Political News Headlines 28/3

 Viet Nam looking to tap Spain partnership potential: President; PM Dung meets with Cuban NA President; US unveils five-year strategy; MRC to focus on cross-border co-operation

Ministry sets out quality standards for VN hospitals

VietNamNet Bridge – The Ministry of Health has for the first time issued the set of criteria to assess hospitals towards improving the quality of services provided and increase patients' satisfaction.