WEF ASEAN 2018’s theme relevant and timely: ADB Vice President


Vice President of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Stephen P. Groff (Source: World Economic Forum)

The theme proposed by Vietnam for the World Economic Forum on ASEAN (WEF-ASEAN) this year, “ASEAN 4.0: Entrepreneurship and the Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR4),” is very relevant and timely, said Vice President of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Stephen P. Groff. 

In an interview granted to the Vietnam News Agency (VNA) on the sidelines of the WEF ASEAN 2018, which is taking place in Hanoi from September 11-13, the ADB official talked about prospects of development for Vietnam and the ASEAN Economic Community in the context of the IR4. 

He noted that technological advances are happening at unprecedented speed, and such rapid technological change will have major implications for education, training and skills development in ASEAN countries, including Vietnam, and countries will need to align the supply of skills with the demands of the new economy.

According to Groff, there is a clear need for appropriate public interventions to achieve quality education so new entrants to a transforming labour market are ready for the challenges and opportunities it presents. He said this is particularly important for economies such as Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam, which are likely to face labour market disruptions due to automation and robotization of manufacturing.

“By adopting an entrepreneurial mindset, countries like Vietnam will be able to produce a new generation of confident and proficient workers able to embrace “industry 4.0” technologies and the opportunities they bring,” he said.

For Vietnam, one of the clear challenges will be acquiring world-class IT infrastructure, Groff said, noting that Vietnam’s companies don’t have this at the moment, and government agencies are also not well equipped with modern IT. “4IR requires that existing installations be adapted and even entirely new types of IT infrastructure introduced. Cost is therefore a key challenge for government agencies, large firms, and small and medium-sized enterprises,” he said.

A second challenge facing government agencies, large firms, and SMEs is the lack of skilled workers specializing in IT related jobs, the ADB Vice President said, noting that creative working processes demanded by 4IR, such as strategic planning of research and development, will impose greater needs for new skills to identify, introduce, and implement new and innovative business opportunities.  

To overcome those challenges, he suggested that the Government of Vietnam can help to build an enabling environment that makes better use of digital technologies.

“Solid ICT infrastructure is crucial,” he said, adding that policies to support public and private sector investment in telecommunications infrastructure and internet connectivity would create the digital backbone needed for a healthy digital economy. 

Second, building human resources with the right skills is a key driver of digital transformation. According to Groff, digital literacy is essential for people to take full advantage of new job opportunities and benefit from services that will become available on digital platforms.

Third, enabling policies and regulatory environments are needed for digital transformation. “Enabling policies can also promote data sharing with privacy protections; protect consumers against cyber-crimes and fraud; prevent illegal activities such as money laundering and terrorist financing; and enhance cybersecurity to prevent cyber-attacks and hacking,” he said. 

About prospects of the ASEAN Economic Community, the ADB Vice President said ASEAN has been a model of cooperation and integration, keeping itself open to the rest of the world and well-integrated in regional value chains. 

According to him, remaining challenges include the more politically sensitive areas of reform, such as labour policy, competition policy, and intellectual property rights. Looking ahead, the big test for AEC is the ratification and implementation of agreements, given its limited means of enforcing compliance.

Job creation remains a huge challenge with so many young people entering the workforce, as these new workers will need the right skills to prosper in a rapidly-changing labour market, Groff said, adding that further efforts are needed also to address the development divide separating the ASEAN’s newer members from the six original ones.

“We are confident ASEAN can meet these challenges,” the ADB official said. He went on to say that the AEC allows the region to capitalize on diverse resource endowments, comparative advantages of geography, factors of production, and distinct levels of human capital--both in terms of education and demographically. While each member pursues its own national reform agenda, collectively they offer all the ingredients for an AEC that can benefit everyone.

Asked about ADB’s plan to assist the countries in Asia and the Pacific in general and ASEAN countries in particular to overcome the challenges posed by the IR4, Groff said ADB supports countries by introducing digital technologies across a range of sectors, while helping to develop the skills and expertise needed to use these technologies.

“For the poor and underprivileged, we work with governments to strengthen social protection systems. We are also focusing on the application of digital technologies in sectors such as agriculture, where many poor people earn their livelihoods,” he stated.-VNA  

WEF Chairman hails Vietnam for facilitating start-ups


Minister of Science and Technology Chu Ngoc Anh 

Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Prof. Klaus Schwab has hailed the role of the Vietnamese government, including the Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST), in improving business climate and encouraging start-ups and innovations. 

