Minister of Public Security visits Singapore

Minister of Public Security Tran Dai Quang on April 12 paid an official visit to Singapore and attended the official opening of the INTERPOL Global Complex for Innovation.

The same day, Minister Quang held talks with Deputy PM, Minister for Home Affairs, Co-ordinating Minister for National Security and Minister-in-charge of the Civil Service Teo Chee Hean.

The Singaporean Deputy PM asserted that the Vietnamese Minister’s visit contributed to boosting the two nations’ relations, showing Viet Nam’s respect for international cooperation in preventing and fighting crimes and asserting the nation as a responsible member in the international community.

Minister Quang highly valued the effective cooperation between the two sides in fighting crimes, especially high-tech and trans-national crimes and drug trafficking.

He said he hoped that the two nations will bring into full play their cooperative mechanism to strengthen their relationship.

Politburo member Le Hong Anh visits Laos ahead of local New Year

Politburo member Le Hong Anh has conveyed Vietnamese leaders’ New Year wishes to Lao Party General Secretary and State President Choummaly Sayasone on the occasion of the local traditional Bun Pi May festival.

Anh, who is also a permanent member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat, was received by the Lao leader in Vientiane on April 11.

He congratulated Lao Party, State and people on their achievements during the national construction and defence as well as reform processes, believing that under the leadership of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party, the country will continue to prosper.

The achievements are not only significant to Laos’ national development, but also contribute positively to consolidating and enhancing the Vietnam-Laos special relations as well as to maintaining peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and the world, affirmed Anh.

Vietnam will always collaborate with Laos and do its utmost to continuously nurture and educate future generations about the bilateral ties, he added.

Choummaly Sayasone, in turn, expressed his delight at and pride of the growing time-honoured friendship, special solidarity and all-round cooperation between Laos and Vietnam, which he considers an important factor in ensuring the stability and development of both countries.

He thanked the Vietnamese Party, State and people for supporting Laos over the years, confirming that his country will also exert every effort to maintain relations.

Earlier, the Vietnamese official held talks with Bounnhang Volachith, Politburo member, permanent member of the Lao Party Central Committee’s Secretariat and Vice State President.

During the meeting, both agreed to continue visits and meetings between the two countries’ high-ranking leaders, intensify information and experience sharing in Party building, regularly organise seminars and conferences on both theoretical and practical issues, and strengthen cooperation in defence, security, economics, trade, investment, education and culture.

They also reached a consensus on instructing ministries and localities to effectively carry out agreements reached during the 37 th meeting of the Vietnam-Laos Inter-Governmental Committee on Bilateral Cooperation.

The same day, the Vietnamese official paid a New Year visit to Sisavat Keobounphan, former Lao Prime Minister and former President of the Lao National Liberation Front Central Committee.

Vietnam, Estonia eye expanding cooperation

Chairman of the People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh City Le Hoang Quan received Estonian Ambassador to Vietnam Toomas Lukk on April 10, on the occasion of the Honourary Consulate of the Republic of Estonia opened in the City.

The Chairman congratulated Ambassador Toomas Lukk on the estalishment of the Honourary Consulate, saying the move showed that Estonia treasures the relations with Vietnam.

Vietnam and Estonia have maintained a strong rapport since the first day of the diplomatic ties, yet their bilateral cooperation potential in trade and education have not been fully tapped, Quan said.

Thus, the new Estonian rep. office in Ho Chi Minh City will open more opportunities for the two nations to expand their collaboration, he added, pledging that the southern city will do its utmost to support the Consulate’s operation in the future.

On his part, the Estonian Ambassador hoped that a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Vietnam and the European Union will be shortly concluded, clearing the way for more Estonian businesses to do business in Vietnam.

He believed the Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City, the country’s economic hub, will help foster economic cooperation between the two sides.

The Republic of Estonia is strong in advanced technology, adopting an e-government system 15 years ago. The online service model was also popular in other fields of work, including school administration, tax payment and most recently, E-citizen.

Estonia’s pool of experience in digital services and technology is expected to facilitate bilateral cooperation in the field, alongside agriculture and healthcare.

Fatherland Front leader presents New Year gifts to Khmer monks

President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee Nguyen Thien Nhan presented gifts to monks at Khmer pagodas in the southern province of Tra Vinh on April 12 on the occasion of the Khmer New Year festival – Chol Chnam Thmey.

Visiting the Tra Vinh Patriotic Monks Solidarity Association in Tra Vinh City and Py-Seyva-Ra-Ram Pagoda in Cang Long District, the VFF leader praised the monks for their dedicated religious activities and participation in local social programmes, helping improve living conditions for the Khmer community.

On the occasion, he handed over 100 cows worth 1 billion VND (around 46,000 USD) to 100 poor families. The cows were donated by the Vietnam Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development.

The same day, the VFF President held a working session with local officials, the provincial VFF chapter and the provincial branch of the Vietnam Cooperative Alliance on directions for socio-economic development.

