Hà Nội keen to work with German businesses


Hà Nội has imported 100 cleaning machines from the Hako Group, which have helped make remarkable environmental changes.

Chairman of the Hà Nội People’s Committee Nguyễn Đức Chung and a delegation of the capital city have embarked on a working visit to some European countries.

Their first stop was Germany, where they arrived on June 19. 

In Frankfurt, they had a working session with the Hako Group, one of the leading international manufacturers of cleaning and municipal technology. 

Hà Nội has imported 100 cleaning machines from the Hako Group, which have helped make remarkable environmental changes. 

Hako representatives informed the delegation of the group’s decision to open a representative office and a maintenance plant in Hà Nội. 

Chung welcomed Hako’s long-term plan in the city and confirmed that the authority would provide optimal conditions for the opening of its representative office in Hà Nội. 

He expressed hope that the group would bring other major German business to the capital. 

Chung asked the group to increase the training of staff running the cleaning machines to maximise their operations. 

He also urged the group to participate in building an urban management and operation centre in Ha Noi as the city was undertaking a strategy to develop smart urban areas. 

NA Chairwoman helps Can Tho voters understand special zone law


National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan shakes hands with voters in Can Tho city 

National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan gave voters in the Mekong Delta city of Can Tho more details about the postponement of approval of the draft Law on Special Administrative – Economic Units and made clear the newly-adopted Law on Cyber Security at her meeting with them on June 19.

The meeting, with the presence of a delegation of NA deputies of the Mekong Delta city of Can Tho, was meant to update the voters of the results of the fifth session of the NA’s 14th tenure.

Voters shared the views that many national socio-economic issues had been discussed productively at the meeting and praised the outcomes of the meeting.

While noting down the voters’ opinions, Chairwoman Ngan clarified that the legislature decided to postpone the approval of the draft Law on Special Administrative – Economic Units in order to have more time to make it complete.

The law-making body unanimously agreed to revise the regulation on land lease limit for production and business on the draft law towards applying the regulation on land lease of the current Land Law, and not allowing the lease of up to 99 years for special cases, she said.

As guidelines and policies of the Party and State, the 2013 Constitution, and several legal documents have referred to the establishment of some special administrative-economic units, the making of the draft Law on Special Administrative – Economic Units began in mid-2013 with the view of forming special zones to spur economic development and create regions that play as a driving force for the nation building and development, Ngan stated.

She said voters’ concerns about the draft law are right and the NA needs more time to acquire these feedback to fine-tune the draft law, and praised the people’s patriotism as well as their concerns about the country’s important issues.

The leader told the voters that they can contribute their opinions to the Party, State and NA in various forms and should not let them be incited by distorted information, leading them to get involved in disturbing social order, sabotaging, and even committing legal violations like the incidents that have recently happened in some localities.

“We made sacrifices and spent dozens of years undertaking the Doi Moi (Renewal) to ultimately have our present country of peace, independence, and reunification, and it is growing, so it is not simple that we will issue a law or establish special units that would drive our country into difficulty,” the leader said. 

Regulations on the draft law were to be studied on the basis of acquiring constructive opinions and making revisions so they must ensure the national territorial integrity and sovereignty and safeguarding the security and defence of the special zones and the country, she confirmed.

The law is novel, complicated, and first-time with many new and breakthrough regulations, Ngan said, adding the NA listened to comments from voters, people, and deputies and decided to postpone the time of adopting it in order to fully absorb the feedback from people.

Regarding the voters’ questions about the newly-adopted Law on Cyber Security, she cited a foreign professor as saying that cyber is sovereignty of any countries, noting that in this “virtual space” hostile actions are as dangerous as those in real life.

Together with the robust development of science and technology, the cyber has become an indispensible factor and played an important role in building an information society and developing an intellectual economy, she said.

Science and technology has been applied strongly in our country to contribute gravely to speed up the national industrialization and modernization, develop the national economy, improve the living standards, promote people’s right to mastery, and safeguard the national defence an security, Ngan told the voters.