During a meeting with Minister of Science and Technology Chu Ngoc Anh in Hanoi on September 11, Schwab lauded Vietnam for creating an environment that facilitates the mastery of new technologies involving artificial intelligence and robotics. 

According to him, the WEF has opened centres on industrial revolution 4.0 in Beijing and Singapore, and will focus on building a similar facility in Vietnam in the next 12 months. 

Minister Anh, for his part, appreciated the initiative by the WEF and the WEF Chairman himself on holding an open forum on start-ups and innovation within the WEF ASEAN 2018 framework. He said the forum gave Vietnam a chance to acquire valuable information from domestic and foreign communities as well as from WEF experts to develop a start-up ecological system in the country. 

The MoST is working closely with other ministries and agencies to build a science-technology and innovation strategy with vision to 2035 and a scenario for the fourth industrial revolution in Vietnam. 

Both sides expressed their delight at the development of ties between the WEF and Vietnamese government, including growing ties between the WEF and MoST.

South Africa – potential market for Vietnamese goods: Ambassador


Vietnamese Ambassador to Africa Vu Van Dung grants an interview to VNA 

With a population of nearly 55 million, developed economy and infrastructure, and a favourable geographical location, South Africa is a potential market for Vietnamese enterprises and goods, stated Vietnamese Ambassador to Africa Vu Van Dung.

The diplomat made the remark in an interview with the Vietnam News Agency on the occasion of the 25-year diplomatic relations of the two nations (1993-2018).

According to Dung, South Africa is now the biggest export market of Vietnam in Africa, with bilateral trade hovering around 1 billion USD during the past five years.

Vietnam mainly ships to South Africa mobile phones, computers, electronic devices and components, footwear, machinery, equipment and spare parts, while importing a large volume of plastics, metal, fruit, garment and textile materials, footwear and leather, and chemical products.

Dung said the Vietnamese Embassy in South Africa has been working to serve the development of bilateral trade. 

The embassy has coordinated with Vietnamese and South African trade and industry agencies, particularly Johannesburg and Cape Town to arrange for Vietnamese businesses to take part in trade fairs such as the annual South African International Trade Exhibition (SAITEX), the biggest of its kind in Africa. It has also organised events to promote connectivity, trade and investment, such as the 2017 ASEAN – Africa business forum and B2B meetings on the occasion of visits by officials from Vietnamese localities like Vinh Phuc and Tuyen Quang.

Dung affirmed that the embassy will maintain its role as a bridge between the two countries’ related agencies to discuss and sign cooperation documents, creating legal foundations for bilateral partnership in different fields, such as agreements on cooperation in science-technology and innovation, education-training, crime prevention, criminal extradition, judicial support, and double taxation avoidance, and memoranda of understanding on cooperation in forestry and mining, among others. 

Currently, Vietnam – South Africa ties are growing steadily, with regular exchange of all-level delegations, annual meetings of the partnership forum at deputy foreign ministerial level, and frequent policy dialogue between the two defence ministries. 

The two countries are negotiating and completing procedures for the signing of a dozen of memoranda of understanding and agreements across different spheres.

Vietnam and South Africa have actively supported each other on the international stage, including each other’s bid to become a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, and coordinated at international forums such as the Non-Aligned Movement.-

Deputy PM Vuong Dinh Hue holds talks with Chinese Vice Premier


Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Vuong Dinh Hue (L) and Chinese Vice Premier Han Zheng meets in Nanning on September 11 

Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Vuong Dinh Hue and Chinese Vice Premier Han Zheng agreed on the need to enhance political trust between the two countries during talks in Nanning city, the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China, on September 11.

The talks were held on the occasion of Hue’s attendance at the 15th China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit (CABIS) and the 15th China-ASEAN Expo (CAEXPO).

Deputy PM Hue spoke highly of the organisation of the 15th CABIS and CAEXPO in coincidence with the 15th anniversary of the ASEAN-China strategic partnership.

He noted with satisfaction that relations between Vietnam and China have continued the positive development trend and made new strides with important common perceptions reached during visits and meetings between their leaders.

China remains the biggest trade and tourism partner of Vietnam, and Vietnam also ranks first and eighth among ASEAN and global trade partners of China, respectively. While cooperation in agriculture, science-technology, culture, sports, tourism, education and health care has enjoyed good progress, people-to-people exchange has continued to be reinforced.

