Hanoi wants twinning ties with Bangkok

Chairman of the Hanoi People’s Committee Nguyen Duc Chung (R) and Thai Ambassador to Vietnam Tanee Sangrat 

Hanoi wants to form twinning ties with Thailand’s Bangkok, Chairman of the Hanoi People’s Committee Nguyen Duc Chung said during a reception in Hanoi on January 21 for Thai Ambassador to Vietnam Tanee Sangrat.

Chung expressed his belief that the twinning relationship will open up new cooperation opportunities in diverse areas, especially in culture, urban development, tourism and services. 

He committed support to cultural exchanges, investment promotion and fairs introducing Thai goods in the capital city, and wished that the ambassador would effectively uphold his role as a bridge connecting the two countries, capital cities, and Hanoi with Thai localities. 

Ambassador Tanee Sangrat, for his part, informed the host about a plan to hold several activities in Hanoi in 2019 and wished for further support from local authorities in the regard, notably the Thai cultural festival in Ly Thai To garden and the Thai film festival at Hanoi Opera House. 

As Hanoi and Bangkok lie in important locations in the region, the diplomat wished that both sides will form closer ties in the near future.

Central anti-corruption committee chalks up missions for 2019

Party General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong chairs the 15th meeting of the Central Steering Committee on Anti-Corruption in Hanoi on January 21 

Party General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong chaired the 15th meeting of the Central Steering Committee on Anti-Corruption in Hanoi on January 21 to review the committee’s performance in 2018 and sketch out missions for 2019.

At the meeting, members of the committee agreed that so far, anti-corruption activities have been carried out drastically with comprehensive results.

A number of resolutions, directives, and regulations have been issued to strengthen Party building and purification efforts; as well as fighting against corruption, degradation, “self-evolution”, and “self-transformation”.

Meanwhile, the National Assembly (NA) and the Government have also introduced several legal documents to complete socio-economic institutionalisation, prevent corruption, and fix loopholes in the legal system. Since the beginning of the tenure, the NA has passed 45 laws and 46 resolutions;and the Government, 511 decrees, 413 resolutions, and 160 decisions.

The inspection, auditing, investigation, and prosecution of corruption cases have been conducted effectively, resulting in breakthroughs in handling violations.

Last year, the Party Central Committee’s Inspection Commission took disciplinary measures on more than 650 Party members, while 38 centrally-managed officials and Party members were also dealt with. Since the 12th Party Congress, more than 60 centrally-managed officials have already received punishments.

In 2018, the Central Steering Committee on Anti-Corruption concluded the investigations into 23 cases with 222 suspects, commencing proceedings on 20 cases with 251 individuals, a rise of 43.75 percent and 66.7 percent respectively in the number of cases. Meanwhile, first hearings were held for 23 cases with 304 defendants, five times higher in the number of cases compared to that in 2017. In particular, 10 major corruption cases drawing the special attention of the public were brought to court.

Addressing the meeting, Party General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong, who is also head of the committee, said that in 2019, the committee will focus on speeding up the building and completion of institutions regarding socio-economic management and anti-corruption, striving to push forward in building a prevention mechanism to ensure there is no room for corruption.

The committee will propose a number of major policies and orientations on anti-corruption to serve the drafting documents of the Party’s 13th Congress, while also keeping a closer watch on areas with signs of negative deeds drawing public attention, strengthening the settlement of corruption and economic cases that are under investigation and prosecution, and uncovering new cases.

This year, the committee aims to issue directions on concluding investigations into 21 cases. Legal proceedings will be conducted on 22 cases, first instance trials on 27 cases, second instance trials on 10 cases, and finalisation on 43 others.

Together with tackling problems in asset evaluation, verification, and reclamation, as well as fixing damage in specific cases, the committee will work to strengthen anti-corruption measures at the local level and promote the role of elected agencies, the Vietnam Fatherland Front, socio-politic organisations, and the media in corruption prevention and control. 

