New SADC Group boosts Vietnam-Africa cooperation

Angola, Mozambique and South Africa will launch the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Group in Vietnam on November 30.

The launch was announced in a joint press briefing held by the Embassies of Angola, Mozambique and South Africa in Hanoi on November 29.

Representatives from the Angola, Mozambique and
South Africa Embassies at the press briefing. (Photo: VNA)

According to Mozambique Ambassador Gamiliel Munuamble, the Group will create a platform for SEDC member countries to meet and exchange views and information on a number of issues pertaining to the organisation, as well as coordinate actions within the context of the relationship with the host state and other international partners residing in the country.

The SADC Group in Hanoi will focus on promoting and coordinating SADC policies to its member countries in Vietnam, while stepping up the SADC international agenda of cooperation by identifying international partners and promoting the organisation’s potential. It will promote cooperation between SADC and Vietnam as well as with regional economic organisations including ASEAN.

SADC, currently chaired by Mozambique, was created in April, 1980. Initially the Southern Africa Development Coordination Conference (SADCC), it later turned into the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) in August, 1992.

The SADC Community is composed of 15 countries: Angola, Botswana, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe which have a total population of 257.7 million and a GDP of 471.1 billion USD.

Vietnam, Myanmar strengthen all-round cooperation

Vietnam and Myanmar have agreed to expand cooperation in agro-forestry, fisheries, tree plantations, telecommunications, oil and gas, mining, transport, labour, culture, sports and tourism.

The agreement was reached during talks between host President U Thein Sein and his visiting Vietnamese counterpart Truong Tan Sang in capital Nay Pyi Taw on November 29.

Thein Sein applauded Sang’s State visit, saying that it will significantly contribute to boosting the traditional friendship and multifaceted cooperation between the two countries.

He congratulated Vietnam on its important achievements in socio-economy and external relations, expressing his belief that the country will successfully implement its 2011-2020 Socio-Economic Development Strategy, soon become an industrialised country and play an increasingly important role in the region and the world.

He thanked Vietnam for its continued support of Myanmar’s process of political, social and economic reform.

For his part, Sang congratulated Myanmar on its recent success in innovation, national reconciliation and development as well as international integration.

He said he believes that Myanmar will attain significant achievements in building a country of stability and prosperity and successfully perform the role of ASEAN Chair in 2014 and SEA Games host in 2013.

Both leaders expressed their delight at the sound development in the traditional friendship and multifaceted cooperation between the two countries since they established diplomatic ties 35 years ago.

They underlined the need to strengthen delegation exchanges at all levels as well as people-to-people exchanges to boost mutual trust and understanding.

They agreed that the two countries effectively implement existing bilateral cooperation mechanisms and frequently review the implementation of the signed agreements to strengthen cooperation.

They shared the view that national defence and security cooperation between both sides has developed positively, especially since the signing of the defence cooperation agreement in 2011 and the crime control and prevention cooperative treaty in 2004.

They also agreed to set up a security dialogue mechanism at a deputy ministerial level between the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam and the Myanmar Ministry of Home Affairs.

The two sides agreed to boost trade promotion activities, including holding trade fairs and exhibitions, to bring two-way trade to US$500 million by 2015.

Thein Sein pledged to create all possible favourable conditions for Vietnam’s investment projects in Myanmar and asked Vietnam to share its Renewal and economic development experiences with Myanmar.
The two leaders vowed to work closely at multilateral forums and support each other’s membership of regional and international organisations.

Vietnam will do its utmost and share experiences with Myanmar to help the country successfully chair ASEAN in 2014, Sang said.

They agreed on maintaining peace, stability, security, maritime safety and freedom in the East Sea and settling disputes by peaceful means in accordance with international law, especially the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

Both sides welcomed the bloc’s Six-point Principles on the East Sea and the Joint Statement of the ASEAN – China Summit celebrating the 10th anniversary of ratifying the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC).

They agreed to abide by DOC and establish the Code of Conduct of the Parties in the East Sea (COC).

Following the talks, both leaders witnessed the signing of a memorandum of understanding to exchange banking supervision information between the State Bank of Vietnam and the Central Bank of Myanmar, and a cooperation agreement between the Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group and Myanmar’s Ministry of Energy.