Hue proposed that the two sides further enhance political trust, maintain high-ranking visits and meetings, better implement important cooperation mechanisms between the two Parties and the two countries, and step up locality-to-locality collaboration and people-to-people exchange.

He also asked China to continue taking effective policies and measures to better remedy Vietnam’s deficit in bilateral trade; create favourable conditions for Vietnamese goods, especially agricultural products, to enter the Chinese market; coordinate with Vietnam to thoroughly settle hindrances to some Chinese-invested projects in Vietnam; and continue to facilitate the movement of people, goods and vehicles in border areas.

With regard to sea-related issues, the Deputy PM called on both sides to seriously comply with the common perceptions reached by the two countries’ leaders, especially the agreement on basic principles guiding the settlement of sea-related issues, control sea-related disagreements well, persist in resolving disputes by peaceful means in line with international law and the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, maintain peace and stability in the East Sea and the region, fully and effectively carry out the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea, and join ASEAN countries in promoting substantive negotiations to build an efficient and effective Code of Conduct in the East Sea.

For his part, Vice Premier Han Zheng welcomed the Vietnamese Government delegation’s participation in the 15th CABIS and CAEXPO, which he said shows that the Vietnamese Government attaches importance to China-Vietnam relations as well as China-ASEAN cooperation.

He stressed that the Chinese Party and Government treasure the ties with Vietnam and will join Vietnam to maintain high-ranking visits and meetings, increase political trust, and bolster result-oriented cooperation, particularly in economy, trade and investment. 

China will also work with Vietnam to expand people-to-people exchange, consolidate the traditional friendship, control differences well, and develop the countries’ comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership in a stable, healthy and sustainable fashion, he added.

Also on September 11, Deputy PM Hue received the Secretary of the Communist Party of China Committee of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Lu Xinshe.

Hue expressed his delight at the vibrant cooperation between Vietnamese localities and Guangxi, which has generated many significant outcomes and practical benefits for both sides. He noted that Guangxi has continually taken the lead in economic and trade connections with Vietnam while Vietnam has been the biggest trade partner of Guangxi for 14 straight years. In 2017, trade between Vietnamese localities and Guangxi hit 24 billion USD, accounting for 86 percent of ASEAN’s total trade with this Chinese region.

The Deputy PM asked Guangxi to create more favourable conditions for strong commodities of Vietnam like milk and dairy products, fruits, seafood, pigs and pork to be imported to China. He also sought the region’s help for Vietnamese goods to be transported by railway through Guangxi and other Chinese localities to enter Asian and European nations.

The Vietnamese official also urged the Chinese side to provide the best possible conditions for customs clearance of goods in border areas, well implement the three documents on land border management between Vietnam and China, and cooperate closely with Vietnam to fight cross-border crimes, including smuggling, child trafficking, and illegal exit and entrance.

Secretary Lu affirmed that Guangxi respects the traditional friendship and win-win cooperation with ministries, sectors and localities of Vietnam. 

It wants to join Vietnamese localities to realise the common perceptions reached by the countries’ leaders, increase mutual visits by their leaders, step up discussions about infrastructure connectivity and transport projects, and foster cooperation in economy, trade, people-to-people exchange and tourism in a substantive manner, thus contributing to the China-Vietnam comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, the official said.

The same day, Quang Nam province of Vietnam and the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China signed an agreement setting up bilateral friendship.

Vietnam, Sri Lanka aim to bring trade to 1 billion USD


PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc (L) welcomes his Sri Lankan counterpart Ranil Wickremesinghe in Hanoi on September 11 

The Prime Ministers of Vietnam and Sri Lanka have agreed to strive to bring two-way trade to 1 billion USD during their meeting in Hanoi on September 11.

PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc and his Sri Lankan counterpart Ranil Wickremesinghe said despite positive progress, bilateral cooperation across the fields has yet to match the two countries’ potential. They reached a consensus that the second meeting of the joint trade sub-committee should be held as early as possible in Vietnam to seek ways to bolster trade.

The two government leaders also shared the view that the joint committee should hold the fourth meeting in 2019 and the two countries should sign an MoU on fishery cooperation for the next three years.

They agreed to facilitate the expansion of partnership in fields of potential for cooperation such as education-training, telecommunications, information and digital technology, oil and gas, aviation, maritime, processing of agricultural and aquatic products, cultural and art exchange, Buddhism, sports, and youth exchange.