Vietnamese Party, State leader welcomes Chinese ambassador

Party General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong (R) welcomes Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam Xiong Bo at the meeting on January 21 

Party General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong received Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam Xiong Bo in Hanoi on January 21.

The leader highly valued the outcomes of the two countries’ recent exchanges and cooperation, stressing that Vietnam and China are neighbours who are both led by communist parties. Their traditional friendship, built by late Presidents Ho Chi Minh and Mao Zedong and nurtured by generations of leaders, is a precious asset that both sides need to uphold and promote.

Amidst the current global and regional situation, the two parties and countries should increase experience sharing, foster substantive and effective cooperation in all aspects, and properly resolve outstanding problems on the basis of the common perceptions shared between their leaders and the international law, thus bringing practical benefits to the two peoples and contributing to peace, cooperation, and development in the region and the world, he noted.

For his part, Xiong Bo expressed his honour to serve as Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam, voicing his delight at the sound development of relations between the two parties and countries in recent years.

He pledged all-out efforts to actively contribute to bilateral connections.

The Chinese Party and Government attach the utmost importance to friendship with Vietnam, the diplomat stressed, adding that they hope the two sides will press on with high-ranking exchanges; cooperation between their ministries, sectors, and localities; and substantive partnerships in all spheres, thereby helping to develop the China-Vietnam comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership in a stable and healthy manner. 

PM’s working group lauded for reform acceleration

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (fourth from left) at the meeting 

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc lauded his working group for accelerating reforms among ministries and administrative agencies during a working session in Hanoi on January 21 to review its 2018 work and launch 2019 tasks. 

The group was also hailed for its proposal to cut half of business conditions to improve the business climate, thus winning public trust, he said.

He asked the group to work more drastically and straightforwardly with Secretaries and Chairpersons of cities and provinces, Ministers, Deputy Ministers on tasks assigned by the government and the PM. 

Further attention must be paid to removing obstacles in mechanisms and policies, as well as decentralisation to ministries, agencies and localities, he said. 

The leader also requested strengthening inspection over policymaking and soon ending delay in bill drafting. 

Minister and Chairman of the Government Office Mai Tien Dung, who is also head of the working group, said since its establishment nearly three years ago, the group has launched 61 inspections in 20 out of 22 ministries and agencies, a government agency, 13 localities, 10 economic groups and State corporations. Of them, 27 inspections focused on assigned tasks and others were specialised inspections. 

Up to 51 out of 60 detailed regulation documents were issued in 2017, reaching 85 percent. In 2018, 118 out of 122 documents were issued, equivalent to 96.72 percent. Via inspections, the group discovered overlapping in existing legal documents and suggested the government and PM direct ministries and agencies review and amend them. 

The group also found out barriers related to mechanisms and policies that easily result in red tape, affecting businesses and people. 

Ministries have so far issued 49 legal documents on specialised inspections and business conditions, cut 6,776 out of 9,926 lines of goods subject to specialised inspection as well as simplified and cut over 3,300 out of more than 6,100 business conditions, thus saving nearly 6.6 trillion VND (286.9 million USD). 

The group also helped strengthen discipline in leadership and directions regarding assigned tasks among ministries, agencies and localities, thus tightening their close ties with the Government Office. 

Ties between the Government Office and business associations at home and abroad have been increasingly open and practical. During 2017-2018, over 14,900 suggestions by enterprises and residents were acquired, more than 2,400 of them were answered by ministries, agencies and localities and over 2,000 ones were publicised. 

Head of the Government Office’s Administrative Procedure Reform Unit Ngo Hai Phan said the group needs to crack down on petty corruption and use modern technology for inspection in 2019.

Top legislator thanks media for partnering with NA

National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan at the meeting 

National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan expressed thanks to press and media outlets for partnering with the legislature and covering its activities over the past years during a meeting in Hanoi on January 21. 

