Vietnam parliament looks to strengthen ties with RoK counterpart

Vietnam’s National Assembly is willing to closely cooperate with its counterpart in the Republic of Korea (RoK) to enhance the two countries’ strategic cooperative partnership, said NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung during his talks with Speaker of the RoK’s National Assembly Chung Ui-Hwa in Hanoi on March 18.

The Vietnamese Chairman said bilateral ties have been developing strongly as seen through delegation exchanges, demonstrating the political trust between the countries’ leaders.

Economic cooperation has also enjoyed encouraging progress as the RoK respectively ranks first, second and third in terms of direct investment, official development assistance provision and trade in Vietnam, he noted.

The leader highly valued the conclusion of bilateral free trade agreement negotiations and the 70 billion USD target for trade by 2020 while highlighting fruitful outcomes reached in culture, education, science-technology, security, and defence cooperation.

Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung said he hopes Speaker Chung Ui-hwa and the RoK National Assembly will support the extension of the special memorandum of understanding (MoU) on labour cooperation and the renewal of the MoU on labour cooperation between the two nations.

For his part, Speaker Chung Ui-Hwa voiced his delight at the vigorous growth of the countries’ strategic cooperative partnership and the affiliation between their parliamentarians through regular visits to exchange legislative experience.

He expressed his hope for increased cooperation efficiency between the two parliaments and Governments to meet the expectations of the two nations’ peoples.

The growing numbers of Vietnamese and RoK nationals living in the other country is an important factor for fostering multi-faceted connections between the two Governments and peoples, he added.

During their talks, both sides shared the view that the two National Assemblies have successfully implemented their cooperation agreement as inked in July 2013. They agreed to maintain all-level delegation exchanges and intensify the sharing of information, experience, and viewpoints on regional and international issues of mutual concern.

The countries will also create a favourable legal environment to facilitate travel and cooperation and protect their citizens.

Party chief congratulates RoK on becoming largest investor in Vietnam

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong hosted Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea (RoK) Chung Ui-hwa in Hanoi on March 18, congratulating the RoK on becoming the largest investor in Vietnam.

The RoK is also a leading trade partner and provider of official development assistance of Vietnam.

He hailed the recent conclusion of negotiations on the Vietnam-RoK free trade agreement in December 2014, assisting the targeted trade value of 70 billion USD by 2020.

The Party chief committed all possible resources to facilitating Korean business operations in Vietnam and underscored the value of cooperation between the two legislative bodies in lawmaking and supervising law enforcement.

Speaker Chung Ui-hwa stated that the NA, government and people of the RoK have strong confidence in Vietnam’s growth prospects.

He expressed his desire to deepen bilateral coordination across fields, and vowed continued efforts to develop the friendship and enhance the engagement between the two legislatures and peoples.-

President receives head of US-ASEAN Business Council

President Truong Tan Sang met with a delegation of US businesses led by President and CEO of the US-ASEAN Business Council Alexander Feldman in Hanoi on March 18.

The President expressed his pleasure with the development of Vietnam-US and spoke of the contributions of the US-ASEAN Business Council in promoting trade and investment ties between the two countries.

He asked the council and other US businesses in Vietnam to strengthen economic-trade ties, calling for the US to remove trade barriers for Vietnamese products to enter the US market and support Vietnam in negotiations of the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

For his part, Feldman expressed his delight at returning to Vietnam as both nations celebrate 20 years of diplomatic ties.

At the meeting, he and other representatives from US businesses thanked the Vietnamese Government for providing preferable conditions for US businesses to invest and operate in Vietnam, thus strengthening economic-trade ties between the two countries.-

Vietnam looks to boost cooperation with Myanmar

Vietnam is always willing to strengthen its comprehensive cooperation and friendly relationship with Myanmar as well as share experience in economic reform and international integration.

Nguyen Thien Nhan, Politburo member and President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF), made the remark at his meeting with Chairman of both Myanmar’s Assembly Union and the House of Representatives Thura U Shwe Mann in Myanmar’s capital city of Naypyidaw.

Nhan spoke highly of Myanmar’s achievements in reform, national reconciliation and expanding diplomatic relations and expressed his belief that t he Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) would continue to reap success in building a peaceful, modern, democratic and developed Myanmar .