PM Ranil Wickremesinghe, who is in Vietnam to attend the World Economic Forum on ASEAN 2018, praised the accomplishments that Vietnam has made in socio-economic development in the past years and the country’s increasing role in the region and the world, saying that Vietnam is a model of socio-economic development for other countries.

He expressed the wish to set up ties between the ruling party in Sri Lanka and the Communist Party of Vietnam, while affirming the intention to continue working closely with Vietnam at regional and international forums, especially the United Nations and the Non-aligned Movement.

PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc stressed that the two countries should pay attention to aviation connection, which he said is the most effective way to develop trade and tourism.

He asked Sri Lanka to play an active role in ensuring security, safety and freedom of navigation and aviation in the East Sea and advocating the adherence to international law and the settlement of disputes by peaceful means.-VNA

PM highly values development of Vietnam – Japan relations


Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (R) shakes hands with Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono 

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc on September 11 said he is happy at the rapid, practical and comprehensive development of the Vietnam – Japan relations, stressing that the pushing up of the recent exchanges of high-level delegations has helped strengthen bilateral trust.

The Government leader made the statement when he received Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono who paid him a courtesy visit while here to attend the World Economic Forum on ASEAN (WEF ASEAN) 2018 in Hanoi and to co-chair the 10th session of the Vietnam – Japan Cooperation Committee.

At the reception, PM Phuc also expressed his hope for strengthened ASEAN – Japan and Mekong – Japan cooperation, especially when Vietnam shoulders the role of the coordinator of the ASEAN – Japan relations in the 2018-2021 period. He also spoke highly of Japan’s provision of official development assistance (ODA) to Vietnam in the recent past and affirmed that the Vietnamese Government highly values and strives to effectively implement the ODA projects.

The PM asked the Japanese top diplomat to accelerate the economic linkage between the two countries, especially in the fields of great potential, and spoke highly of the significant activities to mark the 45th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral diplomatic relations which, he said, make important contributions to the strengthening of the trust and intensifying of the people-to-people exchanges between the two countries.

For his part, Foreign Minister Kono expressed his desire to contribute to the success of the WEF ASEAN 2018 and the further pushing up of the Vietnam – Japan relations and cooperation. He affirmed that Japan highly values the proactive role and active contributions by Vietnam in international and regional issues, and asked for close coordination from Vietnam for the success of the coming Mekong – Japan summit.

The Japanese top diplomat reiterated that Japan will share with Vietnam experiences in building an e-government and support the viewpoint of Vietnam and other ASEAN countries in the East Sea issues when Vietnam takes the role of the coordinator of the ASEAN – Japan relations from 2018.-VNA

PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc receives US Under Secretary of Commerce


Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (R) received US Under Secretary of Commerce Gilbert Kaplan in Hanoi on September 11 

The potential for cooperation between Vietnam and the US remains huge, especially in trade and investment, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has said.

The Vietnamese PM made the remark on September 11 while receiving Gilbert Kaplan, Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade of the US Department of Commerce, who is in Vietnam to attend the 2018 US-Vietnam Business Summit.

Lauding the US’s initiatives and efforts to promote regional cooperation and connection, PM Phuc affirmed that the US is among leading partners of Vietnam and expressed his hope to further promote the comprehensive partnership with the US.

The Vietnamese PM said the visit of the US Under Secretary of Commerce has opened a new space for bilateral ties, especially in trade. 

In the first six months of 2018, exports of the US to Vietnam surged more than 20 percent year-on-year, and Vietnam has inked major contracts to purchase goods from the US.

Vietnam will continue with its reform policy and international integration, as well as improve business climate, creating optimal conditions for foreign firms, including those from the US, Phuc said.

He expressed his delight as many major corporation of the US have been present at Vietnam, adding that the World Economic Forum on ASEAN (WEF ASEAN) hosted by Vietnam offers a chance for US businesses to study opportunities for investment and business in the country.

The PM also voiced his hope for balanced trade with the US in the coming time.

For his part, Under Secretary of Commerce Gilbert Kaplan agreed with his host that the bilateral relations have been thriving in many fields. 

He said his visit aims to affirm the US’s commitment to bolstering cooperation with Vietnam, and also to discuss measures to enhance bilateral trade and investment. 

The official added that his working sessions with Vietnamese ministries and departments during the visit had made good progress.

Vietnam works to enhance youth exchanges with India


Delegates of the HCM CYU Central Committee pose together with Indian students in Agra city 

A delegation of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Central Committee is attending an exchange programme with Indian youths, which is underway in India until September 15.

