President greets former Soviet Union veterans

President Truong Tan Sang hosted a reception in Hanoi on December 4 for 30 veterans from countries of the former Soviet Union including Russia, Ukraine and Belarus that helped Vietnam during its struggle for national liberation more than 40 years ago.

President Truong Tan Sang receives former Soviet Union veterans. (Photo: VNA)

Delegates recalled their memories of fighting side-by-side with Vietnamese soldiers in the struggle, stressing that it was their noble duty and honour.

They highly valued the country’s achievements in its national renewal, and expressed their hopes that the tradition of patriotism and revolutionary heroism nurtured by the veterans, Vietnamese soldiers and people will encourage younger generations to follow their example.

They said they hope to contribute to maintaining and improving the friendship between Vietnam and other countries.

At the reception, Sang thanked the people of the countries of the former Soviet Union, including veterans, for their great support to Vietnam’s struggle for national liberation, appreciating the delegation’s visit on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the “Hanoi-Dien Bien Phu in the air” victory, which is a milestone marking Vietnam’s triumph with the great contributions of the veterans.

Vietnam’s achievements reached in the national renewal are inseparable from the veterans’ sacrifices and contributions in the past, Sang said.

The leader expressed his belief that the veterans will continue contributing to lifting the comprehensive strategic partnership between Vietnam and Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.

Hai Phong urged to remove business obstacles    

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung asked the northern port city of Hai Phong to continue removing obstacles faced by businesses, reducing inventories and expanding consumer markets at a working session with municipal leaders on December 4.

The PM praised the city’s comprehensive socio-economic development achievements in 2012 and its estimated GDP growth rate of 8.12 percent, in spite of numerous difficulties and challenges.

In 2013, Hai Phong should closely follow the Party Central Committee’s resolutions to implement in a synchronous, resolute and effective way measures to maintain macroeconomic stability and a higher growth rate, as well as improve social welfare, vocational training and job generation, he said.

The city should prioritise site clearance and improve administrative procedures in investment, construction and land management while accelerating the implementation of major projects to boost the city’s and region’s development, including the Hanoi-Hai Phong expressway, he added.

According to the Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee, Duong Anh Dien, in 2013 Hai Phong will improve growth quality, adjust economic and investment structures, and remove business obstacles to boost production and business activities.

The city will strive to maintain defence-security, social order and safety, and successfully organise the Red River Delta-Hai Phong National Tourism Year 2013, he said.

The city also aims for a GDP growth rate of 8.5-9 percent, 51,000 new jobs, and a reduced rate of poor households - 3.15 percent, he added.

On the same day, PM Dung met with voters in the city’s Hong Bang district to inform them of the results of the fourth session of the 13 th National Assembly.

The voters spoke highly of the effective and flexible measures taken by the Government to curb inflation, stabilise the macro economy and ensure social welfare.

They suggested the Government concentrates on educational-training development, vocational training, job generation for rural labourers, land use and management, and infrastructure development.

PM Dung affirmed that the Government will direct the ministries, agencies and localities to continue implementing measures to ensure social welfare, better public health services, and remove difficulties for businesses.

President Sang welcomes Vietnam-Japan cooperation

President Truong Tan Sang applauded important cooperation results between Vietnam and Japan, especially the maintenance of official development assistance (ODA), increasing foreign direct investment (FDI) and two-way trade.

At a reception for Vice President of Japan’s International Friendship Exchange Council (FEC) Nakagaki in Hanoi on December 4, Sang spoke highly of the council’s activities, saying that they have contributed to enhancing the friendship and cooperation between the two countries.

Despite low per capita income, Vietnam   has achieved millennium development goals, he said, adding that assistance from the Japanese Government has helped create multifaceted changes in the country.

Sang affirmed that Vietnam is willing to coordinate with Japan to improve cooperation in aviation and human resources.  

For his part, Nakagaki highly valued Vietnam’s achievements in socio-economic development, expressing his belief that the Vietnamese economy will develop fruitfully in the future.  

He hoped that Vietnamese agencies will continue coordinating with Japan to implement feasible projects. He suggested that Vietnam should create conditions for the two countries’ organisations to meet and strengthen solidarity and mutual understanding.

NA Chairman meets Vietnamese expatriates in Thailand

The Party and State of Vietnam always pay due attention to the Vietnamese community abroad, including those in Thailand, National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung has said.

Hung made the statement at a gathering with over 500 Vietnamese expatriates from the northeast province of Udon Thani and other localities on the fringes of his official visit to Thailand that began on December 3.