The Communist Party of Vietnam and the USDP will continue promoting cooperation through exchanges of information, delegations and State management experience, Nhan said.

Nhan also praised Myanmar’s role as Chair of the Association of the Southeast Asian Nations in 2014, saying it helped raise Myanmar’s position and reputation in the international community.

At his talk with U Nay Win Tun, chairman of the Myanmar-Vietnam Friendship Parliamentarians Association, Nhan recommended that the two sides should promote people-to-people exchanges and promote cooperation between localities of the two countries.

Nhan asked U Nay Win Tun to assist Vietnamese enterprises operating in Myanmar, adding that Vietnamese business people considers Myanmar a potential market. Vietnam currently ranks eighth among foreign investors in Myanmar with a total of 513 million USD.

Vietnam and Myanmar are also preparing for celebrations for the 40th anniversary of their diplomatic relations this year.

Vietnam attends Langkawi maritime, aerospace exhibition

A high ranking military delegation led by Vietnam’s Defence Minister General Phung Quang Thanh attended the opening ceremony of the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition 2015 (LIMA2015) in Malaysia on March 17.

This is the largest exhibition so far since its first was held in 1991, said Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak at the opening ceremony.

LIMA, held biennially, is one of the most influential maritime and aerospace shows in the Asia- Pacific. This year’s event saw the participation of over 512 corporations and companies from 36 countries worldwide, showcasing 110 aircrafts and 65 ships.

By attending the event, the Vietnamese delegation aimed to update advances in technology in the defence industry as well as seek cooperation with regional partners.-

Vietnam, Cambodia provinces boost military cooperation

The military commanders of Vietnam’s southern Tay Ninh province and the military subregions of Cambodian provinces Prvey Veng and Svay Rieng have signed an agreement to enhance bilateral cooperation.

The signing ceremony took place on March 17 in Tay Ninh, and was observed by Major General Phan Tan Tai, deputy commander of Military Region 7, Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Tran Luu Quang, and Lieutenant General Inthon, deputy commander of the Royal Cambodian Army’s Military Region 2.

According to the terms of the deal, the two sides will enhance coordination in securing social order and safety along their shared border lines; combating and preventing crime; mutually supporting inland border demarcation; and searching and repatriating remains of Vietnamese fallen soldiers in Cambodia.

They agreed to increase cultural exchanges and sports activities, and facilitate trade for business people in the two countries.

A similar agreement is expected to be reached soon between districts within Tay Ninh and the Cambodian districts and cities that share the border line.

Ninh Thuan urged to fight drought

President Truong Tan Sang has paid a working visit to the southern central coastal province of Ninh Thuan, during which he urged the locality to address drought and minimise the extreme weather effects.

He suggested Ninh Thuan seek highly-adaptable plants and animals and send officials to other countries with similar natural conditions and high technology to study their experience and call for investments.

Lauding efforts of the province in maintaining socio-political stability, he valued Ninh Thuan’s 12.4 percent GDP growth and 26.8 million VND (1,250 USD) GDP per capita, narrowing the development gap in other localities in the region and across the country.

Despite being hit with severe drought, Ninh Thuan managed to ensure agricultural production and maintain employment for 16,000 labourers, reducing the rate of impoverished households and fulfilling an average of 9 new-style rural area criteria, he noted.

The President pointed to modest results in building fishing vessels and upgrading port systems as stipulated in Decree 67 on seafood development policies.

He asked ministries and sectors, especially banking and agricultural sectors, to work closely with Ninh Thuan to manage difficulties and support fishermen in applying advanced technology for effective operations at sea.

He also urged Ninh Thuan to simplify its administrative procedures to attract investments, boosting business and fuelling economic growth, he said.

During his visit from March 17-18, President Truong Tan Sang also inspected the Song Trau reservoir, built in 2005 and capable of holding 31.5 million cubic meters of water and irrigating 3,000 hectares of farm area in Thuan Bac and Ninh Hai districts.

The reservoir’s water levels currently only reach 13.7 percent of its designed capacity.

While visiting fishermen at the Ninh Chu port in Ninh Hai district, the State leader considered the fishermen’s requests for easier access to capital for building large fishing vessels and development of the port.

He also visited Air Force Regiment 937, established in 1975 and recorded various victories during the Ho Chi Minh campaign.