Viet Nam, Japan to boost defence ties

Both Viet Nam and Japan are willing to promote their defence co-operation through strengthening the exchange of delegations and co-operation in personnel training as well as other fields of mutual concern.

This was stated during a meeting between Lieutenant General Vo Van Tuan, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Viet Nam People's Army and visiting Nobushige Takamizawa, President of the National Institute for Defence Studies under Japan 's Ministry of Defence, in Ha Noi yesterday, June 3.

At the meeting, the two sides recalled the traditional relationship between Viet Nam and Japan over the past four decades, affirming that bilateral defence co-operation had developed fruitfully.

Lao leader asks for firm development at shared border

Lao Deputy Prime Minister Asang Laoly has emphasised the need to step up bilateral cooperation in reinforcing firm development at Laos-Vietnam borderline.


Lao Deputy Prime Minister Asang Laoly receives Bui Thanh Thu. (Source: VNA)


He made the emphasis at his reception for Standing Deputy Head Bui Thanh Thu of the Steering Committee for Northwestern region of Vietnam and his entourage in Vientiane on June 4.

Deputy PM Asang Laoly was briefed on the outcomes of the talks between the Steering Committee for Northwestern region of Vietnam and the Lao Central Steering Committee on rural development and poverty reduction.

He asked the two sides to press ahead with closer coordination to push up the fight against poverty and work for stronger development at the shared border to help further cement the special friendship and solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries.

Thu told his host that the two sides agreed to exchange visits regularly, and increase the sharing of experiences and collaboration in eradicating hunger and reducing poverty to build new rural areas as part of efforts to deepen bilateral ties.

Laos inspection authority visits

A delegation from the Lao Government Inspection Authority had a working session with the Government Inspectorate of Viet Nam yesterday, June 3.

Deputy Chief Inspector Nguyen Duc Hanh told the guests, headed by Khamsouk Bounnhavong, Deputy Head of the Lao Government Inspection Authority, that its current visit to Viet Nam was an opportunity for the two government bodies to share experience in the inspection sector.

The Lao official suggested the Vietnamese side further strengthen its ties with the Lao government agency, especially in training.

Thanh Hoa, Xiangkhouang strengthen cooperation

Vietnam’s Thanh Hoa province and Laos’ Xiangkhouang has signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation for 2013-2014.

Accordingly, the two provinces will coordinate in disseminating information and educating young generations about the traditional friendship between the two countries. They will boost comprehensive cooperation, especially in human resources training, and encourage businesses from the two provinces to invest in local development.

The MoU was reached during the visit of a Thanh Hoa delegation led by Mai Van Ninh, Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the People’s Committee, to Xiangkhouang from May 30 to June 2.

The two provincial leaders confirmed that they have directed relevant departments and agencies to build specific investment projects in many fields for the benefit of long-term cooperation.

This year, Thanh Hoa province plans to provide VND3 billion for Xiangkhouang to build houses for poor families.

Closer ties sought with South Korea

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung said he hopes Viet Nam and the Republic of Korea (RoK) will further their economic, trade and investment ties in an effort to raise two-way trade to a more impressive figure.

Meeting with the outgoing RoK Ambassador, Ha Chan Ho, in Ha Noi yesterday, June 3, Dung said relations had been upgraded to a strategic partnership, adding that cultural similarities and abundant co-operation potential made the task easier.

The Vietnamese Government had always created favourable conditions for RoK investors to do long-term business in Viet Nam, he said.

The Vietnamese leader suggested the RoK continue granting a high amount of Official Development Assistance (ODA) to Viet Nam, focusing on transport infrastructure, climate change adaptation and environmental protection, while assisting the South-east Asian nation in building high-tech centres.

He also proposed that the two sides work closely to tackle all problems that arise in their labour co-operation.

Vietnam, Luxembourg to mark diplomatic relations

Vietnam and Luxembourg will celebrate the 40th anniversary of their diplomatic ties and 20 years of development partnership by a host of cultural activities from June 17-21.

This was announced by Luxembourg’s Ambassador to Vietnam Marc Thill at a press conference in Hanoi on June 3.

A grand concert in the Hanoi Opera House on June 21 to be performed by both countries’ well-known artists will be the highlight of the celebration.

Besides the fine political relation, development cooperation has become a firm foundation for the two countries to continue to expand cooperation in the future, the Luxembourg diplomat said.

As an industrialized country, Luxembourg contributes over 0.7 percent of its GDP to the official development assistance (ODA).

Since 1993, Luxembourg has provided ODA for Vietnam’s health care, technical education, vocational training and rural development through bilateral and multilateral channels as well as non-governmental organizations.

French businessman welcomed

Deputy Defence Minister Admiral Nguyen Van Hien, who is also the Viet Nam People's Navy Commander, received Pascale Sourisse, Senior Executive Vice-President of International Development of France's Thales Group, yesterday, June 3.

At the meeting, host and guest agreed that Thales Group had provided quality service to Viet Nam's space aviation and defence industry.

Pascale Sourisse briefed her host on the group's performance and announced that the group had selected Anh Sao JSC to connect and expand cooperation with agencies under the Defence Ministry.

The group will also study the manufacturing of weapons suitable to Viet Nam's climate conditions while helping the Vietnamese side train experts to master Thales-made products for the Viet Nam People's Army, she added.

Thales Group is a French multinational company that designs and builds electrical systems and provides services for aerospace, transport and security markets.

Chinese, Vietnamese young officers cement ties

A week-long exchange between young officers of the Vietnamese People’s Army and the Chinese People’s Liberation Army is taking place in China to boost the two countries’ military relations.

At the event, starting from June 2, they shared experiences in encouraging the youth’s participation in disaster prevention, poverty reduction and sci-tech development.

The Vietnamese officers are scheduled to visit some units of the Chinese army and participate in several cultural and sport activities.

The exchange also helps strengthen the traditional relations between the parties, states and armies of Vietnam and China.