Vietnamese, Korean lawmakers to push on with cooperation activities

Chairman of the RoK-Vietnam Parliamentary Friendship Group Kim Hak-yong addresses the exchange in Hanoi on January 18 (Photo:

Parliamentarians of Vietnam and the Republic of Korea (RoK) held an exchange programme in Hanoi on January 18 to discuss cooperation between the two countries in various fields.

Chairman of the Vietnam-RoK Parliamentary Friendship Group Tran Van Tuy, who is Chairman of the Vietnamese National Assembly (NA)’s Committee for Deputy Affairs, said the two countries’ parliaments signed a cooperation agreement for the first time in 2009 so as to elevate bilateral ties to a new height. This deal was renewed in 2013 and is being implemented effectively, he said.

This exchange programme was an activity facilitated by the two sides’ parliamentary leaders, Tuy noted.

Chairman of the RoK-Vietnam Parliamentary Friendship Group Kim Hak-yong, who is also head of the RoK NA’s Environment and Labour Committee, said that since their diplomatic ties were set up in 1992, the bilateral relations have been continuously enhanced in all aspects, from economy and culture to tourism and people-to-people exchange.

There are about 150,000 Koreans in Vietnam and 170,000 Vietnamese in the RoK at present. Notably, with the success of Vietnam’s national men’s football team as coached by Korean national Park Hang-seo, people-to-people exchange has been developing strongly, he noted.

At the exchange, participants looked into bilateral cooperation in economy, trade, investment, labour, culture, sports, and tourism, and discussed collaboration between the Vietnamese and Korean legislators in the time ahead.

They agreed to continue cooperation activities as agreed by their parliamentary leaders. In particular, the two sides will increase delegation exchanges and sharing experience in legislative and supervisory activities. They will also promote the two Governments’ implementation of signed agreements and strengthen coordination and mutual support at regional and international inter-parliamentary forums.

Later the same day, the legislators of Vietnam and the RoK joined together in a friendly football match at Hang Day Stadium in Hanoi.

Solidarity should be among ASEAN’s core priorities: official

Delegates to ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Retreat 

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh has called on the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to consider solidarity, unity, and its central role as core priorities orienting all of its activities. 

ASEAN member countries should closely coordinate and support each other to promote creativity, assist startups, and develop high-quality human resources amidst the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the official said while addressing the ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Retreat that concluded in Thailand on January 18. 

Given the complex developments of the East Sea situation and increasing militarisation in the area, Minh urged ASEAN to maintain its solidarity and common voice. Doing so would contribute to regional peace, stability, and security on the basis of reached principles covering self-restraint, zero militarization, and full and effective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), towards an effective and efficient Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC) in line with international law, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982 UNCLOS). 

During the two-day retreat, ministers reviewed the building of the ASEAN Community and discussed the realisation of the outcomes from the 33rd ASEAN Summit that took place last November, according to a press statement issued following the event. 

More than 80 percent of ASEAN’s action lines have been implemented while the 10-member group’s combined economy grew at over 5 percent during 2018. 

The ASEAN is looking to take various measures, including the initiative to build networks of smart cites and cybersecurity, in order to adapt to intensive and extensive impacts of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The ministers also reached a consensus on ASEAN’s 2019 theme of “Advancing Partnership for Sustainability”, and agreed to carry out a range of initiatives in different cooperation areas. 

Accordingly, the member countries will step up efforts to ensure peace and security sustainably, and effectively cope with non-traditional security challenges. 

At the same time, ASEAN will increase communications work, people-to-people exchange, and social welfare, while consolidating its capacity for combating natural disasters. 

ASEAN stands ready to enhance comprehensive cooperation with its partners; carry forward its central role; and build an open, transparent, and inclusive regional architecture based on international laws. 

The ministers consented that ASEAN needs to regularly discuss the East Sea issue, and noted their concerns over reclamation work and other activities that have eroded trust, increased tensions, and harmed regional peace and security. 

They agreed to push ahead with negotiations of the COC in an effective and efficient manner, including the completion of the first reading of the Single Draft COC Negotiating Text in 2019. 

They also agreed to continue assisting Myanmar in stabilising the life of locals in Rakhine state, and welcomed positive developments on the Korean Peninsula. 

ASEAN groups together 10 member nations of Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Deputy Health Minister requests improvement of population quality

Deputy Health Minister Nguyen Viet Tien requested the improvement of population quality and healthcare for the elderly during a conference in Hanoi on January 18 to launch its 2019 tasks regarding population and family planning. 

