World Bank pledges support for building Law on Ethnic Minority Affairs

The World Bank (WB) will provide assistance to the first phase of a project to devise a draft law on ethnic minority affairs.

A cooperation agreement to this effect was signed by Minister- Chairman of the Government’s Committee for Ethnic Affairs Giang Seo Phu, and Victoria Kwakwa, the World Bank Country Director for Vietnam, at a ceremony in Hanoi on May 25.

The agreement comprises pre-feasibility studies in a number of provinces throughout the country between July and October this year.

The development of a law on ethnic minority affairs is part of the ongoing efforts to implement the Action Plan on the Strategy on Ethnic Minority Affairs by 2020, which was approved by the Prime Minister in 2013, the Minister explained.

Meanwhile, the WB Director expressed hope that the project would help address the development challenges faced by Vietnam’s ethnic minorities, while also boosting the relationship between the WB and the Government of Vietnam.

Draft laws, socio-economic performance under NA discussion

National Assembly (NA) deputies continued their plenary session in Hanoi on May 25, discussing a number of revised draft laws and plans, chaired by Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung.

In the morning, Minister of Planning and Investment Bui Quang Vinh delivered a Government report on the amended draft Law on Statistics.

The Head of the NA Committee for Social Affairs, Truong Thi Mai, presented a report on the proposed changes to the draft Law on Labour Safety and Hygiene, which 20 participating legislators had provided comments on.

The deputies discussed policies for non-contract workers, insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases, national technical standards on labour safety and hygiene, responsibilities of employers and trade union organisations, and State management.

In the afternoon, lawmakers debated the progress of socio-economic development and the State budgets for 2014 and the beginning of 2015 in groups, as well as the State budget balance sheet for 2013.

The plenary and group sessions will continue on May 26.

Vietnam attends conference of Asian political parties

A Vietnamese delegation, led deputy head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for External Affairs Nguyen Tuan Phong, attended a seminar of the International Conference of Asian Political Party (ICAPP) in Vladivostok, Russia, between May 21-23.

The conference “Russia for Asia: new business opportunities”, hosted by the United Russia Party, saw the attendance of representatives from 19 ICAPP member parties and several Asian enterprises.

Delegates discussed opportunities and prospects for boosting economic ties by extended cooperation among regional countries.

They shared view that with great potentials, Russia’s Far-East region holds conditions beneficial to strengthening economic partnership with Asian countries and serving as a bridge connecting Asia and Europe.

The seminar adopted the Vladivostok statement on regional development cooperation.

On the sidelines of the event, the Vietnamese officials held bilateral meetings with representatives from the United Russia Party and other political parties, and exchanged views on issues of mutual concern.

Vietnam attends communist, workers’ Parties conference

A Vietnamese delegation, led by the Deputy Head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations, Tran Dac Loi, attended the international conference of communist and workers’ parties organised by the Czech Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia in Prague on May 23-24.

Nearly 100 delegates from communist, workers and left-wing parties, as well as different social movements from more than 20 countries discussed their future orientations, the legitimacy of building an anti-fascist front and their experience in creating a new society based on social equality, as well as socialism in the 21 st century.

They shared the view that neo-liberal capitalism was a direct cause of the global financial crisis and economic downturn, undermining social welfare, healthcare and education, and creating pressures on employment and environmental protection.

They said the return of right-wing parties and fascism was posing a challenge to communist and workers’ parties and progressive left-wing forces around the world. In this context, the participants pledged to increase solidarity, facilitate experience sharing, and expand coordination between left-wing and progressive forces in order to safeguard peace and secure the rights of workers in the name of equality and sustainable development.

Vietnam, China and Cuba were hailed for their successful communist models.

The conference adopted a statement calling for peace and resisting the potential return of fascism 70 years after the end of the Second World War.

Party official hails Buddhist Sangha of Vietnam’s national efforts

Ha Thi Khiet, Head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Mass Mobilisation, has praised the Buddhist Sangha of Vietnam (BSV) for its contributions to national development.

Over the course of almost 2000 years of existence in Vietnam, Buddhism has demonstrated that it is a patriotic religion, standing shoulder to shoulder with the Vietnamese nation and people, Khiet said during her meeting with Buddhist dignitaries and monks on May 25.

In addition, Khiet continued, Buddhist monks and followers have organised numerous activities to help disadvantaged people and those affected by natural disasters or disease.

