Federal Reserve

Update news Federal Reserve

Federal Reserve raises interest rates again

The US Federal Reserve has raised interest rates again. Officials increased the target for the bank's benchmark rate by 0.25%, to a range of 2%-2.25%. A majority of members also said they expect another rise before the end of the year.

US interest rates left unchanged by Federal Reserve

 The US central bank has decided not to raise interest rates, keeping them at the same level they have been at since December 2008.

US economy expanded between April and May says Federal Reserve

 The US Federal Reserve said the economy grew between April and May in its latest assessment of the economy, rebounding from a contraction in the first quarter.

US stocks lose all gains made in 2015

 Shares in the US fell sharply on Tuesday, as investors fretted that the Federal Reserve could raise interest rates earlier than expected.

Federal Reserve delays parts of Volcker rule until 2017

 The US Federal Reserve has given Wall Street banks even more time to comply with parts of the Volcker Rule, a key provision of the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform bill.

U.S. Senate confirms Yellen as Fed's next chair

 U.S. Senate on Monday confirmed Janet Yellen as the next head of the Federal Reserve, to replace the outgoing Fed chairman Ben Bernanke whose term ends at the end of this month.

US Federal Reserve pulls back on stimulus effort

 The US Federal Reserve has announced a slowdown in its effort to boost the US economy.

Brighter data points to Fed taper ahead of jobs report

 The Federal Reserve looks increasingly poised to start tapering its massive bond-buying program after economic data pointing to an improving job market, the central bank's top priority, economists said.