He also asked for maintaining the birth rate and limiting the increase in sex ratio at birth. 

Last year saw the first year of implementation for Resolution No.21-NQ/TW dated October 25, 2017 adopted by the sixth conference of the 12th Party Central Committee on population work in the new situation. 

Speaking at the event, Deputy General Director of the General Office for Population and Family Planning Nguyen Thi Ngoc Lan said the nationwide population hit 94.67 million in 2018, 1 million higher than 2017. The total number of new-born babies reached 1.38 million. The rate of married couples adopting contraceptive methods hit 66.5 percent, lower than the target of 67.4 percent. 

Regarding population demographics, the sex ratio at birth hit a record with 115.1 boys to 100 girls, up three percentage points from 2017 and falling short of the targeted 112.8 boys to 100 girls. 

Ninety-four percent of the elderly were covered by health insurance, compared to the targeted 100 percent. Meanwhile, only 10.3 percent of senior citizens underwent health checkups at least once per year. 

According to Lan, expenses for the communications campaign on population were reduced last year, thus affecting results. 

In 2019, the sector has set the targets of having a 95.7 million population, a 1.06 percent population growth, the average life expectancy of 73.6 years and the sex ratio at birth at 114 boys to 100 girls. 

The rate of modern contraceptive method adoption should reach 68 percent, while the increase in gender ratio at birth will hit 0.4 percentage point. Meanwhile, the rate of pre-natal testing among pregnant women will hit 45 percent and the rate of unwanted pregnancies among young people will fall by 15 percent. All elderly people will be covered by health insurance. 

The sector suggested that the Government should ask the Ministry of Finance to amend regulations ensuring the funding of 50,000 VND (2.1 USD) per person per year towards population work and allowing the import of contraceptive tools which are not domestically-produced and without representative offices in Vietnam. 

Deputy PM directs religious work for 2019

Permanent Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh at the event 

Permanent Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh has requested holding regular dialogues with religious organisations to acquire their feedback and promptly deal with lawsuits, especially those regarding land, in line with the Party guidelines and State law. 

During a meeting in Hanoi on January 18 to review 2018 activities and launch 2019 tasks concerning State management on beliefs and religion, the Deputy PM asked the Government’s Committee on Religious Affairs to continue seriously abiding by Party policies and State laws in the field, as well as improve its State management capacity in the new situation. 

The committee was required to work with ministries, agencies and localities to offer suggestions to the Government in the process of addressing complicated religious issues. 

It must stay resolute in punishing those that take advantage of religious affairs to incite the mass to violate laws, disturb social security and order, and sabotage the Party and State. 

At the same time, it must enhance external relations and instruct religious organisations to join the global and regional forums in line with the Party and State’s diplomatic policies, as well as responsibly join United Nations human rights forums. 

Deputy head of the committee Bui Thanh Ha said thanks to efforts of the entire political system, religious work saw positive results, noting that a majority of religious dignitaries and followers actively joined the national patriotic emulation campaigns.

However, external forces still seek contacts with several extremist religious dignitaries to incite religious followers to cause social security disorder.

PM receives former US Secretary of State John Kerry

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (R) and former US Secretary of State John Kerry 

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc lauded former US Secretary of State John Kerry’s efforts for bilateral ties during a reception in Hanoi on January 18. 

The PM also promised to direct agencies concerned to consider Kerry’s proposal for a Vietnamese partner to form a joint-venture that will build a wind power mill in the country, adding that the Vietnamese Government always considers renewable energy a priority field.  

He said he hoped that Kerry and partners will make further contributions to Vietnam – US ties. 

Kerry, for his part, said the delegation includes those who previously urged the US to lift embargo on Vietnam and promote partnership between the two countries. 

As Vietnam is facing climate change impact in the Mekong Delta and shortage of power for development, he said he knows banks and international organisations that are interested in investing in clean power in the country. Therefore, he wished to receive support from the Vietnamese Government, ministries, agencies and localities in the regard. 

He expressed his belief that on the back of the past experience in similar projects in other countries, the project in Vietnam will be a success.

PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc receives former first US Ambassador

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (R) and US former Ambassador to Vietnam Pete Peterson (Photo:

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc hosted a reception for US former Ambassador to Vietnam Pete Peterson in Hanoi on January 18.

