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Businesses sue state agencies for incompetence, harassment

 VietNamNet Bridge – More and more lawsuits, in which businesses are the plaintiffs and state management agencies the defendants, have been occurring in Vietnam.

State agencies admit it’s difficult to control private nursery schools

Though the quality of care service and meals are not commensurate with the high tuitions, parents still have to bring their children to private nursery schools because state owned schools have been overloaded.

Vietnam considers setting up a ministry to manage SOEs

State owned enterprises (SOEs) which have been heavily criticized for the ineffective operation, would be put under the management of a committee or a specific ministry instead of the governing ministries as currently.

State Bank tries to keep gold bidding price high?

VietNamNet Bridge – The high pricing policy allows preventing gold price fever attacks.

Vietnam pays heavy price for uncontrolled gold mobilization

For a long time, commercial banks absorbed in mobilizing gold and lending in gold, and selling the mobilized gold for money to lend for higher interest rates.

Gold price plunge makes investors puzzled

After the world’s gold price tumble and the heavy fluctuations of the domestic prices, the belief that gold is a safe shelter in the storm has become shaky.

SBV trades non-SJC gold, commercial banks make fat profit

The fact that the State Bank trades non-SJC bullion gold as per the newly issued Circular No. 06 has helped commercial banks make fat profits.

Gold price plummets, people get puzzled, bankers hit the jackpot

Experts say some bankers have “swept the board” thanks to a new policy laid down by the State Bank of Vietnam.

SBV more tightens gold market

Gold holders have been worried stiff on the news that only 99.99% SJC one-tael bullion gold to be made under the permission of the State Bank can be used in transactions.

Gold loans remain an obsession to banks, individuals

People have complained that they have nowhere to deposit gold. Banks have said they are meeting a trouble that they still cannot collect debts because the loans have yet come matured, while they have to stop mobilizing gold deposits by June 30, 2013.

HCM City wants to gather sensitive services into one zone to prevent prostitution

Given that the situation of prostitution in the city is very complicated, hiding in the form of barber shops, massage, traditional medicine, etc. HCM City has recommended gathering these sensitive business establishments in an area.

SBV's action to prevent banks’ gold speculation will help?

The State Bank of Vietnam has, for the first time in history, has set a cap on the commercial banks’ gold position, an action that aims to restrict the gold speculation.

The policies which died as soon as they were brought to life

VietNamNet Bridge – A lot of great ideas were initiated by watchdog agencies in 2012. However, many of them died prematurely because they faced the strong opposition from the public.

Big guys fall into the “overheating growth trap”

The biggest blunder made by Mai Linh, Thai Hoa, TNG or HQC, the giants in their business fields, was that they were burning to make investments to expand business. The overly hot development has made them lose control and fall into the default.

Gold still hot though banks stopped accepting gold deposits

Commercial banks had to stop mobilizing capital in gold and lending in gold on November 25, as per a decision by the State Bank of Vietnam. However, contrary to all predictions, the gold price has soared.