Four hospitalised after boat explodes in Hai Phong

An explosion in a tugboat in Hai Phong City on Sunday left four people injured with critical burns.


The Pha Rung boat building company in Hai Phong City where a tugboat exploded on Sunday, leaving four people with serious burns. — Photo: VNN

Thuy Nguyen District People’s Committee Chairman, Bui Van Vi, on Monday confirmed the incident occurred at the Pha Rung boat building company in Minh Duc Township.

At around 4pm on Sunday, two tugboats, Pha Rung 03 and Pha Rung 01, were towing a ship to a repair site. Pha Rung 03 suddenly exploded, and the flames quickly spread over the boat’s head.

Four crew members on board at the time, including captain Mai Xuan Truong, a mechanic Truong Tan Minh and two sailors Nguyen Van Tam and Nguyen Thanh Trung, jumped off the boat into the water, and were later rescued by other boats nearby.

They managed to survive but were badly burnt.

Minh was rushed to the local Viet Tiep Hospital, while the other three were taken to Thuy Nguyen District Hospital.

All of them, however, had to be transported to the National Institute of Burns in Ha Noi as their condition had worsened.

The police are investigating the case.

Waves wash away two brothers in Quang Ngai

Massive waves have washed away two brothers in the central province of Quang Ngai. The body of one boy remains missing.


Search for the nine-year-old is underway. — Photo

People’s Committee Chairman Bui Trang of Binh Hai Commune, where brothers Cao Chang Bin, 11, and Cao Van Quoc Tinh, 9, resided, confirmed the incident on Monday morning.

According to Trang, the victims went to play in a sunken ship off the seashore of their village of Phuoc Thien on Sunday afternoon. Sudden strong waves, however, engulfed the two, carrying them into the sea.

Residents who noticed the accident rushed to rescue the boys but were only able to bring back the body of the elder brother.

Search is underway for the missing Tinh, Trang said. 

Source: VNS