Peterson expressed his delight over the thriving ties between the two countries, especially after the US’s removal of trade embargo on Vietnam. He said that it is a great honour for him to serve as the first US Ambassador to Vietnam.

There are several investors showing their interest in the operation of the Hanoi-Hai Phong expressway, he said, adding that he has made efforts to seek corporations who have strong financial capacity and considerable experience to invest in the project.

PM Phuc spoke highly of Peterson’s thorough understanding about Vietnam, asking him to send documents to competent authorities in Vietnam to discuss his initiatives further.

He ordered the Ministry of Transport to coordinate with relevant agencies to study and propose specific plans.

Japan – one of HCM City’s most important partners: official

At the meeting 

Japan is one of Ho Chi Minh City’s most important partners in many spheres, from economy and investment to education, said Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee Nguyen Thanh Phong. 

At a reception for visiting Japanese State Minister for Foreign Affairs Toshiko Abe on January 18, Phong stressed that Japan has significantly contributed to HCM City’s socio-economic achievements. 

HCM City welcomes Japanese enterprises and is willing to create optimal conditions for them to study the market and run businesses in the locality for a long term, he said. 

Mentioning the metro line No. 1 linking Ben Thanh in district 1 to Suoi Tien Theme Park in district 9, the official told his guest that the city will provide budget-sourced funding for contractors in advance to speed up the progress. 

Phong called on Japan to continue implementing cooperation projects, including those supporting visa grant to Vietnamese labourers and tourists, stepping up collaboration in Japanese language teaching and vocational training, and ensuring a favourable environment for Vietnamese guest workers. 

For her part, Toshiko Abe noted with pleasure fruitful developments of the Vietnam-Japan extensive strategic partnership, especially coordination between the two countries in organising activities marking the 45th anniversary of the bilateral diplomatic ties last year. 

Japan wishes to partner with Vietnam to facilitate the connectivity between Japanese and Vietnamese firms, including those from HCM City, she said. 

Stressing substantial potential for collaboration between businesses and people of the two countries, Toshiko Abe said the Japan-Vietnam festival, which opened in HCM City on January 18, has demonstrated joint efforts in enhancing mutual understanding and exchanges between residents in the city and Japanese people. 

Japan commits to continuously improving the working environment and creating favourable conditions for Vietnamese labourers in the country, contributing to strengthening the fruitful friendship between the two countries, she said.

Vietnam wants to cooperate with Singapore in innovation: PM

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (right) and President of the Singapore Manufacturing Federation  Douglas Foo 

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has lauded Singapore’s high indexes in innovation, creativity and productivity, and expressed his hope for stronger cooperation with the country in these fields. 

At a meeting with President of the Singapore Manufacturing Federation (SMF) Douglas Foo in Hanoi on January 18, the PM highlighted the guest’s talks on important issues regarding innovation and creation in which Singapore has experience. 

He also welcomed the SMF President’s initiatives for cooperation in this sphere between Vietnam and Singapore. 

Singapore is Vietnam’s important partners in economy, trade and investment, the leader said, adding that the two countries have nine industrial parks (VSIP) across Vietnam. 

Therefore, Singapore’s innovative and creative models are significant to Vietnam, he stressed. 

Phuc told his guest that innovation, creativity and technological incubators are new to Vietnam and can help spur the country’s development.


In reply, Douglas Foo said many Singaporean groups and businesses want to operate in Vietnam, noting that the successful VSIPs have been seen as a symbol of the bilateral relationship. 

He suggested the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training to encourage Vietnamese students to participate in innovation and creativity, and expressed his hope that the two countries would closely cooperate in order to make Vietnam-Singapore innovation and creativity centres successful in the time ahead. 

Pointing out limited production capacity of Singapore due to the shortage of human resources, he said the joint centres can ease the problem. 

The guest also expressed his hope that Singapore will send scholars to Vietnam to help the country in this regard. 

PM Phuc stressed that the initiative to build a large-scale innovation and creativity centre in cooperation between the two countries are necessary.

RoK parliamentarians welcomed in Hanoi

National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan (L) welcomes RoK parliamentarians in Hanoi on January 18 

National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan hosted a reception in Hanoi on January 18 for a delegation from the Republic of Korea (RoK)-Vietnam Friendship Parliamentarians’ Group led by its Chairman Kim Hak-yong.