The making of the Law on Cyber Security is necessary as it will protect national security, social order and safety, rights and legitimate interest of citizens, organizations and individuals inside Vietnam, and will handle all subjects that violate laws on the cyber, the NA leader said.

The right to free expression on the cyber is not entitled to this law, she said.  “The law is meant to handle violations on the cyber, not bar the right to free speed of citizens.”

Regulations on the law requiring foreign organizations and offices providing services on the cyber in Vietnam to store individual information of the service users in Vietnam and important data relating to national security, and set up headquarters and representative offices in Vietnam comply with laws in Vietnam, international norms and they do not run counter to the treaties that Vietnam has joined. Up to 18 countries worldwide did request the same things, she explained.  

The screening of the documents regarding the country’s commitments to joining the WTO, GATS, and TRIPS, and CPTPP show they have contained regulations on security exceptions, allowing the national security to be respected and defended at the highest level, and that meant with the Law on Cyber Security Vietnam has not violated its international commitments.

“There will be no hindrances to the traffic of data to affect the normal operations of agencies, organizations, and businesses, even the start-ups,” she also assured. 

At the meeting, the leader noted down and explained the voters’ questions about the revised Law on People’s Public Security, the building of regular communal public security force, and the development of transport infrastructure in the Mekong Delta.

Vietnam, Mexico talk ways to bolster trade


Vietnamese Ambassador Nguyen Hoai Duong (left) and Mexican Secretary of Economy Idelfonso Guajardo Villarreal pose for a photo at the meeting.

Vietnamese Ambassador Nguyen Hoai Duong paid a courtesy call on Mexican Secretary of Economy Idelfonso Guajardo Villarreal in Mexico City to discuss ways to bolster the two countries’ economic and trade relations.

Secretary of Economy Idelfonso Guajardo Villarreal highly spoke of the Vietnam-Mexico trade relations in recent years that see a growth of 10 – 15 percent annually.

Vietnam is now Mexico’s 8th biggest trade partner in Asia-Pacific while Mexico is Vietnam’s 2nd largest trade partner in Latin America, he said, citing the Mexican Ministry of Economy’s statistics that showed bilateral trade hit nearly 5 billion USD last year. In the first quarter of 2018, the trade was estimated at about 1 billion USD.

Idelfonso Guajardo also hailed Vietnam for its significant dedication to the conclusion of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) and expressed his hope that Vietnam will soon ratify the treaty so it will enter into force in early 2019 as expected, to further facilitate the cooperation in economics, trade and investment between the two sides.

Ambassador Duong, for his part, congratulated Mexico as the first member state to ratify the CPTPP.

The Vietnamese diplomat also expressed his thanks for the efforts of the secretary and the Mexican Ministry of Economy in fostering the bilateral trade and economic ties that is important to Vietnam’s international economic integration.

He expected the Ministry of Economy to support the Embassy of Vietnam to connect enterprises from the countries, open the local market for Vietnamese high-quality products and encourage Mexican investors to do business in Vietnam, a market of more than 90 million people and a gateway to the Southeast Asia, paving the way for greater connectivity between ASEAN and the Pacific Alliance that comprises of Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Chile.

Vietnamese Vice President pays official visit to Laos


Vice President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh is welcomed at the Lao Presidential Palace in Vientiane on June 19 

Vietnam and Laos will continue giving the top priority and exerting all-out efforts to develop bilateral ties to ensure the success of each nation’s revolution, the countries’ vice presidents affirmed during their talks in Vientiane on June 19.

At the talks after the official welcome ceremony for Vice President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh, Lao Vice President Phankham Viphavanh highlighted the visit’s significance to the two countries’ relations, noting that the Party, State and people of Laos always keep in mind the enormous and effective assistance Vietnam has given to them throughout history.

