government leader expects technology transfer from siemens picture 1
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh (R) hosts President and CEO of Siemens Group Roland Busch (Photo:VGP)

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh hosted a reception on February 26 for President and CEO of Siemens Group Roland Busch, during which, the Government leader expressed a wish that Siemens will build a research and development center in Vietnam.

Hailing Germany's leading role and position in Europe and the world, PM Chinh said that Vietnam always attaches importance to deepening relations with Germany in a variety of fields.

He showed his elation at the positive development of bilateral ties across multiple fields after nearly 50 years of both nations' diplomatic relations and more than 10 years of their strategic partnership, in which special attention has been given to the pillar of trade - investment cooperation, especially after the successful visit to Vietnam by German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier in January 2024.

Vietnam will continue to revise the institutional and policy system to improve the investment and business environment in an increasingly favorable, equitable, safe, stable and transparent direction, he told his guest

Chinh also pledged to create favorable conditions for businesses, including those from Germany like Siemens to invest and do long-term and effective business in Vietnam. Vietnam protects the legal and legitimate rights and interests of businesses in all circumstances on the basis of mutual benefit, he added.

In response, Roland Busch said that Siemens wishes to expand cooperation, investment and business in Vietnam, especially in the fields of digital transformation; green transformation; electric car production; infrastructure for national database centers; urban and high-speed railway development.

The Vietnamese cabinet leader noted his appreciation for the business results of Siemens in general and in Vietnam in particular, especially projects in the fields of high technology, power - gas, mechanical manufacturing, energy infrastructure development and industrial automation, railways, healthcare, digital transformation, and renewable energy.

He proposed that Siemens research technology transfer, promote innovation in Vietnam, and support the nation in training high-quality human resources, finance, transfer of management science, and building and fine-tuning institutions in accordance with development trends in the world and in accordance with the context of Vietnam's situation.

Agreeing with the proposals by PM Pham Minh Chinh, the Siemens Group leader said that in the coming time his group will continue to support Vietnam in human resource training, and work with Vietnamese ministries  and localities to realize the Prime Minister's proposals.