The event is part of the cooperation between the HCM CYU Central Committee and the Indian Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports. 

The delegates previously had sightseeing trips to famous destinations and museums in New Delhi, the Indian Institute of Technology, and joined a working session with staff of the country’s Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports. 

It also worked with various local universities to explore youth campaigns and youth development of the country.

Speaking to the delegation on September 10, Vietnamese Ambassador to India Ton Sinh Thanh stressed that Vietnam and India are important partners to each other, as the two nations share various similarities, mutual benefits and challenges.

Youth exchanges offer opportunities to promote Vietnam’s images to international friends, he noted, calling for efforts of Vietnamese youths in contributing to the Vietnam-India ties. 

Representative of the delegation Tran Minh Huyen voiced her hope that the embassy will continue supporting Vietnamese students studying in India, and affirmed the HCM CYU Central Committee will closely cooperate with the embassy to foster youth exchanges between the nations.

During the visit, the delegation is scheduled to meet with staff of India’s national institute for volunteering and join activities in Agra city in Uttar Pradesh state, Bhubaneswar city in Odisha state and Kolkata city in West Bengal state.

Banquet hosted in honour of Indonesian President Widodo


Presidents Tran Dai Quang (right) and Joko Widodo toast at the banquet in Hanoi on September 11

President Tran Dai Quang and his spouse hosted a banquet in Hanoi on September 11 in honour of Indonesian President Joko Widodo and his spouse, who are on a two-day State visit to Vietnam.

In his speech, President Quang welcomed President Widodo, his wife and the high-ranking delegation of Indonesia to Vietnam.

He said Vietnam is proud to have a traditional friend and partner like Indonesia, which is not only one of the 20 biggest economies in the world but also a country of ideas that go beyond the regional boundaries, including those about independence, self-reliance, resilience and non-alignment which have become the diplomatic philosophy of Indonesia.

Vietnam-Indonesia relations have undergone 63 years of building and development, he said, noting that in 1955, then Presidents Ho Chi Minh and Sukarno established the friendship between the two countries basing on the two nations’ similar values, which laid a solid foundation for bilateral ties. The year 1990 saw an important milestone when then President Suharto became the first Southeast Asian head of state to pay an official visit to the reunified Vietnam.

The host leader highlighted that in recent years, the two countries’ friendship has become more sustainable while bilateral cooperation is increasingly diverse with a significant turning point in 2013, when they set up a strategic partnership.

During this visit, Vietnamese and Indonesian leaders witnessed a new development in the countries’ relations, which is the signing of an action programme for 2019-2023 – the second of its kind for realising the strategic partnership for the next five years, he added.

President Quang affirmed that the Vietnamese State and people always treasure and work to develop the friendship with their Indonesian peers for not only today but also future generations.

In his reply, President Widodo noted the similarities in terms of population and traffic density between Hanoi and Jakarta which indicate that the two capital cities’ economies are growing strongly.

He also expressed his hope that the two nations will together make efforts to enhance relations in all spheres. 

Vietnam attends Eastern Economic Forum in Russia


Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung 

A Vietnamese delegation led by Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung is attending the fourth Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) held in the Russian city of Vladivostok. 

During the first working day on September 11, the minister delivered a speech at the Russia – ASEAN discussion session. He said Vietnam now has trade ties with nearly 220 countries worldwide with total value worth 425 billion USD and average gross domestic product per capita of roughly 2,400 USD. In the first seven months of this year, the Vietnamese economy grew by over 7 percent. The country has attracted a total 334 billion USD of foreign direct investment from 129 countries and territories worldwide. 

With political stability, constantly improving business environment, competitive costs, upgraded transport infrastructure, numerous business incentives, a golden population, promising market and widespread global integration, Vietnam has become an attractive and strategic destination for foreign investors, he said. 

In recent years, Vietnam has actively invested abroad, mostly in ASEAN member states. Besides, Russia accounts for 13 percent of Vietnam’s outbound investment, ranking third among 75 countries and territories with Vietnamese investment. 

Dung said Vietnam now invests in 23 projects worth nearly 2.9 billion USD in Russia, mostly in oil and gas exploration, telecommunications, shopping malls, agriculture, milch cow farming and milk processing. 

The minister affirmed that Vietnam wants to continue promoting investment in traditional markets such as Russia and ASEAN. As Vietnam was the first country to sign a Free Trade Agreement with the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), which took effect on October 5, 2016, he said economic ties between Russia and Vietnam, and between EAEU and Vietnam will continue to thrive in the near future. 