Vice President Thinh, who is on her first official visit to Laos from June 19 to 22, reiterated that the Party, State and people of Vietnam always treasure the sincere friendship and mutual support with Laos.

The two sides briefed each other about their respective countries’ security, political and socio-economic situation, stressing that amid numerous challenges in the world and the region, Vietnam and Laos should further intensify their time-tested friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation, which are the priceless asset that needs to be maintained and passed down to future generations.

The vice presidents noted with satisfaction the flourishing cooperation in all aspects, including politics, security, defence, economy, trade, investment, education, culture, and people-to-people exchange. They said the frequent mutual visits by leaders of the countries’ Parties, States, Governments and National Assemblies are a vivid demonstration of the pure, faithful and trustworthy connections between Vietnam and Laos.

It is necessary to continue implementing the agreements reached by their leaders well, they said, adding that building on the success of the Year of Vietnam-Laos Solidarity and Friendship in 2017, 2018 is favourable for them to enhance their special relationship.

Phankham Viphavanh asked for both sides’ coordination to soon build a park named after Vietnam’s late President Ho Chi Minh in the north of Vientiane capital city so as to help educate young people on the great friendship of the countries.

At the talks, they agreed to step up mutual visits at all levels with a focus on their effectiveness along with people-to-people exchange, especially among young people, to reinforce the two nations’ connectivity and create a solid foundation for future generations to foster the traditional relations.

They agreed to bolster security-defence cooperation, including in fighting trans-national crimes and ensuring security and development in the countries’ shared border areas. They also urged better coordination to manage the borderline, reduce irregular migration, and carry out the agreement on the settlement of irregular migrants and undocumented marriages signed by the two Governments in 2013.

The Lao Vice President thanked the Vietnamese Government for creating conditions for the Lao-Vietnam International Port Joint Stock Company to build Vung Ang No. 1, 2 and 3 wharves, which are important gateways for the economic development of the northeast of Laos. He also appreciated the Vietnamese sides’ promotion of trade and investment partnership, transport connectivity, investment cooperation projects, and removal of business obstacles.

Valuing the Vietnamese Government’s scholarships for Laos, he asked the two sides to improve collaboration in education-training to meet each country’s human resource demand while strengthening ties in culture, sports, communications, science and technology.

Phankham Viphavanh affirmed that the Lao Government always supports Vietnamese people to settle in the country under Laos’ law. The two sides should coordinate closely to manage and create favourable conditions for Vietnamese to work in conformity with Laos’ law.

The two officials said their countries will continue working closely together and support each other at international and regional forums like the United Nations, ASEAN and the Mekong region’s cooperation mechanisms.

On this occasion, Vice President Thinh thanked Laos and other ASEAN countries for pledging to support Vietnam’s candidacy for a non-permanent seat in the UN Security Council in 2020-2021.

Also on June 19, the Vietnamese Vice President paid courtesy calls to General Secretary of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party and President Bounnhang Vorachith and Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith.

The Lao leaders emphasised that the Party and Government of Laos always attach importance to the enhancement of the countries’ special ties, agreeing to solidify the comprehensive cooperation between the two Parties and Governments.

HCM City leader receives foreign military attache delegation in Vietnam


Le Thanh Liem, Vice Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee received a delegation of foreign military attaches in Vietnam on June 18.

Liem highly valued the delegation’s working visit to learn about political, defence-security, socio-economic situation in localities in Vietnam and hoped that through the visit, the delegation will have more useful information on the country, including Ho Chi Minh City.

He briefed the guests on the city’s socio-economic development, saying that the city is the country’s economic, financial and scientific-technological centre. The city every year welcomes foreign military ships to make friendship visits, thus contributing to strengthening understanding and exchange between people of the city and foreign countries, and building and maintaining an environment of peace and stability in the region.

Colonel Ton That Tuan, military attache of the US in Vietnam, on behalf of the delegation, highly valued the city’s dynamic development as well as it role and position for the country’s socio-economic development.