She said columns and programmes on newspapers and radio and television stations in 2018 highlighted regular activities of the NA, the NA Standing Committee and NA agencies with more diverse contents, notably the confidence vote casting or question-and-answer sessions featured by vivid photos or analyses by experts. 

Ngan said efforts by press agencies and reporters have brought the legislature’s activities closer to constituents and the public. 

Highlighting the media’s vanguard role in providing full information and creating public consensus on polices and laws adopted by the NA, the top legislator said closer collaboration between the media and the NA Office and agencies is needed.  

She urged reporters to fully grasp contents of policies in draft laws discussed by lawmakers when it comes to covering news about legislation activities, ensuring correctness and objectiveness. 

At the same time, the press and media outlets must serve as forums to acquire public feedback on draft laws, raise public awareness of approved laws, and closely monitor legal enforcement. 

According to the leader, winning trust of readers and constituents is the most important to creating public consensus, thus information orientation and fight against wrongful allegations on social media could be effective, especially amid competition among new media channels at present. Such requires the press and media outlets to improve the quality of news and articles, she said. 

As the legislature will adopt 18 draft laws in 2019, Chairwoman Ngan wished that the press and media outlets would continue partnering with the law-making body. 

She asked the NA’s Ethnic Council and committees to work closely with the NA Secretary General to provide timely information for the media, offer all possible support to reporters during and after the NA’s sessions. 

The leader also suggested ensuring harmony in news reporting about legislative, executive and judicial fields so that the public could be fully understanding the State activities.

Deputy PM demands corrupted officials be handled strictly

Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh (standing) addresses the meeting in Hanoi on January 21 

Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh on January 21 requested relevant agencies adamantly deal with law violations as well as corrupted officials and public employees who lend a hand to criminals.

He made the requirement at a meeting held in Hanoi by the Government’s steering committee for crime fight and the national steering committee for prevention and control of smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods.

Deputy Minister of Public Security Sen. Lt. Gen. Le Quy Vuong reported that more than 53,000 social order violating cases were recorded in 2018, and over 50 percent of criminal cases related to asset appropriation.

Corruption tends to decline but petty corruption still exists in many fields. Meanwhile, crimes and economic law violations still occurred in many sectors, particularly finance, banking, land management, natural resources and project investment.

Smuggling, trading of banned products, and cross-border trafficking of goods and money haven’t shown signs of decrease, he noted, adding that hi-tech criminals have used many new tricks, causing widespread losses. Online gambling has also become serious, involving trillions of VND.

Vuong said police have coordinated with relevant forces to prevent, investigate and deal with crimes well while dealing with complex criminal and social order problems in a timely fashion.

At the meeting, many participants said it is of utmost importance to continue enhancing discipline in the fight against smuggling and trade fraud. They pointed out that there remain some officials and public employees with low capacity and degraded morality, which has hampered the combat against crimes, smuggling and counterfeits.

Applauding improvements in the crime prevention and control, Deputy PM Binh said this is a constant task of all ministries, sectors and localities.

He partly attributed the complicated smuggling and trade fraud situation to the lack of responsibility and lax management, even collusion with criminals, of some corrupted officials and public employees. Therefore, he requested inspections be stepped up and petty corruption be thoroughly eradicated at administrative agencies so that people’s trust in officials and public employees will not be undermined.

It is also necessary to prevent crimes right within authorised forces themselves such as the public security, customs, market management, border guard, coast guard or taxation forces. Officials and public employees who lack sense of responsibility or show signs of committing violations must be strictly handled so as to clean up agencies’ apparatus, Binh stressed.

Embassy supports Vietnamese Cambodians in Tonle Sap Lake


The delegation of the Embassy of Vietnam in Cambodia  attends a working session with Governor Chuhhua Chann Doeun of Cambodia's Kampong Chhang province

A delegation of the Embassy of Vietnam in Cambodia led by Ambassador Vu Quang Minh visited Vietnamese Cambodians in Kampong Chhang province on January 21 ahead of Vietnam’s Lunar New Year (Tet) festival.

