VietNamNet Bridge – Using transparent materials, futuristic inspiration, and salient vignettes are among trends that many designers pursue.

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1. Striking patterns



Following the striking vignette trend, some designers used 3D printing techniques to create the personality for their outfits. Claire Cornille from the Atelier Chardon Savard group (France) used tropical fruit motifs while Roj Singhakul from Thailand applied rose motifs on  a black and white background.

Designer Adrian Anh Tuan of Vietnam uses butterfly motifs, while Chung Thanh Phong loves street motifs and Somarta with abstract motifs.

2. Futurism inspiration



The costumes inspired by futurism with cube shapes are one of the prominent fashion trends at the first Vietnam International Fashion Week 2014. The collections by Cong Tri (Vietnam), Frederick Lee (Singapore) and On Aura Tout Vu from France follow this trend.

3. Transparent materials



If the costumes pursuing the two trends above are suitable for party outfits, the designs using transparent materials better fit daily life. The popular materials are chiffon and silk. The audience can see this trends in designs by Lam Li and Hoang Hai.

4. 3D motifs


Creating 3D motifs is one of the techniques requiring high skills. Le Thanh Hoa, Thanh Nga, Ly Giam Tien and Hoang Minh Ha from Vietnam follow this trend.

5. Costumes in red, black and white colors



To create the highlights for the three familiar colors, designers chose new materials such as plastic, organza and others.

Tsolo Munkh (Mongolia), Defined Moment, Songzio (South Korea), Issue, Hoang Minh Ha, Ly Giam Tien and Cong Tri are faithful to these basic colors.