Vietnam will help Russia expand ties with ASEAN Economic Community – a dynamic market with a population of over 600 million people and gross domestic product of around 2.5 trillion USD, he said. 

Minister Dung said the freshly-concluded visit to Russia by General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong brought new opportunities for Vietnam-Russia ties to reach a new high. During meetings as part of the Vietnamese Party leader’s visit, both sides vowed to create favourable conditions for their business communities to cooperate in energy, oil and gas, agriculture, urban transport infrastructure, information and telecommunications. 

Dung expressed his belief that on the back of Vietnam – Russia comprehensive strategic partnership, Vietnamese firms will invest more in Russia in general and the Far East in particular, and bilateral trade will increase in the near future. 

At the forum, the Vietnamese minister was updated about Russian government’s investment incentives in the Far East such as tax reduction and waive, land support policy, Aqaba Special Economic Zone development and free seaport mechanism in Vladivostok which holds potential of attracting investment in energy, infrastructure, agro-forestry, technology. 

The three-day event attracted delegates from 60 countries worldwide. The Vietnamese delegation delivered speeches in several sessions.

Vietnam values comprehensive cooperation with China: PM


Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (R) and Chinese Vice Premier of the State Council Hu Chunhua 

Vietnam treasures and wants to develop comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership with China, stated Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc when receiving Chinese Vice Premier of the State Council Hu Chunhua in Hanoi on September 11.

The Chinese official is leading a delegation to the ongoing World Economic Forum on ASEAN (WEF ASEAN) 2018, which started the same day.

At the reception, PM Phuc said the attendance reflects China’s support to Vietnam’s hosting of the event and congratulated China on its successful organisation of the first session of its 13th National People's Congress and People's Political Consultative Conference.

Phuc also spoke highly of the outcomes of the sound collaboration of the two countries last year, particularly in economy, trade, and investment.

He suggested the sides continue to exchange and take measures in boosting balanced and sustainable development of bilateral trade, with Vietnam reducing its trade deficit with China.    

The Government leader asked China to facilitate Vietnamese goods, particularly farm produce, invest in high-tech projects in Vietnam, and carry out joint projects in line with bilateral agreements with progress and quality ensured.

The sides need to accelerate cooperation in transport, agriculture, environment, science-technology, finance, and currency, Phuc said, adding that the effective usage of Chinese aid packages for Vietnam is also necessary.

Measures to cut production costs should be studied in a bid to increase rail transport of goods from Vietnam to Eurasian countries via China, he noted.

The PM also requested China create favourable conditions for Vietnamese airlines to operate and launch new air routes.

Regarding issues on the sea, Phuc stressed the sides need to continue their serious implementation of their leaders’ common perception, and of the Vietnam – China agreement on basic principles guiding the settlement of sea-related issues.

He highlighted bilateral respect of each country’s legitimate and legal interests in line with international law and the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982 UNCLOS).

The Government leader recommended the sides push for the improvement of mechanisms of maritime negotiations, effective and full implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), and collaboration with the ASEAN member states to build the code of conduct in the East Sea (COC).

For his part, Hu Chunhua affirmed the Chinese Party, Government and people are ready to work with Vietnam in enhancing their neighbourly friendship and comprehensive cooperation. He expected the sides to seize opportunities for win – win engagements across different spheres. 

The Vice Premier underscored China’s goodwill in increasing its imports of Vietnamese products, particularly farm produce, on demand to balance bilateral trade, and in the management and tackling of disputes to sustain peace and stability in the East Sea.

Healthy and stable development of Vietnam – China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership is also needed, he stated.

The Chinese official wished Vietnam a successful hosting of the WEF ASEAN 2018.

Cuba: Various activities mark Fidel’s historical visit to Vietnam


“If I have a brother”, launched in the nation for the first time, features songs, poems and articles on the Vietnam-Cuba relations 

Special friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and Cuba were nudged closer to Cuban friends through a book introduction ceremony held in Havana on September 10 as part of activities to celebrate the 45th anniversary of Cuban leader Fidel Castro’s historical visit to Vietnam.

The event was held by the Young Communist League of Cuba at Jose Marti Memorial Site in Havana.

“If I have a brother”, launched in the nation for the first time, features songs, poems and articles on the Vietnam-Cuba relations.

According to Joan Cabo, director of the April Publishing House, the book will help Cuban young leaders have deeper understanding about the special bilateral ties, and mutual respect.