Tehran offers assistance to Hanoi

Tehran is ready to support and share experience in urban construction and development with Hanoi.

Visiting Mayor Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf told his Hanoi counterpart Nguyen The Thao at a meeting on November 29.

He said the recent visit to Vietnam by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has added fresh impetus to cooperation between the two countries, and the Tehran delegation’s current visit has testified to such cooperation.

Nguyen The Thao briefed his guest on the achievements that the 1,000-year-old city of Hanoi has made during the Renewal process, saying it has grossed an annual GDP growth rate of more than 10 percent over the years.

Despite the impact of the global economic recession, Hanoi has secured economic growth of 8.1 percent this year, he said.

Thao noted that Hanoi has poured intensive investment into infrastructure construction to build a modern capital, aiming at attracting foreign businesses.

However, he pointed out that the city faces numerous challenges, including drawbacks of urbanisation and overpopulation, resulting in overloads in transportation, schools and hospitals.

Hanoi wants to cooperate in urban planning and development with big cities in the world, including Tehran.

After the meeting, the two mayors signed a memorandum of understanding on the friendship and cooperation between Hanoi and Tehran.

Vietnam, Italy promote academic exchange

A delegation from the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam led by its President Dang Dinh Quy visited Italy from November 26-28 to promote academic exchange between the two countries.

During their stay, Quy and his delegation held round-table meetings with officials from functional departments of Italy’s Foreign Ministry, met those from the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Italian Chamber of Deputies and exchanged knowledge with experts of the Institute for International Political Studies of Italy and the geopolitical magazine, Limes.

At the meetings, the two sides shared analysis and evaluation of the global, ASEAN and European Union situation, as well as current challenges facing these regions.

The two sides discussed the outcomes of several events including the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) in early November in Laos, the 21 st ASEAN Summit, the recent 7 th East Asia Summit (EAS) in Cambodia, as well as impacts of these outcomes on the role and status of ASEAN and the EU’s role and contributions in security achitecture in Asia-Pacific.

Scholars at the meetings agreed that in a time when the European economy is facing difficulties and the US is implementing a “re-balance” policy to Asia, the EU is increasingly cooperating with East Asian countries, especially ASEAN members, including Vietnam.

Italy is increasingly interested in ensuring peace, stability and respect of international law in the Southeast Asian region, they said.

The two sides considered possibilities to increase cooperation between ASEAN and the EU as well as between Vietnam and the EU in trade, investment and experience sharing, as well as at bilateral forums. They evaluated cooperation in specific areas including maritime security and other non-traditional security matters.

During the meeting with the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, Quy thanked the Italian side for their support to Vietnam during its fight for national independence in the past, as well as the country’s current cause of national construction and development.

Quy took the occasion to invite the Italian parliamentarians to visit Vietnam to consolidate bilateral ties.

In response, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Italian Chamber of Deputies Stefano Stefani applauded Quy’s visit, saying that it will contribute to boosting friendship and cooperation between the two countries.

He said Italy pays much interest to Vietnam’s process of integration and development, as well as its steps forward in socio-economy.

Some parliamentarians of the Democratic Party and People of Freedom Party also expressed their hope to cooperate with Vietnam in areas of Italy’s strengths.

The 2013 Vietnam Anti-Corruption Initiative Programme (VACI) was launched in Hanoi on November 29 to support ideas aiming at mitigating corruption and increasing transparency and responsibility for a better living environment.

The programme also offers chances for the initiators to meet and exchange ideas.

Addressing the launch ceremony, Deputy Inspector General Tran Duc Luong said Vietnam has a quite comprehensive legal framework regarding anti-corruption.

However, there are still shortcomings in the application and enforcement of legal documents and policies, especially in some localities, he said, stressing the need to increase the effectiveness of policy implementation.

According to the Head of the UK Department for International Development to Vietnam Fiona Lappin, a lack of transparency and honesty will breed corruption.

She said VACI programmes in 2009 and 2011 have helped change community’s awareness via initiatives, adding that she believes the 2013 programme will be a success.

The Vietnam Anti-Corruption Initiative Programme invites the submission of ideas on how to build a serving administration, strengthen public honesty and morality and increase transparency and the right to information access as well as the sense of responsibility.

Twenty best ideas will be selected for prize awarding and cash funding for implementation, with 300 million VND at the maximum for each.

