Measures to boost Vietnam-Japan ties discussed

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung received Japanese Ambassador Tanizaki Yasuaki in Hanoi on December 25 to discuss measures to foster cooperation between the two countries.

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung receives Japanese Ambassador Tanizaki Yasuaki. (Source: VNA)

Dung expressed his pleasure at the development of the Vietnam-Japan strategic partnership over the past time, saying it has brought practical interests to the common development of the two nations.

He affirmed that Vietnam will do its utmost to work with Japan to continue boosting bilateral ties.

The PM expressed his wish that as 2013 is the Vietnam-Japan Friendship Year, the two sides will promote the exchange of delegations at all levels and people-to-people exchanges to strengthen the friendship, mutual trust and understanding between the two peoples.

In the economic field, Vietnam wishes to continue receiving official development assistance (ODA) from Japan, he said, suggesting that the two sides closely coordinate in removing difficulties for economic cooperation projects between the two countries.

The Government leader also stressed that the two sides should strengthen dialogue, intensify coordination and support each other at regional and international forums for the sake of peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and the world at large.

For his part, Yasuaki said that Japanese businesses are always interested in investment cooperation opportunities in Vietnam.

He expressed his wish that the Vietnamese Government will create favourable conditions for Japanese companies to do long-term business in Vietnam.

Japan is ready to share experience in building and developing the national economy with Vietnam, especially in handling bad debts, he noted.

HCM City marks VN – RoK diplomatic ties

A ceremony to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Vietnam – Republic of Korea (RoK) diplomatic ties took place in Ho Chi Minh City on December 25.

Addressing the event, Deputy Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee Hua Ngoc Thuan said HCM City is among the first localities to strengthen ties with the RoK, which is now the fourth largest investor, the third largest tourist market and sixth biggest trade partner of the city.

The RoK is also the fourth largest trade partner of Vietnam with two-way trade hitting nearly 18 billion USD last year. During the first 10 months of this year, the figure was about 17.2 billion USD and is expected to increase to 20 billion USD before 2015, he said.

Oh Jae-hack, the RoK Consul General in HCM City said less than 10 years after the establishment of diplomatic ties in 1992, the two countries lifted their relations to the comprehensive strategic partnership level in 2001 and the strategic cooperative partnership in 2009.

Highlighting Vietnam – RoK cooperation in politics, economics, culture and society over the past time, he said mutual trust and respect is the foundation for the development of bilateral ties.

Both sides expressed their belief that with the determination and efforts demonstrated by leaders and people of the two countries, the Vietnam – RoK strategic cooperative partnership in general and the HCM City – RoK ties in particular will grow ever stronger.

Lao leader arrives today on state visit

The Lao People's Revolutionary Party General Secretary and President Choummaly Sayasone and his wife are set to arrive in Ha Noi today for a three-day official friendship visit to Viet Nam.

The visit comes at the invitation of Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong and his wife.

The entourage will include high-ranking officials from the Lao Government.

President calls for further VN-Laos court cooperation

Vietnam is willing to share experience and help enhance competence of staff of the Lao Supreme People’s Court, President Truong Tan Sang has said.

Sang made the statement at a reception in Hanoi on December 25 for Chief Judge of the Lao Supreme People’s Court Khamphanh Sitthidampha on his working visit to the neighbouring country.

The President suggested that the Supreme People’s Courts of Vietnam and Laos intensify mutual assistance in personnel training.

Highly valuating the cooperation between the two courts in the past years, Sang affirmed that the cooperation programmes and documents signed have made significant contributions to further boosting the special friendship between the two Parties, States and peoples.

Chief Judge Khamphanh expressed his thanks to Vietnam’s Party and State for providing assistance in training Lao judges and court staff.

In 2013, the Lao court sector will further cement cooperation with its Vietnamese counterpart, contributing to the strengthening of the special friendship and solidarity between the two neighbours, said the Chief Judge.

Prime Minister receives Buddhist leader

The Party and State always support and respect religious and belief freedom as well as create all conditions for religions to operate in the country within the framework of the law.

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung made the affirmation at a reception for Most Venerable Thich Chon Thien, Permanent Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha (VBS)’s Executive Council, in Hanoi on December 25.

Dung congratulated the VBS on the success of the 7 th National Buddhist Congress for the 2012-2017 term, saying that it reflects the solidarity of the Sangha and the Vietnamese Buddhism.

He affirmed that the Government strongly supports the adoption of a charter representing the motto of “Religion-Nation-Socialism” by the congress.

The Government leader spoke highly of the Vietnamese Buddhism’s contributions to the struggle for national independence in the past as well as in the current socio-economic development.

He expressed his wish that the VBS will uphold the spirit of solidarity and make more practical contributions to the country.

For his part, Thien affirmed the Sangha will always go along with the nation for the religion, nation and socialism.

Australian party delegation visits Vietnam

The Revolutionary Socialist Party (RSP) of Australia wishes to continue boosting cooperation with Vietnamese relevant agencies in the fight for justice for Agent Orange/dioxin victims, an official of the party has said.

John Percy, the RSP’s National General Secretary, who led a delegation on a visit to Vietnam from December 20 to 25, made the statement at working sessions with the Communist Party of Vietnam(CPV) Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations, the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations and the Association of Victims of Agent Orange/dioxin.

Percy said that his party over the past years has always had fine sentiment and support to Vietnam, actively joined hands with Vietnamese agencies in Australia to organise a series of activities, especially art exhibitions and awareness campaigns to raise funds for Vietnamese Agent Orange/dioxin victims.

The guest also affirmed that his party always attaches great importance to and highly appreciates relations with the CPV.

Deputy head of the commission Nguyen Huy Tang spoke highly of the RSP’s active programmes to raise awareness and attention of Australian people on the fight for justice for Vietnamese Agent Orange /dioxin victims.

Such programmes are of great significance and make practical contributions to pushing cooperation and understanding between the two parties in particular and the two peoples in general, Tang added.

He also affirmed that the CPV wishes to further accelerate its relations with the RSP to share experience and information and intensify other forms of practical co-operation.

At other discussions with leaders of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations and the Association of Victims of Agent Orange/dioxin, the two sides discussed concrete measures and cooperation plans to tighten joint actions for the victims.