Socio-economic development, security and order, and national sovereignty and solidarity have been strengthened and developed further, partly due to Buddhist monks and followers.

Khiet said she believed that Buddhism will continue its tradition of contributing to a prosperous, democratic, fair and civilised Vietnam.

Most Venerable Thich Thanh Nhieu, Vice Chairman of the BSV, expressed his gratitude to the Party and State for its support for the religion.

Deputy PM holds talk with Thai counterpart

Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh met with his Thai counterpart Tanasak Patimapragorn on May 25 in preparation of the upcoming third joint cabinet meeting between the two countries.

The two leaders expressed their joy over the fruitful development of the bilateral friendship and cooperation in recent years, especially since the two countries set up the Strategic Partnership on the occasion of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s official visit to Thailand in 2013.

They agreed to intensify links in order to effectively implement the 2014-2018 Vietnam-Thailand action plan signed in November last year as well as the agreements reached during the 2 nd meeting of the Vietnam-Thailand Joint Committee on Bilateral Cooperation in March this year.

The two sides concurred that it was necessary to strengthen cooperation in the fields of the economy, trade, investment, transport and tourism in the near future.

Deputy PM Minh praised his Thai counterpart for his efforts and contributions to promoting ties between the foreign ministries of Vietnam and Thailand, thus laying the foundation for the creation of a cooperation mechanism between the two countries in times to come.

During their talks, the two sides also compared notes on global and regional issues of common concern, including the establishment of an ASEAN Community and the ongoing tensions in the East Sea.

Deputy PM and FM Minh is on a working visit to Thailand from May 24-26.

Regional security working group convenes in Da Nang

The 2015 Pacific Area Security Sector Working Group (PASSWG-2015) inaugurated its working session in Da Nang City on May 25 under the theme “Security for a people-centred ASEAN”.

The PASSWG is organised annually by the US Government together with countries in the Pacific region. This year’s event is being organised by the Foreign Relations Department of the Vietnamese Ministry of Defence and the Special Operations Command of the US Pacific Command.

Participants comprised 90 delegates from the 10 ASEAN member states, the ASEAN Secretariat, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and Mongolia.

Speaking at the opening session, Major General Do Thanh Binh, Commander of the Commando under the Vietnam People’s Army (VPA), said the army was actively engaged in defence cooperation and had proposed a number of cooperation initiatives within the framework of the ASEAN Defence Ministers Meeting and the ASEAN-Plus Defence Ministers Meeting.

Vietnam has a comprehensive counter-terrorism policy and actively participates in humanitarian and disaster relief, as well as maritime security and safety, he added.

With regard to “hot spots” in the region where conflicts could break out, Vietnam supports the settlement of disputes through peaceful dialogues and negotiations in line with international law, United Nations conventions and regional agreements, Binh elaborated, thus rejecting the use of coercion or actions that could escalate tensions.

During the working group meeting, delegates discussed measures to foster cooperation in response to non-traditional security threats in order to maintain regional and global peace, stability and development. They focused on humanitarian aid and disaster relief, maritime security and terrorism prevention.

The PASSWG-2015 ends on May 29.

Group discussions focus on socio-economic development, State budgets

Lawmakers discussed in groups the progress of socio-economic development of 2014 and the first few months of 2015 at the ongoing ninth session of the 13th National Assembly in Hanoi on May 25.

Tran Hoang Ngan, a NA deputy from Ho Chi Minh City, said it was a good sign that the economy grew at 6.03 percent in the first quarter of 2015.

However, he said it should be noted that many industries were still struggling, especially small and medium enterprises and the agricultural sector.

Many other delegates expressed concerns at difficulties in finding outlets for farm products.

Nguyen Ngoc Hoa, also a delegate from HCM City, said there must be a long-term solution to the problem of farmers struggling to sell their products.

He called on the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Planning to revamp production by supporting farmers in using technology to enhance the quality of their products and supporting them with post-harvest technologies.

The Trade Ministry, according to Hoa, must be a link to the outside market. He said it should create policies that encourage firms to build storage areas, thus expanding opportunities to sell farm products in major markets instead of relying only on small traders.

Nguyen Thi Quyet Tam, a member from HCM City, asked the NA to hold a special session to assess the rural situation.

Members also discussed the State budget and praised the Government for ensuring social stability and delivering public services.

However, they also called on the Government to ensure if Vietnam had the capacity to pay back its public debts, which are expected to account for 64 percent of GDP this year.

The plenary and group sessions continue on May 26.