Poland treasures ties with Vietnam

The Polish Government continually attaches importance to developing its traditional relations and multifaceted cooperation with Vietnam, Polish officials told Vietnamese Deputy Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son.

Son, who was on a working visit to Poland from April 8-10 at the invitation of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, held a political consultation with his Polish counterpart Katarzyna Kacperczyk and met with a number of other Polish officials.

Polish officials praised Vietnam’s achievements after nearly 30 years of reform as well as its increasing position in the global arena.

They stated that Poland will enhance links with Vietnam at international forums, especially the United Nations, Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) and within the ASEAN-European Union (EU) cooperation, affirming that Poland supports the rapid completion of negotiations towards signing the EU-Vietnam free trade agreement (EVFTA).

The two sides agreed to promote all-level visit exchanges to step up bilateral cooperation in trade-investment, education-training, defence, food, information technology and pharmaceuticals.

They highlighted the increasingly fruitful development in trade and investment cooperation between the two countries while concurring with the plan to set up an Inter-governmental committee for Vietnam-Poland economic cooperation.

The Polish side spoke of the contributions from the overseas Vietnamese community to the European country’s cultural diversity.

In regards to East Sea related-issues, Poland asserted that it continues to back the resolution of disputes through peaceful means in line with international law and supports the role played by international communities, especially the UN, in mitigating these disputes.-

VUFO official receives US delegation

Vice President and Secretary General of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations (VUFO) Don Tuan Phong received a US congressional staff delegation led by Alex Harrison Herrgott of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee in Hanoi on April 10.

Phong, who is also the vice president of the Vietnam-US Association, welcomed the US delegation to Vietnam in the context of 20 years of the establishment of diplomatic ties and 40 years of the country's national reunification.

He expressed his hope that the visit would help the US delegation learn about the social and economic situation in Vietnam, as well as the country's external and internal policies.

Herrgott and other members of the delegation, who are in Vietnam from April 3-12, expressed their wish to look at the efforts being made by American veterans in Vietnam to heal the scars of war, and the search for those who went missing during that time.

Germany’s Leipzig, HCM City establish cooperative ties

Ho Chi Minh City and Germany’s Leipzig city established friendly cooperative ties on April 10.

A memorandum of understanding (MoU) to this effect was signed by Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee Le Hoang Quan and Mayor of Leipzig Burkhard Jung at their meeting in HCM City.

Accordingly, the two cities will work together in heath care, environment technology and energy, sustainable urban development, science, education, socio-culture and sports.

They will also back cooperative initiatives between their public institutions, agencies and organisations.

Jung said Leipzig city is interested in projects for hospital, health care and waste treatment models using green technologies in Ho Chi Minh City, adding that he is accompanied by scientists and medical experts during the visit.

Quan, for his part, said the signing of the MoU opens up opportunities for both sides to expand partnership.

NA Standing Committee’s 37th session closes

The National Assembly Standing Committee wrapped up its 37th session in Hanoi on April 10 after five working days where participants gave their opinions on a number of draft laws.

During the session, lawmakers offered feedback on the Penal Code (amended), Criminal Procedure Code (revised), Law on Information Safety, Law on Charges and Fees, Law on Amendments and supplements to articles of the Maritime Code.

They also provided their opinions on the Law on State Budget (revised), Law on the Organisation of the Government (amended), Law on the Organization of Local Government and the Law on Election of Deputies to the National Assembly and People’s Council.

The session also heard a report on the outcomes of the Inter-Parliamentary Union’s 132nd Assembly (IPU-132) and commented on Government proposals on establishing Tam Diep city in Ninh Binh province and Ky Anh town in Ha Tinh province.

Additionally, participants discussed plans for supervisory activities of the NA and its Standing Committee in 2016.

Before the closing ceremony, participants debated the request of the Prime Minister on appointing and dismissing Vietnamese ambassadors in a number of countries.

Cambodia looks to enhance ties with HCM City: PM Hun Sen

Cambodia is willing to work with Ho Chi Minh City to speed up the implementation of cooperation programmes relating to socio-economic and cultural affairs to benefit their people and for peace, stability and prosperity in the region and the world, said Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen.

While welcoming visiting Secretary of the municipal Party Committee Le Thanh Hai on April 10, the Cambodian PM said he is delighted at wide-ranging developments in relations between Ho Chi Minh City and Cambodia ’s capital Phnom Penh , and between the two countries.

For his part, Hai, who is also a Politburo member, thanked the PM and Cambodian officials for creating favourable conditions to help the city effectively carry out cooperation and development projects, especially the Cho Ray-Phnom Penh hospital.

He expressed his hope for continuous collaboration between his city and Cambodian localities for their mutual benefit.

On the same day, the Ho Chi Minh City leader also met with Vice Chairman of the Cambodian National Assembly Nguon Nhel, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the National Assembly-Senate Relations and Inspection Men Sam An who is also President of the Cambodia-Vietnam Friendship Association.

Additionally, Hai paid tribute to fallen Vietnamese soldiers at their monument in Cambodia and visited the Cho Ray-Phnom Penh hospital.