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The information released by the four companies says the products will be completely made by Vietnamese, from research, design and hardware manufacturing to software solution development. 

The ‘MK Networks’ brand includes access layer devices, core layer devices, channel encryption system, one-way data security system and others, to be manufactured with the most advanced technologies. 

The products will help ensure safety and cybersecurity of information systems, with integrated features such as automatic prevention of toxic connections with malware, firewalls, VPNs (virtual private networks), and early discovery of attacks. 

The new network equipment will utilize the smart management model ‘Cloud-Native’, allowing network administrators to manage and set configuration for many devices.

The concentrated management with ‘Cloud-Native’ will also help agencies and units regulate and administer systems conveniently. It will be different from the current distributed management model.

In addition, Make in Vietnam network equipment will be integrated with many advanced features to ensure information safety and security, and help cut costs and resources for information system governing bodies. 

MK Group President Nguyen Trong Khang stressed that the goal of the cooperation and research and development of MK Networks equipment is helping Vietnamese companies master technology. At the same time, it will contribute to realizing the vision of turning Vietnam into a self-reliant country in cybersafety and security to protect Vietnam's prosperity in cyberspace by 2030.

This is the first time that four Vietnamese firms have cooperated to research and develop cybersecurity equipment and solutions for government, state agencies and enterprises.

All four companies hold advantages in manufacturing hardware equipment, developing software and solutions for cybersecurity, and providing comprehensive security ecosystem.

“The cooperation among Vietnamese firms will create strength to make high-quality products to serve demand from domestic agencies and units, and to replace foreign made equipment,” Khang said.

Vietnam is pushing forward with development of digital government, digital economy and digital society. During the process, ensuring cybersecurity is the key factor to success and sustainable development. It is an indispensable part of digital transformation.

The national strategy on ensuring safety and cybersecurity by 2025 calls for Vietnam to develop Make in Vietnam technologies and products, and develop an excellent workforce in order to become an independent country in cybersecurity.

Trong Dat