The Francophone Parliamentary Assembly (APF) has recently adopted a resolution calling on concerned parties to respect international law to ensure peace and security in the East Sea.

The Resolution expressed concern about the current tensions between China and Vietnam after China illegally towed its drilling platform Haiyang Shiyou -981 in Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and continental shelf.

 It says the tense situation can seriously threaten peace, stability and security of sea and air routes in the East Sea. The APF acknowledged Vietnam’s efforts to seek a peaceful solution to disputes through dialogues in line with national and international law. It also supports Vietnam’s proposal for negotiations with China and urges all sides to refrain.

The APF asked concerned parties not to complicate the situation, avoid the use of force or threat to use of force, respect international law, especially the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) in which China and Vietnam are signatories.

It also supports Vietnam and other countries involved in peaceful settlement of disputes and initiatives of the Francophone community to restore peace and stability in the region. The APF also requested China and ASEAN to contribute to resolving the dispute comprehensively, fully implement the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC) and work towards a Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC).

The Resolution calls on the international community, especially the Francophone one to reinforce solidarity to ensure that international law is respected and peace and security are guaranteed while encouraging Francophone members to propose initiatives to help address the current tensions in the East Sea.

The APF Resolution has received strong support from many French parliamentarians.