Do you think it is suitable for women to be disc jockeys? Does the society still have reservations about it?

The society's perception about female DJs cannot be changed at present because, unlike in developed countries, the Vietnamese people have not been open-minded. I think one of the reasons is that DJs have to work in complicated environments.




It is said that "your work environment shapes your personal character and lifestyle". I'm proud of my image among my audience as it has been devoid of any scandal over the past years.

Did your family support your decision to become a DJ?

I think it's been my fate. I have to say that I became a DJ only for one reason - money, not passion. This is a fact I have never revealed.

I decided to pursue this job when my family was going through the worst time. My family was bankrupt and my parents divorced. It devastated my brother and me. Our studies were disrupted, and we were homeless. When you are in reduced circumstances, passion means nothing because you have to survive.

Eight years ago, an established DJ could earn over US$1,000 per month. It was a dream for many people and I was no exception.

I wanted to earn a lot of money to help my family. In addition, DJ-ing has been one of my hobbies.

However, it took time to convince my family. My mother was very worried because she thought I would become a bad girl if I worked in such complicated environments.

Another reason was that my family had no money to finance my course in DJ-ing. So, for my training I had to borrow money and use a small sum that I had saved earlier.

The initial phase was full of challenges. Once all financial issues were solved, my family supported me. They placed their trust in me. I have never been defeated by difficulties and I have always managed to stay away from temptations.

I was troubled by the hardships that my mother had to suffer. Luckily, it's all over now and I'm just focusing on developing my career within and outside Viet Nam.

Did you state "you are the best female DJ in Viet Nam"? What makes you confident to say that?

Yes, I did. I don't care what people think about my saying that because it is true. I'm a good girl, and my family and my friends know that. That's enough for me. I always come back home right after work. I think there are two sides to my personality. I'm very enthusiastic at work but I'm calm in life. It's good for me to maintain that balance.

Sometimes I'm very instinctive and that causes misunderstandings among people.

What would you say to young women who want to become DJs?

DJ-ing is in high demand, luring more and more young people to it. But many of them are curious and think that being a DJ is trendy.

I want to tell young people that what they need most in this job is passion. Another important factor is that they have to try their best and keep themselves away from temptations, as well as maintain a positive image among audiences.

There is fierce competition in the entertainment industry. In a complicated environment, they should remain truthful, and focus on talent and hard work, not envy.

In Viet Nam, the job offers huge potential to both men and women. This job has given me opportunities that I had dreamed of in the past. I have travelled to many countries in Asia and Europe for performances. If I had a desk job, I would not have had the chance to travel so much.

You had a live show that has so far been the first one to be organised by a DJ. Why did you decide to organise this show?

I have not been popular enough because I never focused on public relations. In addition, I didn't want my image and my activities to become hot news in the mass media.

However, I'm still among the most wanted DJs and my salary is one of the top in the industry. I want people to change their perception about female DJs. I don't like talking much, so live shows are the best way to prove my professional credentials.

I hope my live show will encourage other female DJs to organise their own shows.

DJ-ing no longer has age restrictions. What do you think?

I'm an honest DJ. My priority at the moment is my career. I'll play music until my audiences support me. However, I have limited the number of shows to take care of my health and beauty. I go to bed early if I don't have a show. I'm afraid of becoming ugly.

Previously, I worked five nights a week, but now, I have shows only during weekends, either in the country or abroad. I'm also a model and an actress. Also, with a newly launched coffee shop in HCM City, I'm very busy at present.

I'll probably open a school for aspiring DJs.