The top legislator spoke highly of exchanges between the friendship parliamentarians’ groups of the two countries, saying a friendly football match in Hanoi later the same day will contribute to enhancing the understanding, solidarity and friendship between the Vietnamese and RoK lawmakers.

Events organised between the groups on this occasion are concrete and practical activities to realise cooperation contents reached by the two countries’ parliamentary leaders during the high-ranking Vietnamese NA delegation’s visit to the RoK last December, she said.

For his part, Kim said the friendly football match is a significant activity, showing Vietnam and the RoK have become close friends when their parliamentarians join together in the football ground.  He expressed his wish that a similar event will be held in his country in the time to come.

Informing his host about the outcomes of the exchange between the two groups earlier on January 18, he said the two sides discussed orientations to strengthen future collaboration. He affirmed that the RoK-Vietnam Friendship Parliamentarians’ Group will try its best to realise these orientations.

The guest also congratulated Vietnam on its 2018 GDP growth rate of over 7 percent amid numerous difficulties in the world economy. He said he believes that the RoK and Vietnam will become cooperation partners for mutual development. 

Agreeing with Kim, NA Chairwoman Ngan said the Vietnam-RoK relations have developed comprehensively and pragmatically on the basis of political trust between the two countries’ high-ranking leaders, similarities in history and culture, mutual economic assistance, and people-to-people exchange.

After their relationship was upgraded to a strategic cooperative partnership in 2009, the two countries have become each other’s important partners, with strongly developing cooperation in economy-trade-investment and labour, and development cooperation.

Collaboration in culture and education, and people-to-people exchange have expanded in both quantity and quality, serving as an important foundation for the two countries’ people to enhance their mutual understanding, she said, adding that there are around 65,000 multicultural Korean-Vietnam families. 

Flights between the two nations’ cities have increased, providing more opportunities for bilateral connection and people-to-people exchange, she noted.

Applauding the outcomes of the working session between the two friendship parliamentarians’ groups, Ngan urged them to continue promoting their role as a bridge between the legislatures and people of the two countries.

The groups should have new initiatives to increase exchanges and meetings, boost cooperation in lawmaking, and supervise the implementation of cooperation agreements signed between the two governments, she said.

According to Kim, about 150,000 Koreans are living and working in Vietnam while 170,000 Vietnamese in the RoK. He expressed his wish that the Vietnamese leaders and NA will pay more attention to the Korean community in Vietnam and affirmed that the RoK National Assembly will do its utmost to support Vietnamese nationals in the country.

Defence Ministry marks 70th founding anniversary of Lao army

Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army and Deputy Defence Minister Phan Van Giang and Lao Ambassador to Vietnam Thongsavanh Phomvihane (front row, from L to R) greet delegates at the ceremony  

The Ministry of Defence held a ceremony in Hanoi on January 18 to celebrate the 70th founding anniversary of the Lao People’s Army (January 20, 1949 - 2019).

Delivering a speech at the event, Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army and Deputy Defence Minister Phan Van Giang recalled the Lao army’s history and tradition over the past seven decades as well as the special solidarity shared between Vietnam and Laos and between their armies.

Giang affirmed that during the 70 years, under the two parties’ leadership and people’s support, the two armies have stood side by side with mutual respect and trust to overcome the hardest challenges on their way to the final victories.

Their special solidarity presented a rare exemplary model of friendship, which is a valuable heritage for the next generations of the two countries and armies to preserve and promote, the official said.

Given the complexities in the region and in the world in the coming time, he recommended the two armies continue working closely to build and protect the Vietnam – Laos borderline of peace, friendship, stability and development. 

He also urged bilateral cooperation in alleviating natural disaster consequences, combating border crime and organizing border friendship exchanges.

Lao Ambassador to Vietnam Thongsavanh Phomvihane expressed his delight to take part in the event, which he said reflects vividly the close and traditional relationship between Vietnamese and Lao military officers and soldiers.

The Lao people will never forget the sweat and blood that Vietnamese military personnel have shed in Laos, which has cultivated the faithful and special Vietnam – Laos ties, he affirmed.

The rare close relations have been a driving force behind all victories of the two nations and a valuable asset for their younger generations, said the diplomat.

Vietnam-China diplomatic relations marked in Beijing

Vietnamese Ambassador to China Dang Minh Khoi speaks at the event 

The Vietnamese Embassy in China held a grand ceremony in Beijing on January 17 to mark the 69th founding anniversary of Vietnam-China diplomatic relations.

