Four more vaccines to be added to Expanded Immunization Program for 2021-2030 period ảnh 1

Four additional vaccines included in the program from 2022 are a vaccine against Rotavirus, a vaccine against pneumococcal disease from 2025, a vaccine against cervical cancer from 2026, and a vaccine against seasonal flu from 2030.

In the resolution, the Government agreed with the Ministry of Health’s roadmap to increase the number of vaccines in the Expanded Immunization Program for the 2021-2030 period.

According to the Ministry’s proposal, the vaccine against Rotavirus will be included in the program from 2022, a vaccine against pneumococcal disease in 2025, a vaccine against cervical cancer in 2026, and a vaccine against seasonal flu from 2030.

The resolution clearly stated the scope and number of beneficiaries as proposed by the Ministry of Health. In the case of mobilizing domestic aid and support, or supplementing with the state budget, the Ministry of Health may decide whether this roadmap can be implemented sooner.

The Government has agreed to allow provinces and cities capable of balancing their local budgets to purchase vaccines against cervical cancer if they can access preferential prices for high-risk groups in addition to the program from 2022 to 2025 with the aim to encourage people to participate in vaccination against diseases.

Regarding funding sources for implementation, the State Budget ensures funding to buy vaccines according to the roadmap. The local budget shall allocate funds to organize the implementation of vaccination in the locality in addition to aid, sponsorship, support of domestic and foreign organizations and individuals, and other lawful capital sources or voluntary payment of organizations and individuals.

The Government requested the Ministry of Health to coordinate with relevant ministries and agencies to implement the roadmap to increase the number of vaccines in the Expanded Immunization Program for the 2022 - 2030 period according to regulations.

The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Planning and Investment shall arrange funds to buy vaccines according to the schedule of increasing vaccines in the Expanded Immunization Program, people's committees in provinces and cities can use local budgets to purchase licensed vaccines to be added to the Expanded Immunization Program for the period 2022 - 2030 and organize vaccination rollout.

Municipal and provincial people's committees that are capable of balancing local budgets shall coordinate with the Ministry of Health or domestic and foreign organizations and individuals to purchase cervical cancer vaccines licensed by the Ministry of Health for immunization of high-risk groups in addition to the vaccines available in the expanded immunization program.

Source: SGGP