The visit will help the delegation’s members to more understand about the land and people of Vietnam in order to have advice to their countries’ leaders in promoting ties with Vietnam.

Congratulations to Lebanese PM on re-appointment

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc on June 18 extended a congratulatory message to Saad Al-Hariri on his re-appointment as Prime Minister of Lebanon.

The same day, National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan congratulated Nabih Berri, who was re-elected as Speaker of the Parliament of Lebanon.

Vietnam and Lebanon established diplomatic ties on February 12, 1981.

Vice President apprises Vĩnh Long voters about NA session


Vice President Đặng Thị Ngọc Thịnh met with 200 voters in Vĩnh Long City in the Mekong Delta province of Vĩnh Long on Monday. — Photo baovinhlong.vn

Vice President Đặng Thị Ngọc Thịnh met with 200 voters in Vĩnh Long City in the Mekong Delta province of Vĩnh Long on Monday to brief them about the fifth session of the current National Assembly term and listen to their demands and suggestions.

Thịnh apprised them about important economic, social, military and security issues at the national and provincial levels.

She told them about bills that would come up for voting at the next session.

The voters expressed their support for some important issues, especially the Cyber Security Law, saying it would serve as the legal foundation to ensure information and cyber security.

They voiced concern over the Law on Special Administrative - Economic Zones, saying before passing it, the Government should further consult experts, cadres and the public.

Speaking about the Anti-Corruption Bill, they proposed confiscation of all assets instead of the 40 per cent stipulated in the bill.

They wanted the use of harmful substances to produce foods and their trade to be attract the provisions of the Criminal Law to deter offenders. 

PM: Soc Trang should work out proper measures to fulfill growth targets


Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (standing) speaks at the working session with leaders of Soc Trang province 

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has urged the Mekong Delta province of Soc Trang to work out proper measures to fulfill its set growth targets, especially gross domestic product (GDP) and provincial competitiveness index (PCI).

PM Phuc made the request at a working session with provincial leaders on June 19 after attending the investment promotion conference in Soc Trang.

A reported delivered at the working session showed that in the first six months of 2018, Soc Trang collected 2 trillion VND (88 million USD) for the State budget, equal to 55 percent of the estimates. However, the province’s economic growth only reached 6.11 percent, lower than the figure of 6.47 percent recorded in the same period last year.

In recent years, the province has carried out a number of projects on agricultural production with high-yielding rice varieties and large-scale dairy cows.

Particularly, Soc Trang reported the highest output of brackish water shrimps in the country.

PM Phuc recognised Soc Trang’s achievements gained over the past time and noted that the province is encountering an array of difficulties in terms of credit capital, environment, and production connectivity and other social issues, which need to be addressed in the time to come.

The province needs to make greater efforts to improve its investment climate and develop urban areas towards bettering the residential planning scheme in association with adapting to climate change, he said.

Stepping up the building of new-style rural areas and improving the living environment for people are also major tasks of the province, he said.

He suggested Soc Trang develop Tran De port to serve socio-economic development of the province and the whole Mekong Delta as well.

The PM reminded the province to not neglect the maintenance of political security and social order and safety. It is necessary to enhance legal knowledge for local residents and raise high vigilance over the incitement of hostile forces, while promoting solidarity among ethnic groups in the province, he said.

Soc Trang should pay more attention to supporting start-ups, particularly young generations, PM Phuc recommended.

During his working visit to Soc Trang, PM Phuc visited a hi-tech shrimp breeding area of Khanh Sung Co., Ltd. in Lieu Tu commune, Tran De district.

Philippine Independence Day celebrated in HCM City


At the ceremony to celebrate the 120th Independence Day of the Philippines held in HCM City on June 19 

The Ho Chi Minh City Union of Friendship Organisations (HUFO) and the Vietnam-ASEAN Friendship Association on June 19 co-organised a ceremony to mark the 120th Independence Day of the Philippines (June 12).