The Chairman expressed his wish for overseas Vietnamese in Thailand to support each other during difficulties, while tightening relations with the host country’s local community, maintaining the Vietnamese national cultural identity and contributing to the modernisation and industrialisation of the host country.

Later, Hung received Udon Thani Governor Ammat Paragat. During their talks, Hung said that he hopes the Thai Government and its administrations will continue creating favourable conditions for Vietnamese expatriates to develop their businesses and improve their living conditions, which will actively contribute to promoting the traditional friendly neighbourly relations between the two countries.

At a separate meeting with the Vietnamese-Thai Association and representatives from the Vietnamese-Thai Business Association, Hung spoke highly of the association’s role in developing relations with local authorities at all levels, maintaining close and regular connections with local communities.

He also suggested that associations should promote their information-sharing channels between businesses of the two countries and encourage businesses from both sides to increase investment in all areas, especially in tourism, garments and textiles and agricultural products, which are Thailand’s strengths.

Earlier, Hung had a get-together with the staff of the Vietnamese embassy in Bangkok.

The NA Chairman accompanied by the high-ranking delegation left Udon Thani in late December 4 for Tokyo.

Birthday greetings to Thai King

President Truong Tan Sang on December 4 sent a message of congratulations to the King of Thailand, Bhumibol Adulyadej on his 85 th birthday (December 5, 1927-2012).

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh also cabled congratulatory messages to their Thai counterparts, Yingluck Shinawatra and Surapong Tovichakchaikul.

Also on the day, the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations (VUFO) and the Vietnam-Thailand Friendship Association jointly held a meeting in Hanoi to celebrate the Thai King’s birthday.

Under the 66-year reign of King Bhumibol Adulyadej, Thailand has recorded great achievements in all aspects, especially economics, culture, science and technology.

Vietnam and Thailand have enjoyed good relations for a long time. Two-way trade has continuously increased year after year, reaching 8.2 billion USD in 2011.

Thailand now has 292 FDI projects in Vietnam with a total investment of nearly 6 billion USD, ranking tenth of 96 counties and territories most heavily invested in the country.

Vietnam, Cuba tighten friendship

The Vietnam-Cuba Friendship Association led by its Vice Chairman Pham Tien Tu paid a working visit to the Cuban Institute for Friendship with the People (ICAP) on December 3.

ICAP President Kenia Serrano described the visit as a symbol of the traditional friendship and solidarity between the two Parties and peoples.

Serrano briefed the Vietnamese side on ICAP and Cuban friendship organisations’ key activities in recent time, as well as immediate and long- term difficulties that Cuba has been experiencing under the current embargo.

Regarding action plans for the future, the ICAP President stressed that Cuba will pay special attention to strengthening exchange activities with international friendship organisations, including Vietnam, in 2013. It is in attempt to obtain support from the international community for the lifting of the current embargo and the release of the five anti-terrorist soldiers illegally jailed in the US.

The Vietnamese people and the Association’s friendship activities are highly valued, she said. Serrano also thanked the Vietnamese Party, Government, and people for their wholehearted support for Cuba.

Tu spoke highly of Cuban sentiment for Vietnam’s past liberation cause and its Agent Orange victims. He expressed his hope that the two sides will further enhance friendship activities in the coming time, strengthening the special cooperative relationship between Vietnam and Cuba.

On the same day, Deputy Chief of the Party Central Committee Department for International Relations Oscar Martinez Corcoves gave a reception to the Vietnamese delegation at its headquarters.

The two sides briefed each other on recent world developments, in particular the Middle East , and expressed their support for the Palestinian people’s fight for recognition as a legitimate, sovereign and independent state.

During the visit to Cuba from November 26 to December 4, the Vietnamese delegation attended the international conference in the Eastern Prefecture of Holguin for the release of the five Cuban heroes, and visited some friendship organisations in Havana.

UN crime prevention links increased

Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc said the government has made significant efforts to prevent crimes and drug trafficking.

He urged United Nations agencies to keep co-ordinating with the country's relevant agencies to realise their common action plan during the 2012-16 period.

He made these statements while receiving the UN Under-Secretary-General and the United Nations Office on Drug and Crimes (UNODC) Executive Director Yury Fedotov.

He also expressed hope that the UNODC and international communities would continue supporting the country in fighting crime and drug trafficking.

Fedotov pledged to keep making efforts to support the country in these fights.

On the same day, Deputy Minister of Public Security, Lieutenant General Pham Quy Ngo had a meeting with UN Under-Secretary-General and UNODC Executive Director Yury Fedotov.

Fedotov said UNNODC wants to further strengthen cooperation with the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security to control trans-border drug trafficking and combat crime.