Meanwhile, the “War stories of heroic Vietnam” book includes interviews and articles of Raul Valdes Vivo and Marta Rojas, two Cuban journalists who witnessed Vietnam’s struggles against the US, and the friendship between the two countries.

Maria Victoria Valdes, daughter of late journalist Raul Valdes Vivo, said that the book not only gives an insight into the “Vietnam legend” to Cuban people, but also provides information on Cuban experts’ support for Vietnam during the war against the US.

The same day, Fidel’s historical visit to Vietnam in September, 1973 was broadcast on the Cubavision’s weekly roundtable discussion. Within 60 minutes, members of the discussion, including Vietnamese Ambassador to Cuba Nguyen Trung Thanh and journalist Marta Rojas, highlighted the historical milestone of the visit in the bilateral relations.

Celebrations for Fidel’s historical visit were also held at Vo Thi Thang primary school, Le Van Tam and Victory Smile kindergartens.

Earlier, more than 90 schools across Cuba held celebrations to mark the milestone in the Vietnam-Cuba ties.

An official meeting to mark the event is scheduled for September 12.

Fidel Castro made three visits to Vietnam in September 1973, December 1995, and February 2003. He was the first foreign leader to visit the newly-liberated area in the south of Vietnam. He was also a national leader who took the lead in international movements to support Vietnam’s struggle for national independence and reunification, along with its process of national development and defence.

With all his great contributions, the Cuban leader was presented with the two noblest orders of the Vietnamese State: the Golden Star Order in 1982 and the Ho Chi Minh Order in 1989.

Vietnam, Cambodia provinces record encouraging multifaceted ties


Leaders of An Giang and Kandal provinces show the agreement on cooperation for the coming time at the meeting on September 11 

Leaders of An Giang and Kandal provinces show the agreement on cooperation for the coming time at the meeting on September 11 

The Mekong Delta province of An Giang and the neighbouring Cambodian province of Kandal held a meeting on September 11 to review bilateral cooperation, noting positive outcomes in their relations in multiple spheres.

The meeting, held in the Vietnamese province, was co-chaired by Chairman of the An Giang People’s Committee Vuong Binh Thanh and Kandal Governor Mao Phirun.

They highlighted the progress in collaboration to ensure security and order along the shared border, and in their partnership in economy-trade, agriculture, culture, tourism, health care, education and transport. They said the two sides have also seen increased cooperation between their organisations, courts and districts, as well as in border demarcation and marker planting and the search for and repatriation of the remains of Vietnam’s voluntary soldiers in Cambodia.

To keep a border of peace and stability, friendly neighbourliness and cooperation for common development between the countries, An Giang and Kandal have exchanged information in a timely manner, conducted joint patrols, protected the borderline and border markers, respected each other’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, and effectively dealt with law violations like illegal border crossing or smuggling, thereby helping to ensure social order – safety and border security and promote local development.

The officials discussed and agreed on many cooperation areas for the time ahead, including intensifying the protection of security, social order and safety along the border; facilitating the development of border gates’ economic zones; creating favourable conditions for the travel of the two sides’ residents; investing in infrastructure building; and sharing information about environmental protection and water resource management in their border areas.

The two provinces also agreed to continue permitting the temporary import for re-export by non-commercial vehicles while accelerating the construction of goods depots at the Khanh Binh border gate of An Giang, the Chrey Thom border gate of Kandal and other border gates. They will further consider allowing their residents to use laissez-passers to cross the border.

An Giang and Kandal will also push on with the repatriation of the remains of Vietnam’s voluntary soldiers and experts who laid down their lives in Cambodia.

Meanwhile, the An Giang Committee of the Vietnamese Fatherland Front, the Kandal Committee of the Solidarity Front for the Development of Cambodia Motherland, and other mass organisations in the two provinces will reinforce cooperation in further disseminating policies, border-related law and information about human trafficking combat.

The two sides will also work together to raise local residents’ awareness about law and adherence to border-related agreements, conventions and regulations, while boosting cultural and economic exchanges. 

PM Phuc: Vietnam - Rok relations developing well in every field


Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (R) receives RoK Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha 

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc on September 11 affirmed that the Vietnam – Republic of Korea relations and cooperation have been developing vigorously and effectively in every field since the state-visit to Vietnam by RoK President Moon Jae-in earlier this year.