From December 12-20, the organising board, including the Inspectorate General and the World Bank, will organise five seminars to introduce the programme in Hanoi, Thai Nguyen and Dak Lak provinces, Ho Chi Minh City and Can Tho City.

Vietnamese officials attend Malaysia’s party congress

A delegation of the Communist Party of Vietnam led by Nguyen Van Thanh, Secretary of the Hai Phong municipal Party Committee is attending the 63 rd congress of the ruling United Malays National Organisation (UNMO) Party in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from November 27 – December 1.

Addressing the opening ceremony, Malaysian Prime Minister and UNMO Party President Najib Razak affirmed the policy of national harmony, ensuring social welfare and a foreign policy of independence, self-control and actively upholding its role in the Muslim community.

At the third international forum held by the UMNO Party from November 26-27, a Vietnamese representative delivered a report on enhancing national unity to maintain socio-political stability and create a foundation for sustainable development.

The Vietnamese delegation also paid a courtesy call to Razak and met with Secretary General of the UNMO Party, Bin Tengku Mansor. During which, Mansor said he hopes the two Parties will increase experience sharing in national construction and development, contributing to strengthening the friendship and multifaceted cooperation between the two countries.

Thanh said he hopes relations between the two Parties and nations will develop for the benefit of the two peoples, and for peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and the world.

Da Nang seeks cooperation with Mexico

The central city of Da Nang wants to boost cooperation with Mexico in general and its localities in particular, especially in economics, science-technology and culture.

Secretary of the municipal Party Committee Nguyen Ba Thanh made the wish at a reception for National Coordinator of the Mexican Workers’ Party (PT) Alberto Anaya Gutierrez in the city on November 28.

Thanh spoke highly of the solidarity, friendship and contributions the PT and Gutierrez himself have given to the Vietnamese people.

On the occasion, Thanh introduced the city’s potential, achievements and future orientations to the Mexican guests.

For his part, Gutierrez expressed his belief that Da Nang, with its great potential of tourism development, will be successful in its development orientations.

The PT delegation is scheduled to visit several locations in Da Nang and the ancient town of Hoi An in Quang Nam province on November 28-29.

Party delegation attend 63rd congress

Nguyen Van Thanh, a member of the central committee of the Communist Party of Viet Nam, has expressed his hope that relations between Viet Nam and Malaysia and their two parties will keep growing for the sake of peace, stability and co-operation in the region and the world.

Thanh, who was heading a CPV delegation attending Tuesday's opening ceremony of the 63rd congress of the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) in Malaysia, met with UMNO president and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and Secretary General of UMNO Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor.

The Secretary General said that he highly valued the friendship and co-operation between the two parties and nations, and hoped that they could share experiences and offer support as they both continue their development.

Earlier, Thanh made a presentation at the third international forum held by UMNO, sharing Viet Nam's experiences in consolidating national solidarity to stabilise socio-politics and lay a firm foundation for sustainable economic development.

Lao National Day marked in HCM City

The Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations (VUFO) and the Vietnam-Laos Friendship Association held a get-together in Ho Chi Minh City on November 29 to celebrate Laos’ 37th National Day (December 2).

The event was attended by HCM City leaders, Vietnamese and Lao diplomats, Vietnamese volunteer soldiers in Laos, and a large number of Lao students living in HCM City.

The President of the Vietnam-Laos Friendship Association in HCM City, Phan Xuan Bien highlighted bilateral traditional friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation which have been nurtured and constantly developed by generations of leaders and peoples from both countries.

Lao Consul General in HCM City Southideth Phommalat thanked the Vietnamese Party, State and People for their valuable support to Laos’ past struggle for national independence, as well as to its current socio-economic development process.

He affirmed that over the past 37 years, the two countries’ relationship has stood the test of time and become a valuable asset serving as a decisive factor behind the revolutionary victory of each country.

He was delighted at bilateral fruitful relations in various fields, including economics, trade, culture, education, external affairs, and national security and defence.

Vietnam is one of Laos’ largest foreign investors, with a total investment of US$3.57 billion in 424 projects. Two-day trade turnover in the first three quarters of 2012 was estimated at US$700 million, and is expected to reach nearly US$1 billion by the end of this year.