VietNamNet Bridge – Many universities are facing difficulties in enrolling disabled students following a recently-issued regulation on special incentives for these candidates.


Disabled students get enrollment priority




Circular 42, jointly issued by the Ministries of Education and Training; Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs and Finance, stipulates that candidates with serious disabilities should be provided with priority admittance to universities and colleges beginning in the upcoming school year.  

While schools find it difficult to implement these policies, disabled students are not universally happy with the news either.

Universities claim that the concept of disability is still unclear in the country as no agency provides certification for this status.

Co Tan Anh Vu, head of the HCM City University of Transport’s Training Department, proposed that the Ministry of Education and Training issues detailed guidlines for the implementation of the regulation.

Meanwhile, Lu Thi Anh Loan, deputy director of the Disability Research and Development Center (DRD), and who is disabled, said many disabled students are embarrassed by the regulation.

“Enrollment priority makes disabled students feel less proud on being admitted to a university,” Loan commented. According to her, some disabled students even think of it as a type of discrimination.

Shen went on to say that incentive policies including the exemption of some subjects unsuitable for disabled people, providing scholarships, means of transport and learning equipment as well as extended enrollment ages are really good for disabled students. However, priority enrollment should be reconsidered.

Source: DTriNews