He made the statement while receiving RoK Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha, who is heading the country’s delegation to the World Economic Forum on ASEAN (WEF ASEAN) 2018 now underway in Hanoi.

During the reception, the Government leader asked the two sides to continue maintaining the high-level contacts and to closely coordinate with each other to accelerate the bilateral cooperation in every field, especially in investment, and to facilitate Vietnam’s exports to the market in the RoK so as to narrow the trade imbalance. PM Phuc also stressed that the two should strengthen their cooperation on science and technology to meet the new requirements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Besides, PM Phuc also said he hopes the RoK will soon take effective measures to assist Vietnam in building an e-government, and asked the RoK Foreign Ministry to help the Vietnamese country in the country.

Foreign Minister Kang conveyed regards from President Moon Jae-in to the host and spoke highly of the socio-economic development and international integration recorded by Vietnam in the recent past. She said the RoK attaches great importance to the boosting of the relations and cooperation with Vietnam and stands ready to join hands with the country in solving the issues in trade. 

The RoK will help the Vietnamese community in the country and share experiences with Vietnam in building an e-government, FM Kang stressed, adding that she herself and her ministry will continue closely coordinating with Vietnam in accelerating the implementation of the high-level agreement in a practical and effective way, thus contributing to the bringing of the bilateral relations to a new height.

PM Phuc sends sympathy to Japan over quake devastation

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc on September 11 sent his sympathy to his Japanese counterpart Shinzo Abe over the human and property losses caused by a major earthquake and subsequent landslide in Japan’s Hokkaido prefecture on September 6.


Japan Self-Defence Forces search for missing people after the quake in Hokkaido PrefectureJapan Self-Defence Forces search for missing people after the quake in Hokkaido Prefecture

Also on September 11, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh sent his sympathy to Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono.

At least nine people were killed and about 300 injured by a magnitude 6.7 earthquake that struck Japan's northernmost main island of Hokkaido early September 6, destroying houses, ripping apart roads and causing a number of massive landslides, including some that buried parts of towns.

The quake also cut power to all 2.95 million homes and a nuclear power plant in the prefecture, causing the cancellation of flights and disrupting train services to the popular tourist destination.

The temblor, which occurred in southern Hokkaido at a depth of about 37 km, registered the highest reading of 7 on the Japanese seismic intensity scale in Atsuma and upper 6 in Abira, both southeast of Sapporo. No tsunami warning was issued.

Smaller aftershocks continued and the Japan Meteorological Agency warned that earthquakes with a similar intensity could continue in the area for about a week.

The quake is the latest in a series of natural disasters in Japan this year, and came just days after a powerful typhoon roared through western Japan, killing more than 11 people, injuring more than 400 and forcing the temporary shutdown of Kansai International Airport, one of the country's key gateways.

The incident brought back memories of the 2011 quake and subsequent tsunami, which knocked out both the main and emergency power supply at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant and caused three reactors to melt down.

PM Phuc: Vietnam - Rok relations developing well in every field

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (R) receives RoK Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha 

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc on September 11 affirmed that the Vietnam – Republic of Korea relations and cooperation have been developing vigorously and effectively in every field since the state-visit to Vietnam by RoK President Moon Jae-in earlier this year.

He made the statement while receiving RoK Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha, who is heading the country’s delegation to the World Economic Forum on ASEAN (WEF ASEAN) 2018 now underway in Hanoi.

During the reception, the Government leader asked the two sides to continue maintaining the high-level contacts and to closely coordinate with each other to accelerate the bilateral cooperation in every field, especially in investment, and to facilitate Vietnam’s exports to the market in the RoK so as to narrow the trade imbalance. PM Phuc also stressed that the two should strengthen their cooperation on science and technology to meet the new requirements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Besides, PM Phuc also said he hopes the RoK will soon take effective measures to assist Vietnam in building an e-government, and asked the RoK Foreign Ministry to help the Vietnamese country in the country.

Foreign Minister Kang conveyed regards from President Moon Jae-in to the host and spoke highly of the socio-economic development and international integration recorded by Vietnam in the recent past. She said the RoK attaches great importance to the boosting of the relations and cooperation with Vietnam and stands ready to join hands with the country in solving the issues in trade. 

The RoK will help the Vietnamese community in the country and share experiences with Vietnam in building an e-government, FM Kang stressed, adding that she herself and her ministry will continue closely coordinating with Vietnam in accelerating the implementation of the high-level agreement in a practical and effective way, thus contributing to the bringing of the bilateral relations to a new height.
