Khương Kim Tạo, former deputy chief of the National Traffic Safety Committee. Photo

Hà Nội’s Department of Transport has proposed offering free public transport services for people during four major holidays, including New Year's Day, Lunar New Year, Reunification Day and International Workers' Day on April 30 and May 1, as well as National Day on September 2. Khương Kim Tạo, former deputy chief of the National Traffic Safety Committee, spoke to Voice of Vietnam (VOV) about the proposal.

Buses are currently free for meritorious people, people with disabilities, people over 60, children under six, and city residents in poverty. In the near future, the city may provide other free transportation services, including bus rapid transit (BRT) tickets, open-topped double-decker bus tour tickets, and metro tickets for all residents on major holidays. How do you evaluate this proposal?

I must say that Hà Nội's plan to provide free public transport services for passengers during big holidays is very good initiative. This is an opportunity for us to promote the public transportation system of the capital city, which currently includes modern types of transportation that meet international standards, such as metro lines and eco-friendly buses.

This not only demonstrates significant progress in public transportation, but also shows appreciation to passengers. Based on this, the city can listen to the passengers' desires to implement better public transportation planning. I believe this is a very good policy.

What is your evaluation of the benefits free public transportation will bring?

Of course, there will be some financial implications, but from a social problem-solving perspective, I believe it's reasonable. It will help promote the city’s image and encourage passengers to use public transportation.

The benefits gained are much greater than the costs incurred. Firstly, it enhances the image of public transportation in the capital city. Secondly, it may lead to increased overall usage of buses and trains, generating more revenue. And the biggest benefit is that we gradually change people's perceptions about public transportation, thereby promoting the reduction of personal vehicles, reducing environmental pollution, and contributing to building a civilised, modern, green, clean and beautiful city.

Buses are currently easily accessible. However, BRT and metro lines remain limited. What are your expectations for future public transportation services?

To develop public transportation, we must establish a network instead of developing isolated routes. Currently, we have only one urban railway line, and we will soon have the second one of Nhổn – Hà Nội Station.

We need a policy to develop the public transportation network, with buses being the backbone. More time is needed to complete the metro line network.

In our planning, we still have a variety of transportation options. Currently, we only have one BRT line, which hasn't been very effective.

To ensure public transportation can meet the people's needs in the future, we need to plan the bus network, including BRT services, small buses, regular buses, and other modes of transport including taxis. We need to improve infrastructure to better serve the people.

For roads that meet the requirements, we should expand bus lanes, prioritise additional lanes for rapid buses, and connect bus-exclusive areas with other areas for electric bicycles and public bicycles. Only when the service is good and convenient will people choose to use it. — VNS