President of the HCM City Vietnam-ASEAN Friendship Association Phan Thi Hong Xuan said Vietnam and the Philippines have strengthened cooperation in different fields such as economy, culture, trade and education.

The two countries have also worked together to promote solidarity within and maintained the central role of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in major issues related to security and interests of each country and the region, she added.

Xuan also noted that the Philippines successfully hosted activities celebrating the 50th founding anniversary of ASEAN, helping to enhance the bloc’s position in the international arena.

Over the past years, the HCM City Vietnam-ASEAN Friendship Association has joined hands with the Philippine Honorary Consulate General in the city to hold many cultural exchanges and educational seminars between schools, thus consolidating the friendship between people of Vietnam and the Philippines, she said.

Xuan expressed her belief that HCM City and the Philippines will further promote comprehensive cooperation by exchanging delegations and sharing experience in economic development, education, English training, tourism and cultural exchanges.

Lauding the achievements of the bilateral friendship and cooperation, Philippine Ambassador to Vietnam Noel Servigon said Vietnam and the Philippines still hold potential to further enhance cooperative relations.

The HCM City Vietnam-ASEAN Friendship Association needs to step up activities to strengthen cooperation between people of the two countries, especially in economy, trade, investment, education and training, he added.

President Tran Dai Quang meets with voters in HCM City


President Tran Dai Quang meets with voters in HCM City 

President Tran Dai Quang cleared up concerns over a draft Law on Special Administrative-Economic Units and a Law on Cyber Security when meeting with voters in Ho Chi Minh City’s Districts 1, 3 and 4 on June 19.

Regarding the draft Law on Special Administrative-Economic Units, President Quang said that this is a big policy of the Party in many tenures with the target of building breakthrough institutions with outstanding incentives that are competitive enough to attract investment with the region and the world, thus helping create motivation for the growth of special units as well as economic zones and the entire country, boosting rapid and sustainable economic development and ensuring sovereign independence, defence and security.

It is an important bill which institutionalizes the Party’s policy and realises the 2013 Constitution’s regulations on special administrative – economic units formed by the National Assembly, the State leader said.

However, this is a new, complicated and unprecedented draft law, he said, adding that many of its regulations on mechanisms and policies have breakthroughs not only in the apparatus organisation but also development orientations in the context of intensive and extensive international integration and the complicatedly developing regional and international situation.

The President agreed with voters’ ideas, saying that the draft law should be considered carefully and thoroughly before it is submitted to the National Assembly for approval.

For the Law on Cyber Security, he stressed that the promulgation of the law is to meet demand for cyber security in protecting national security, ensuring social order and safety, fighting and preventing plots of hostile and reactionary forces to use cyber space to infringe upon national security, sabotage the great national unity bloc, incite demonstrations and disturb security on cyberspace.

The law also aims to stop, respond to and address consequences of cyber attacks, terrorism and wars, as well as protecting important information on national security and eliminating those who conduct cyber espionage, and arrogate and post secret information and documents on cyberspace.

The State leader affirmed that the law, once becoming effective on January 1, 2019, will help create a legal corridor to meet the need for cyber security in protecting national security and ensuring social order and safety.

Mentioning the cases of social disturbance, property destruction and resistance to on-duty officers in several localities some days ago, President Quang expressed his agreement with voters’ opinions on punishments imposed by authorized agencies.

He stressed the necessity to intensify disseminations to help the public understand more about the Party and State’s policies related to the draft Law on Special Administrative-Economic Units so that they are not incited by evil-doers and opportunists, and do not conduct extremist acts as well as legal violations.

Regarding the fight against corruption, President Quang affirmed the Party and State’s consistent policy of combating corruption crimes and at the same time considering the responsibility of Party Committees and heads of agencies where corruption occurs and those involved in corruption.

Economic cases must be considered carefully and handled in line with the Party’s regulations and the State’s law, he added.