
Update news EVNTelecom

Viettel returns low bandwidth to MIC

 VietNamNet Bridge – Viettel corporation has decided to return a 450 MHz bandwidth, previously used by EVN Telecom, to the Ministry of Information and Communication (MIC) for them to manage.

PVN, EVN face ban on non-core investment

 VietNamNet Bridge – Vietnam Electricity Group (EVN) and Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (PVN) will be banned from investing in real estate, banking, insurance and stock market, said the Ministry of Finance.

VTC telecom licence revoked for Delays

 VietNamNet Bridge – The Ministry of Information and Communications signed its decision to revoke a telecom licence for the Viet Nam Multimedia Corporation (VTC) on Tuesday.

Final virtual mobile network faces the axe

VietNamNet Bridge – The Ministry of Information and Communications is going to revoke the virtual mobile network license of Vietnam Multimedia Corp. as the firm failed to launch service within the scheduled time limit,

Tough year for mobile telecom industry

VietNamNet Bridge – Tough competition plus saturated demand in the local mobile telecom industry forced many firms to either pull out of Vietnam or to make offshore investments last year.

Telecoms industry to experience shake up

 VietNamNet Bridge – Telecommunications companies will be restructured this year to ensure that there are only three or four healthy companies in the market.