He also pledged to help Viet Nam implement the 2012 – 2015 Action Plan on Drug, Crimes and Human Trafficking Prevention.

Ngo said that the Vietnamese State is currently developing a thorough legal framework to cover both criminal investigations and socioeconomic issues such as poverty.

Vietnam, Ukraine to boost multifaceted links

Vietnam and Ukraine have agreed to boost cooperation in energy, machinery production, aviation and the transfer of technology between the two countries in the time to come.

The agreement was reached at working sessions between Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai and Ukrainian leaders that included Prime Minister Nikolai Azarov, Deputy Prime Minister Tigipko, Mayor of Kiev province Potriasiunov, and Standing Vice Mayor of Kharkov province Dulup, during Hai’s visit to Ukraine from December 1 – 4.

Apart from discussing measures to implement agreements reached during the visits by the two countries’ leaders, the two sides agreed to start negotiations for the Vietnam – Ukraine free trade agreement scheduled for next January, describing it as a breakthrough that helps boost two-way trade for the future.

They stressed the need to finalise the legal foundation for bilateral economic and trade cooperation through the promotion of negotiations and signing of agreements on investment protection, agriculture, animal and plant quarantine.

The Ukrainian side said they are willing to modernise energy facilities and build power plants in Vietnam, and pledged to create all possible favourable conditions for the Vietnamese community in Ukraine.

At a meeting with Ukrainian businesses, Hai said the Vietnamese State and Government will always facilitate international and Ukrainian firms’ operations. He said he hopes the two countries’ entrepreneurs will actively seek effective ways to cooperate and increase two-way trade.

Local businesses said they would like to further engage in Vietnamese projects, including power plants, coal and mineral resource mining, transportation, construction, and oil and gas mining and processing. They added that they were enthusiastic to connect with Vietnam’s farm produce, aquaculture and fishery products.

While receiving Hai, leaders of the Antonov aircraft plant expressed their interest in the Vietnamese civil aviation market, especially the trading of small- and medium-sized civil aircraft to serve Vietnam’s domestic flights.

At a meeting with the Vietnamese community living and working in Ukraine, Hai affirmed that the Vietnamese Party, State and Government are interested in the protection of Vietnamese citizens in foreign countries and in Ukraine in particular. They will do their utmost to help the Vietnamese expatriates settle in the European country, he added.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade leaders also presented certificates of merit to outstanding Vietnamese entrepreneurs in recognition of their contributions to increased trade and investment between the two countries.

Indian naval ship visits Marine Police Zone 3

The Indian naval ship SAMRAT, with 22 officers and 115 sailors onboard, docked in Marine Police Zone 3, Ba Ria-Vung Tau province, on December 4.

The delegation, led by Mukesh Purohit, Deputy Inspector General and the ship captain, held a working session with Vietnamese marine police to share experiences in combating pirates, protecting fishermen and ensuring safe shipping passage.

Purohit expressed his hope to reinforce the traditional relations and cooperation between the two countries through joint training activities and delegation exchanges.

The visit demonstrates the solidarity and friendship between the people and armed forces of the two nations, and creates an opportunity for young soldiers from both sides to exchange experiences, develop skills with new equipment, and deal with sea violations.

HCM City, Vientiane deepen cooperative ties

Ho Chi Minh City will do its utmost to promote the sound traditional friendship and comprehensive cooperation with its twinning cities in Laos, including Vientiane.

This pledge was made by Nguyen Thi Thu Ha, Vice Secretary of Ho Chi Minh City’s Party Committee on behalf of two collectives and six individuals in the city who were awarded with orders and medals by the Lao State.

Soukan Mahalath, Secretary of the Lao Party Central Committee and Mayor of Vientiane, presented the decorations to the Vietnamese officials at a ceremony on December 3. He stressed that the Party, Government and people of Laos always bear in their mind the contributions of Vietnamese comrades to Laos’ revolution, both in the struggle for national independence and the current national construction.

Earlier, Secretary of Ho Chi Minh City’s Party Committee Le Thanh Hai hosted a reception for Soukan Mahalath and his entourage from Vientiane. At the reception, leaders of two cities expressed their delight at the strong development in all aspects of the two localities in particular and the two countries in general.

Condolences offered over death of former Indian PM

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung on December 3 sent a message of condolence to his Indian counterpart Manmohan Singh over the death of India's former Prime Minister Inder Kumar Gujral.

The same day, Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh also sent his message of condolence to his Indian counterpart Salman Khursid.

Gujral died on November 30 due to a lung infection at the age of 92.