Vietnam always backs German investors

National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung has told German businesses that Vietnam is improving its investment environment to create all favourable conditions for them to undertake long-term and effective operations in the country, especially in the fields Germany holds technological advantages such as equipment manufacturing, industry, health, energy and chemicals.

The Vietnamese leader made the remarks at a meeting with leaders of several big German groups when he arrived in Frankfurt city on March 12, beginning his official visit to the country at the invitation of President of the German Bundestag (Parliament) Norbert Lammert.

NA Chairman Hung said that the Vietnam-Germany strategic partnership has been developing strongly and gaining achievements in all fields. Germany is now Vietnam’s biggest trading partner in the European Union, with bilateral trade hitting nearly 6 billion USD in 2012.

He highly valued the role and presence of Germany's leading businesses in Vietnam, and asked their leaders to boost investment promotion and cooperation with the Vietnamese side.

The same day, the NA leader and his entourage visited the Vietnamese Consulate General and met with representatives of the Vietnamese community in Frankfurt.

Reporting on Vietnam’s political and socio-economic situation, and the tasks to reform the NA’s operations, Hung affirmed that the Party and State’s policies on national solidarity always creates favourable conditions for overseas Vietnamese to enjoy a stable life abroad, and help the community maintain and promote national cultural characteristics.

He stressed the importance of collecting people’s opinions on the draft amendments to the 1992 Constitution and the amended Land Law draft. He asked Vietnam’s diplomatic missions and Vietnamese people in Frankfurt and Germany to actively express their opinions to contribute to the establishment of a Constitution that meets people’s expectations.

Canada treasures Vietnam’s role, position

Canada always attaches importance to the role and position of Vietnam in its diplomatic strategy, said visiting Canadian Foreign Minister John R. Baird at a meeting with President Truong Tan Sang in Hanoi on March 12.


President Truong Tan Sang (right) receives Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs John R. Baird at the Presidential Palace in Ha Noi. (Photo: VNS)

Canada is paying much attention to Southeast Asian countries, including Vietnam, due to their dynamic international integration and the cooperation potential between nations in the region, added Baird.

He affirmed the hope of Canadian organisations and businesses to continue strengthening investment and expanding their operations in Vietnam. He also expressed his hope to enhance the two countries’ relations both bilaterally and multilaterally.

At the meeting, President Sang hailed Baird’s visit, which takes place at a time when the two countries are celebrating their 40th anniversary of diplomatic ties. He highly valued the two countries’ ties at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, Francophone and Trans-Pacific Partnership forums.

The president affirmed that Vietnam always treasures cooperation with Canada, saying that he hopes the two countries will continue promoting this relationship on the basis of the long-term, stable and comprehensive partnership.

The Vietnamese State leader suggested the two sides hold regular high-level exchanges and boost trade at a sustainable pace.

He expressed his hope that the Canadian Government will continue to create favourable conditions for the Vietnamese community to integrate into the country, contributing to the development of Canada and bilateral ties.

Also on March 12, the Canadian Foreign Minister held talks with his Vietnamese counterpart Pham Binh Minh.

The two sides agreed to make every effort to boost bilateral multi-faceted cooperation, especially in economics-trade-investment, science-technology, and education-training, as well as support each other at multilateral forums.

Minh spoke highly of the Canadian Government’s decision to keep Vietnam on the list of 20 countries that receive priority official development assistant (ODA).

He asked the Canadian Government to further open its market to Vietnamese products, recognise Vietnam’s market economy status, extend the Generalised System of Preferences (GSP) for Vietnam, and support Vietnam’s IDA (International Development Association) loans from the World Bank.

The guest affirmed his willingness to work with the Vietnamese side to prepare for President Sang’s tour to Canada later this year, and invited Minh to visit his country at an appropriate time.

Prime Minister attends 6th CLMV Summit

Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam (CLMV) need to accelerate regional integration, consolidate and improve their role in regional and global production chains, and narrow the development gap between them and other ASEAN countries, said Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung on March 12.

PM Dung made the remarks at the 6th CLMV Summit in Vientiane, which was chaired by Lao Prime Minister Thongsing Thammavong, and also attended by Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, Myanmar Vice President Mauk Kham and ASEAN Secretary General Le Luong Minh.

Dung affirmed the Vietnamese Government’s strong commitment to CLMV cooperation and said he hoped the four countries’ governments continue working closely to implement cooperation programmes in the time to come.

Each country needs to strive for the improvement of the investment-business environment, and strictly follow signed agreements and commitments on trade and investment within bilateral and multilateral frameworks, he said. Priority should be given to human resource training and cooperation with international organisations and development partners, he added.

At the event, CLMV leaders stressed their commitment to strengthening the traditional friendship and common benefits between the four countries.

They reviewed projects and action programmes implemented since the 5th CLMV Summit in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, in 2010, and discussed future cooperation orientations to narrow the development gap between the four countries and other ASEAN members to build an ASEAN Community by 2015.