Addressing the event, Vietnamese Ambassador to China Dang Minh Khoi highlighted the traditional friendship between Vietnam and China, which was fostered by Presidents Ho Chi Minh and Mao Zedong, and many generations of the two countries’ leaders.

Though the bilateral relations have experienced ups and downs over the past 69 years, friendly cooperation remains the main course of action and the only correct choice that is significant to the development of each country, he said.

Developing its friendly and cooperative ties with China is one of the top priorities in Vietnam’s external policy of independence, self-reliance, multilateralisation, and diversification, he stressed.

The diplomat expressed his pleasure at the positive development of Vietnam-China relations in recent years, proven by the effective implementation of the common perceptions reached by the two nations’ leaders.

In 2018, the two countries celebrated the 10th anniversary of the bilateral comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership. Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc attended the first Chinese international import fair in Shanghai and had an important meeting with Chinese Party General Secretary and President Xi Jinping. 

The Vietnamese PM also met his Chinese counterpart Li Keqiang twice at multilateral forums last year. 

For the Chinese side, member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and Secretary of the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Zhao Leji paid a visit to Vietnam, while Vice Premier Hu Chunhua attended the World Economic Forum on ASEAN in Vietnam. Foreign Minister Wang Yi twice visited Vietnam and had multiple meetings with Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh at multilateral forums, not to mention visits by leaders of ministries, sectors and localities of both countries. 

The Vietnamese ambassador noted that bilateral trade is a highlight in the two countries’ relations, which is estimated to reach 150 billion USD in 2018, according to statistics from Chinese Customs. 

Vietnam has been China’s biggest trade partner in the ASEAN for three consecutive years, and the eighth largest worldwide.

Meanwhile, China has been a leading trade partner of Vietnam over the past 15 years and became the seventh biggest foreign investor in Vietnam in 2018, Khoi said.

People-to-people exchanges have also been further strengthened. In the first 10 months of 2018, Vietnam welcomed nearly 6.5 million Chinese tourists, becoming the third most favoured destination for Chinese people after Thailand and Japan. Over the same period, more than 6.3 million Vietnamese tourists travelled to China, ranking second among foreign arrivals in China and first among those from ASEAN.

Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Qin Gang affirmed that China attaches great importance to its relations with Vietnam and will continue pursuing the motto of “friendly neighbourliness, comprehensive cooperation, long-term stability, and looking towards the future,” and in the spirit of “good neighbours, good friends, good comrades, and good partners”.  

China, he said, is willing to work with Vietnam to effectively implement the common perceptions reached by leaders of the two countries’ parties and states in recent times, as well as promote the bilateral comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership.

The bilateral relations in 2019 will continue to see new strides forward with more important high-level visits and practical cooperation activities in preparation for the 70th anniversary of the establishment of Vietnam-China diplomatic ties in 2020, he added.

Lao News Agency delegation visits Thanh Hoa province

A delegation of the Lao news agency Khaosan Pathet Lao (KPL) on January 18 visits the central province of Thanh Hoa, which has set up twinning relationship with Hua Phan province of Laos. 

A delegation of the Lao news agency Khaosan Pathet Lao (KPL) on January 18 visited the central province of Thanh Hoa, which has set up twinning relationship with Hua Phan province of Laos. 

Deputy General Director of the Vietnam News Agency (VNA) Vu Viet Trang and representatives of VNA departments also joined the delegation. 

At a meeting with Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Pham Dang Quyen, KPL General Director Sounthone Khanthavong lauded socio-economic development space Thanh Hoa province has gained over the past time, with the most noteworthy being the Nghi Son Economic Zone. 

He also spoke highly of relations between Thanh Hoa and Hua Phan provinces, and the two news agencies over the past 50 years. 

For his part, Quyen highlighted the solidarity between the Party committees, authorities and people of Thanh Hoa and Hua Phan which, he said, has reflected through their memorandum of understanding on cooperation in all spheres, from economic to cultural-social affairs and aid. 

The two sides have regularly organised meetings, exchanged experience and joined hands in implementing agreements and addressing issues regarding their strategic relationship. 

The official expressed his hopes for closer ties between the Vietnamese and Lao Parties, States, people, news agencies and provinces. 

In her remarks, Trang said the VNA and the KPL have maintained annual high-level meetings to enhance their cooperation, meeting development demands in the new situation. 

