By October 20, the total new FDI, including new projects, capital adjustments by existing projects and capital contributions, had amounted to over US$25.76 billion, up 14.7% year-on-year.

New projects contributed significantly to this rise. FIA data showed there had been 2,608 new projects worth over US$15.29 billion approved in the year to October 20, up 54% year-on-year.

FDI disbursements had reached an estimated US$18 billion, a 2.4% increase versus the same period in 2022.

The manufacturing and processing industry had attracted the most FDI, accounting for nearly US$18.84 billion, or 73.1% of the total. This represents a 45.8% surge compared to the previous year.

However, while the number of projects registering for capital adjustment had risen by 19.4% to 1,051, the additional capital garnered had reached over US$5.33 billion, a 39% year-on-year decrease.

Further data showed a decline in stake acquisitions by foreign investors, with 2,836 transactions reported, a 5.4% drop from the year prior. Yet, the total capital from these stake purchases surged 35.4% year-on-year to more than US5.13 billion.

The real estate sector had secured the second-highest investment, with nearly US$2.14 billion, despite a 44.8% decrease over the same period in 2022.

Financial services, followed by the wholesale and retail sectors, had attracted investments of some US$1.54 billion and almost US$907 million, respectively.

From January to October, Vietnam has received investments from 108 countries and territories. Singapore is the top investor, with almost US$4.65 billion, though it fell 13% versus the same period in 2022. South Korea and Hong Kong follows with US$3.93 billion and US$3.54 billion in investments, respectively.

Quang Ninh Province had emerged as a major FDI recipient, with close to US$3.09 billion, surging by 41.3% year-on-year.

Source: Saigon Times