While extending Tet greetings to the overseas Vietnamese living in the Tonle Sap Lake who are now temporarily relocated in Chong Kok village of Phsar Chhang district, Minh affirmed that the Party, State, Government and the Embassy of Vietnam will launch more activities in the coming time to help poor Vietnamese Cambodians to stabilise their lives, especially those on Tonle Sap Lake who are required to be relocated.

He noted that Vietnamese businesses in Cambodia are willing to support people in changing jobs and encouraged Vietnamese Cambodians to send their children to local schools to better integrate in the local society.

At the event, as many as 1,000 poor households in Chong Kok village received Tet gift packages from the embassy.

On January 22, the delegation is scheduled to pay a visit and present gifts to 500 families in shelters in Kampong Tralach, Rolea Paea and Cholkiri districts. 

The Vietnamese officials previously attended a working session with Governor Chuhhua Chann Doeun of Kampong Chhang province and asked local authorities to pay due attention to Vietnamese Cambodian in the resettlement plan of the province and promptly address their problems.

The Vietnamese Cambodians are among more than 10,000 people living in floating houses on Tonle Sap Lake who must relocate under the Cambodia Government’s plan to address environmental pollution in the lake caused by floating houses.

Kampong Chhang province is currently home to about 2,400 families of Vietnamese Cambodians.

Prime Minister visits Ministry of Defence’s General Department II

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc meets General Department II staff 

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc had a working session with the Ministry of Defence’s General Department II on January 21, lauding the military intelligence unit’s staff for accomplishing assigned tasks. 

The session was also attended by Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army Sen. Lieut. Gen Phan Van Giang.

Speaking at the event, the PM said that over the past 73 years, military intelligence officials and soldiers have remained loyal to the Party, the nation, and people, contributing to national construction and defence. 

They have offered timely and effective consultation to the Party, State, Central Military Commission, and Ministry of Defence to firmly safeguard national sovereignty and interests, creating an environment of peace which has aided national development, he said. 

In order to fulfil the tasks for 2019 and subsequent years, the PM asked the department’s staff to continue upholding the virtues of Uncle Ho’s soldiers; seriously abide by the Party and State’s principles and directions; renew its apparatus in an efficient and streamlined manner; and put forward a trusted political and fighting force which is absolutely loyal to the Party, State, army and people. 

On the occasion of the upcoming Tet (Lunar New Year) festival, the PM sent his best wishes to the staff and their families.

He also visited the department’s hall of tradition. 

Diplomatic sector to strive harder to reinforce established ties: Deputy PM

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh addresses the ministry's meeting in Hanoi on January 21 

The most important task for external work in 2019 is to intensify established relations and enhance the mutual interests between Vietnam and its key partners, especially neighbouring, regional, and major countries, along with strategic and comprehensive partners.

The remark was made by Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh at a meeting in Hanoi on January 21 to review the ministry’s performance in 2018 and set up tasks for the rest of the year.

He noted that despite the complex and unpredictable developments in the world and the region in 2018, the Party and State’s external work has been carried out in a proactive, creative, and effective manner, thus fulfilling the tasks assigned.

Under the sound and direct leadership of Party and State leaders, methodological, concrete, and effective steps have been taken, thereby greatly helping to maintain peace and stability, attract external resources to national development, firmly safeguard the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and promote Vietnam’s stature in the international arena, he said.

Amid the country’s intensive integration into the world, the diplomatic sector needs to play a more active role in seeking markets for Vietnamese goods; mobilising external resources; and helping with the implementation of new-generation free trade agreements, particularly the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP).

Minh added that this year, the sector will push on with multilateral diplomacy. Notably, Vietnam will make preparations for its holding of the ASEAN Chair in 2020 and run for a non-permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council for 2020-2021.