The agencies have supported each other and realised cooperation agreements and decrees, she said.

Stressing the fruitful relations between Thanh Hoa and the VNA over the past years, Trang urged the province to continue to support VNA reporters in fulfilling their duties in the locality. 

Earlier the same day, the delegation made a field trip to the Nghi Son Economic Zone.

Training skillful workers is of utmost importance: Deputy PM

Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam speaks at the teleconference. 

Vocational training must be at the centre of the labour, invalids, and social affairs sector’s focus in order to meet the demands for high-quality human resources in the country, Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam has said.

“Vietnamese labourers must be well-prepared so that they are able to work in more complex industries and earn higher incomes”, Deputy PM Dam underlined while attending a teleconference to launch tasks of the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA) on January 18.

In particular, training highly skilled workers is an important step as Vietnam moves towards a more open and connected world following on from the Fourth Industrial Revolution, he added.

Together with human resources training, Dam noted that the sector should work to fulfill missions in 2019 as entrusted by the National Assembly and Government, including reducing the unemployment rate in urban area to under 4 percent, keeping the percentage of trained labourers at a minimum of 60-62 percent, and cutting the rate of impoverished households by 1-1.5 percent (in line with the multi-dimensional poverty measurement method).

He also hailed the robust achievements attained by the sector in 2018, saying that they made significant contributions to completing the NA and Government’s 12 socio-economic criteria set for the year. 

Some 2.21 million people received vocational training in 2018, or 100.5 percent of the estimated figure. Nearly 1.65 million of them went on to obtain jobs within the year, of which over 1.5 million were recruited in domestic firms, and more than 141,000 worked overseas, the highest figure recorded.

Thanks to the sector’s efforts to expand social insurance coverage, some 14.7 million people joined the scheme, accounting for 30.4 percent of the workforce in the country.

It is estimated that 99 percent of the families who had rendered their services to the nation had a higher or equal living standard as compared to the average of their residential areas, all social policy beneficiaries received monthly allowance, 83 percent of people with disablilities received rehabilitation treatment, and 88 percent of children with special circumstances received support.

Regarding the poverty rate, the average figure in the country was 5.35 percent by the end of 2018, 1.35 percent lower than the same period in 2017.

Joining the nation’s efforts to promote administrative reform, the ministry cut 60 out of 107 business conditions, and reduced and simplified 19 out of 31 products that were subject to specialised inspection.

Participants at the event pointed out some limitations of the ministry, including the weak connection between supply and demand, the poor quality of vocational training in some training centres, an unsustainable poverty alleviation programme, and public concern over social insurance frauds that caused social anxiety.

HCM City bolsters cooperation with Japan’s Hokkaido prefecture

Vice Chairman of the municipal People’s Council Pham Duc Hai (R) and Vice Governor of Hokkaido Yasuhiro Tsuji 

Vietnam’s southern economic hub of Ho Chi Minh City is looking to further promote exchange and cooperation activities in numerous fields with the Japanese prefecture of Hokkaido, a local official has said.

Vice Chairman of the municipal People’s Council Pham Duc Hai made the statement at a reception for Vice Governor of Hokkaido Yasuhiro Tsuji in the Vietnamese city on January 18.

He appreciated the Hokkaido administration for their regular sending of working groups to HCM City to promote bilateral economic, trade, and cultural ties.

HCM City is willing to create all favourable conditions for Hokkaido businesses to invest in the city, he said.

The city highly valued the quality of Hokkaido farm produce and seafood, as well as its tourism potential which will create huge opportunities for stronger bilateral cooperation in the time to come.

The Hokkaido Festival – which is held on the sidelines of the sixth Vietnam-Japan Festival – will contribute to increasing mutual understanding between the two peoples, enabling businesses to seek cooperation opportunities, and reinforcing the friendly cooperative ties between HCM City and Hokkaido.

Yasuhiro Tsuji said the visit of the working group from Hokkaido to HCM City aims to foster the sound cooperation between the two sides, especially in potential fields such as economy, trade, science-technology, agriculture, tourism, and culture.

He shared that the Hokkaido Festival will introduce local people to some of Japan’s unique culture and cuisine.

A workshop highlighting cooperation potential and opportunities in the fields of technology, agriculture, and environment will be held as part of the festival, he said.

Besides, Hokkaido also wants to introduce its tourism potential to locals with the hope of increasing the number of Vietnamese tourists to the Japanese prefecture, he added.

