President calls for greater US trade co-operation

President Truong Tan Sang yesterday, July 24, asked the US to remove any barriers preventing Vietnamese goods from entering the country during a meeting with US Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker and Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack.

Sang met the pair as part of his ongoing three-day visit to the US.

During the encounter, he emphasised that the future Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) must take into account the differences in the development levels of member countries.

The president received assurances that the US would speed up TPP negotiations and praise was offered for the progress so far. Vilsack said the US would further help Viet Nam develop human resources and agricultural training.

Sang declared that commerce and trade are the vital to US-Viet Nam bilateral relations, and requested that all effort is undertaken to ensure that the rights of Vietnamese workers and companies are protected.

The Vietnamese leader stressed that cases of price dumping had negatively affected millions of Vietnamese farmers and the country's efforts in poverty reduction.

He also asked the US to soon recognise Viet Nam's market economy status.

Sang is scheduled to meet US President Barack Obama later during the trip.

NA Chairman visits Myanmar to discuss deepening partnership

National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung has called for further cooperation between Viet Nam and Myanmar in an effort to boost two-way trade to US$500 million in the next few years.


NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung (left) poses for photographs with Myanmar President U Thein Sein yesterday, July 24.


Talking with Myanmar President U Thein Sein yesterday, July 24, Hung asked for preferable conditions for Vietnamese investors, including the streamlining of project licenses in telecommunication, shipbuilding, mineral processing and agriculture. He pledged that Viet Nam would reciprocate with investors from Myanmar under the plan.

President Thein Sein spoke highly of the achievements of both governments, requesting a continuation of existing agreements and fostering deeper relations to promote peace and regional security.

The Vietnamese National Assembly Chairman's other important discussions were held including with Myanmar's upper house speaker, Khin Aung Myint, and lower house speaker Thura Shwe Mann.

Praising Myanmar for its recent entry to the ASEAN Inter Parliamentary Assembly, Hung also took the opportunity to thank Myanmar's parliament for supporting Viet Nam's bid to host the 132nd Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU-132), scheduled for 2015.

Signing an agreement to increase legislative cooperation between the two countries, Shwe Mann applauded the visit, highlighting the first-ever agreement between the two legislative bodies as it provided a good foundation for future effective engagements.

Vice NA Chairman visits Indonesia to boost ties

Vice National Assembly Chairman Huynh Ngoc Son paid a visit to Indonesia on July 23 with the aim of strengthening and consolidating the traditional relationship between the two countries’ legislative bodies and people.

During his talks with Deputy Speaker of Indonesian House of Representatives Promono Anung Wibowo, the two sides stressed the necessity to strengthen cooperation between the two legislative bodies in a closer and practical manner in line with the two countries’ strategic partnership which was reached during the Indonesia’s visit by Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang late last month.

Son said the establishment of the Vietnam-Indonesia strategic partnership demonstrated a great leap in the two countries’ relations since they established their diplomatic ties in 1955 and the result of the two sides’ efforts to foster the comprehensive partnership over the past 10 years.

At the same time, it will serve as a driving force to lift bilateral cooperation to a new height, for the sake of the interest of the two peoples as well as contributing to peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and the world, he affirmed.

The Vietnamese NA Vice Chairman suggested that the two sides increase the exchange of high-ranking delegations and establish friendship parliamentarian groups to further enhance cooperation between the two countries’ legislative bodies.

He said Vietnam highly values Indonesian stance and role regarding the East Sea issue and proposed that the two countries work closely to raise ASEAN common voice on the basis of principles specified in the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), the ASE AN six-point principle on the East Sea and the ASE AN-China Declaration on the occasion of 10 years anniversary of DOC and advance the building of the Code of Conduct of Parties on the East Sea (COC).

NA Vice Chairman Son reaffirmed Vietnam’s stance on resolving the East Sea issue by peaceful means without the use of force or threat to use force.

The country also respects international law, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, seriously implement the DOC as well as the ASEAN 6-point principle on the East Sea, looking towards the building of the Code of Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (COC), he added.

The Vietnamese official expressed his hope that Indonesia will continue to work with Vietnam to deal with issues relating to Vietnamese fishermen and fishing vessels in a humanitarian and friendly spirit.

For his part, the Indonesian Vice NA Chairman affirmed Indonesia shares Vietnam’s stance on the East Sea issue, stressing that instable and insecure situation in the area will affect regional countries as well as other regions in the world.

He also agreed with Son’s suggestions regarding bilateral cooperation between the two countries, peoples and legislative bodies, saying that Indonesia will soon set up the Indonesia-Vietnam Friendship Association.

During his visit, Son also paid a cordial visit to Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa, during which the host said that the Indonesia-Vietnam Friendship Association is expected to make debut prior to APEC Summit in Bali this October.

The Vietnamese delegation is scheduled to visit Malaysia on July 24 and then go on to Singapore.

Viet Nam steps up ties with Haiti

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung yesterday, July 24, met with Haiti's visiting Minister of Economics and Finance and Industry and Trade, Wilson Laleau.

During their meeting, Dung confirmed Viet Nam's willingness to share its experiences in socio-economic development with Haiti.

The Vietnamese leader stressed that both parties should focus on stepping up commercial activities and exchange goods that each country is strong in.

Laleau said he hoped that the Vietnamese Government would encourage Vietnamese companies to explore long-term opportunities in Haiti, especially in construction, textiles, agriculture and maritime transport.

He emphasised that Haiti could be an ideal gateway for Vietnamese products to penetrate Central and South America.

PM expects education renovation

In a separate event yesterday, July 24, Dung called for a comprehensive restructure of Viet Nam's education system to make it more regionally competitive by 2030.

Dung outlined expectations during a meeting of the National Committee on Education and Human Resources Development 2011-15, held at the Government Office.

A raft of new measures was discussed, with the committee being determined to transform the national education system so that it meets the country's demands of industrialisation and international integration in the time to come. The country wants education to be at the heart of its continued sustainable development.

Dung said that the draft project must clearly identify the current shortcomings of the system so that education can be improved for generations to come.

Speaking at the meeting, Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Thien Nhan stressed the importance of renovating the exam system and ensuring the assessment procedures are fair and accurate.