The diplomatic sector will also have to closely coordinate with defence and security agencies to help ensure national sovereignty and territorial integrity, especially security and sovereignty at sea, the Deputy PM noted.

He said that in order to fulfil those tasks, the sector needs to step up strengthening the political firmness and specialised capacity of its staff. He also requested better coordination between the foreign ministry and other ministries, sectors, and localities nationwide in external and international integration activities so as to ensure the ultimate goal of meeting national interests. 

Diplomatic sector to strive harder to reinforce established ties: Deputy PM

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh addresses the ministry's meeting in Hanoi on January 21 

The most important task for external work in 2019 is to intensify established relations and enhance the mutual interests between Vietnam and its key partners, especially neighbouring, regional, and major countries, along with strategic and comprehensive partners.

The remark was made by Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh at a meeting in Hanoi on January 21 to review the ministry’s performance in 2018 and set up tasks for the rest of the year.

He noted that despite the complex and unpredictable developments in the world and the region in 2018, the Party and State’s external work has been carried out in a proactive, creative, and effective manner, thus fulfilling the tasks assigned.

Under the sound and direct leadership of Party and State leaders, methodological, concrete, and effective steps have been taken, thereby greatly helping to maintain peace and stability, attract external resources to national development, firmly safeguard the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and promote Vietnam’s stature in the international arena, he said.

Amid the country’s intensive integration into the world, the diplomatic sector needs to play a more active role in seeking markets for Vietnamese goods; mobilising external resources; and helping with the implementation of new-generation free trade agreements, particularly the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP).

Minh added that this year, the sector will push on with multilateral diplomacy. Notably, Vietnam will make preparations for its holding of the ASEAN Chair in 2020 and run for a non-permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council for 2020-2021.

The diplomatic sector will also have to closely coordinate with defence and security agencies to help ensure national sovereignty and territorial integrity, especially security and sovereignty at sea, the Deputy PM noted.

He said that in order to fulfil those tasks, the sector needs to step up strengthening the political firmness and specialised capacity of its staff. He also requested better coordination between the foreign ministry and other ministries, sectors, and localities nationwide in external and international integration activities so as to ensure the ultimate goal of meeting national interests. 

PM pledges all possible support for space technology development

MicroDragon satellite before launch

The Government will offer all possible support to Vietnamese scientists and engineers to develop space technology, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc said at a working session on the manufacturing and launch of Vietnam’s MicroDragon satellite in Hanoi on January 21.

Vietnam’s MicroDragon satellite has been tested as working normally after being launched into space by Japan’s Epsilon rocket on January 18, as was reported to the PM at the working session. 

The MicroDragon is part of a project on disaster and climate change preparation using satellites for observation of planet Earth. 

Speaking at the event, the PM said the satellite is the result of great efforts by the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) and the Vietnam National Space Centre, under the direction of the Ministry of Science and Technology. 

He also lauded the Japanese Government, research institutes, and universities for supporting Vietnam in this new field, laying an important foundation for space technology development in the future. 

The leader expressed his delight that Vietnamese engineers were able to master the technology and are now ready to manufacture satellites that weigh below 50kg. 

He added that the result has affirmed Vietnam’s space sovereignty in the digital era and its capacity in satellite design and manufacturing. 

He asked the Ministry of Planning and Investment to promptly submit a project on building an outer space control station, while asking that the VAST pay further attention to workforce training towards manufacturing larger-scale satellites in the country. 

The VAST was also required to implement the space technology development strategy in the near future. 

The launch of the MicroDragon satellite took place at 7:50am (Hanoi time) at Uchinoura Space Centre in Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan.

The MicroDragon was developed by 36 Vietnamese engineers from the National Space Centre with the help of Japanese experts. The engineers were all sent to study space technology at five top universities in Japan between 2013 and 2017.

The satellite is tasked with observing coastal areas to assess water quality, locate fishery resources, and monitor changes in coastal waters to serve Vietnam’s aquaculture industry.