Embassy of Vietnam in Laos congratulates host army on founding anniversary

Vietnamese Ambassador to Laos Nguyen Ba Hung led a delegation to the Laos Ministry of Defence headquarters in Vientiane on January 18 to congratulate Laos on the 70th founding anniversary of the Lao People’s Army (LPA) (January 20).

On the behalf of the Vietnamese Party, State, and People’s Army, Ambassador Hung congratulated the LPA on its achievements and victories over the past seven decades.

He said that not only in wartime but peacetime too, the armies of Vietnam and Laos have always remained side-by-side, achieving glorious triumphs to regain independence, sovereign right, and territorial integrity for the two peoples.

He affirmed that the Vietnamese Party, State, People’s Army, and people will continue working with the Lao side during its the current cause of nation building and development.

Lao Deputy Defence Minister Lt. Gen. Thongloi Silivong thanked Vietnam for its great support for Laos, particularly the LPA, over the past 70 years.

He said that Vietnam and Laos are closely related, and that the Vietnam People’s Army and the Lao People’s Army are also siblings in a family, having fought in combat and shared everything with each other.

This is a special and rare relationship seen in Laos and Vietnam only, he stated, wishing that the time-honoured friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries will only move to grow further with no end in sight. 

Anniversary of Vietnam-China diplomatic ties observed in Hanoi

Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Nguyen Xuan Cuong 

The Chinese Embassy in Vietnam has held a reception in Hanoi to celebrate the 69th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties (January 18, 1950-2019).

Speaking at the event, member of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee and Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Nguyen Xuan Cuong said that the traditional neighbourly friendship between Vietnam and China, nurtured by leaders Ho Chi Minh and Mao Zedong and generations of the two countries’ leaders, has become a valuable asset of the two nations and an important factor contributing to the victory of the revolutionary cause, the struggle for national liberation and the socialism building process in each country.

The two countries should work together to continue fostering the relations, for the practical benefits of the two peoples, and for peace, stability and development in the region and the world, he suggested.

The minister spoke highly of developments in the bilateral relations in 2018, and confirmed that the Vietnamese Party, State and people wish to coordinate with the Chinese side to promote the stable, healthy and sustainable development of the bilateral ties.

He expressed his belief that both sides will maintain close cooperation and implement agreements and common perceptions effectively and seriously in 2019, thus helping deepen the bilateral ties.

Addressing the reception, Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam Xiong Bo recalled outstanding achievements in the two countries’ relations over the past 69 years.

He affirmed China is willing to work with Vietnam to realise common perceptions of the two countries’ senior leaders and intensify cooperation in all fields to bring about practical benefits to both peoples.

Defence Ministry marks 70th founding anniversary of Lao army

Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army and Deputy Defence Minister Phan Van Giang and Lao Ambassador to Vietnam Thongsavanh Phomvihane (front row, from L to R) greet delegates at the ceremony 

The Ministry of Defence held a ceremony in Hanoi on January 18 to celebrate the 70th founding anniversary of the Lao People’s Army (January 20, 1949 - 2019).

Delivering a speech at the event, Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army and Deputy Defence Minister Phan Van Giang recalled the Lao army’s history and tradition over the past seven decades as well as the special solidarity shared between Vietnam and Laos and between their armies.

Giang affirmed that during the 70 years, under the two parties’ leadership and people’s support, the two armies have stood side by side with mutual respect and trust to overcome the hardest challenges on their way to the final victories.

Their special solidarity presented a rare exemplary model of friendship, which is a valuable heritage for the next generations of the two countries and armies to preserve and promote, the official said.

Given the complexities in the region and in the world in the coming time, he recommended the two armies continue working closely to build and protect the Vietnam – Laos borderline of peace, friendship, stability and development. 

He also urged bilateral cooperation in alleviating natural disaster consequences, combating border crime and organizing border friendship exchanges.

Lao Ambassador to Vietnam Thongsavanh Phomvihane expressed his delight to take part in the event, which he said reflects vividly the close and traditional relationship between Vietnamese and Lao military officers and soldiers.

The Lao people will never forget the sweat and blood that Vietnamese military personnel have shed in Laos, which has cultivated the faithful and special Vietnam – Laos ties, he affirmed.

The rare close relations have been a driving force behind all victories of the two nations and a valuable asset for their younger generations, said the diplomat.