Leaders hailed the efforts of CLMV economic ministers to fulfil most of the cooperation projects in the 2011-2012 CLMV Action Plan, and efforts of tourism ministers to build a common tourism strategy for the 2013-2015 period, as well as successes in trade-investment cooperation, including the implementation of the “One door – One stop” model at the Lao Bao (Vietnam) – Densavan (Laos) international border gate.

Leaders at the summit expressed their thanks to the Vietnamese Government for its scholarships and support in vocational training and human resource development to Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar.

In the time to come, the four countries will focus on intensifying cooperation in trade, investment and tourism, and timely implement the ASEAN Community’s establishment roadmap and the ASEAN master plan on connectivity to accelerate integration with in the association. They will develop transport links among the four countries and make the full use of regional corridors, including the East-West Economic Corridor, the North-South Corridor and the South Corridor, as well as speed up the implementation of a multilateral agreement on aviation services.

The next CLMV Summit will be held in Myanmar in 2014.

7th summit of CLV development triangle opens

The 7th summit of the Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam (CLV) Development Triangle was held in Vientiane on March 12 under the chairmanship of Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung.

Lao Prime Minister Thongsing Thammavong and Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, as well as representatives from the three countries’ ministries and branches also attended the meeting.

Addressing the gathering, the three government leaders appreciated the efforts made by the triangle’s 13 provinces in socio-economic development, especially during a period that the world and the region are facing many economic difficulties.

They expressed determination to continue fostering comprehensive cooperation relations on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, and for the prosperity of each country.

At the meeting, Vietnamese Minister of Planning and Investment Bui Quang Vinh, who heads the Joint Coordination Committee for the CLV Development Triangle, presented a report on its results.

The implementation of the adjusted socio-economic development master plan for the Development Triangle area in the 2010-2020 period, and the Memorandum of Understanding on special preferential policies for the Development Triangle Area were highlighted in Vinh’s report.

The report proposed a number of measures to enhance cooperation and attract more investment into the region.

Based on opinions discussed at the meeting, PM Dung asked the joint committee to focus on implementing nine tasks, aimed at strengthening cooperation, increasing investment and trade, boosting socio-economic development and improving living standards for people in the region.

At the end of the summit, prime ministers of the three countries signed a joint statement, affirming their commitment to improve living standards of people in the triangle’s 13 provinces and turn the area into a typical example of success in regional cooperation.

President hails contributions of Japanese MPs

President Truong Tan Sang on March 12 appreciated the Japan–Vietnam Friendship Parliamentarian Alliance’s contributions to the development of diplomatic ties between the two countries.

At a meeting in Hanoi with Takebe Tsutomu, former president of the alliance, Sang said he hopes that the Japanese guest, who is now the alliance’s senior adviser, continues contributing to the bilateral ties.

Vietnam and Japan still have potential for cooperation in many fields, he said, adding that Takebe’s visit, which coincides with the 40th anniversary of diplomatic ties between the two countries in 2013, is also a chance for the two sides to review and enhance diplomatic relationship to a higher level.

Takebe, who is leading a delegation visiting Vietnam, said that as the alliance’s adviser, he hopes that a Japanese university will be built in Vietnam in order to train the country’s human resources and help boost the relationship between the two nations.

Congratulations to Chinese front leader

Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee Huynh Dam on March 12 sent his congratulations to Yu Zhengsheng on his election as Chairman of the 12th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).

PM holds talks with Lao leader

Vietnam’s Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung on March 12 held talks with Lao Party General Secretary cum President Choummaly Sayasone on the sidelines of the ongoing regional cooperation summits in Laos.

Dung affirmed that the Party, State, Government and people of Vietnam always stand side by side with Laos, wishing a prosperous development for the host country and a happy life for its people.

The Vietnamese Government will instruct relevant ministries, agencies and localities to actively join hands with their counterparts to implement the agreements reached by leaders of both countries, so as to create obvious improvements in the bilateral cooperation in economy, trade and investment, Dung said.

The Vietnamese leader congratulated the Lao people on their achievements on internal and international affairs under the sound leadership of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party, which help lift up Lao position and prestige in the regional and international arena.

For his part, Choummaly Sayasone thanked the Vietnamese side for the close coordination and spoke highly of the country’s role in those summits.

He expressed delight at the further development in the bilateral ties and highly valued the practical activities jointly held by the two sides to mark the Vietnam-Laos, Laos-Vietnam 2012 Friendship and Solidarity Year which helps the two peoples, especially the youth, gain more profound understanding on the two counties’ ties.

The same day, Prime Minister Dung also met with his Cambodian counterpart Hun Sen.

During these talks, leaders of the three countries agreed on ensuring the environment and security of the Mekong River’s water. They also agreed to continue coordinating and supporting the common stance of ASEAN as stated in the six-point principles on the East Sea.