VietNamNet Bridge - The American billionaire has just posted on his facebook a picture of an electric pole in Vietnam and his comment showing the worry about the increasing energy demand in developing countries, particularly Vietnam.


The picture featuring a pole with bunches of electric wires and the status: “Energy demand in Vietnam is growing by up to 14 percent a year. This is putting its old power grid under considerable strain. How will countries like Vietnam tackle the growing demand? Touch decisions lie ahead.”

Bill Gates’ photo and comment has received the attention of the online community in the world and Vietnam.

For the international Facebooker community, the photo on Bill Gates’ page is a rather odd thing. A lot of people said that this scene is no different from "webs" and it is dangerous. However, there are many opinions confirming that this status is not only in Vietnam but also in other countries such as Brazil and the Philippines.

In Vietnam, such image is very familiar. Each pole not only burden power lines but the phone lines, advertising banners, unused capacitors, etc.















 An electric pole near the Hanoi Cathedral.






 People in Quan Tho 1 alley on Ton Duc Thang Road make use of the power line to dry clothes.






In Hang Bac Street, the electric wires are utilized to hang bird cages.




In the old dormitories, electric wires and water pipes are intertwined.





People hang everything on the power lines and water pipers.





Many streets do not have any trees but only electric poles and sagging wires.





Tangled power grids like webs.





On Kham Thien Street.






On Nguyen Du Street.








Compiled by M. Lan

Photo: VNE