President Tran Dai Quang commemorated in US, Chile


Deputy Assistant Secretary for Asia at the Department of Commerce Diane Farrell writes in the funeral book 

Many US officials on September 27 came to the Vietnamese Embassy in the country to pay tribute to President Tran Dai Quang.

Senator Patrick Leahy, Senate Appropriations Committee Vice Chairman, spoke highly of President Quang’s dedication to the development of Vietnam as well as the relations between the two nations. 

Senator Cory Gardner, Chairman of the Senate's Foreign Relations Subcommittee on East Asia, the Pacific and International Cybersecurity, expressed his deep condolences and wished that the two sides will continue close cooperation for their friendship and prosperity. 

US Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross stressed the role of President Quang in strengthening and deepening the Vietnam-US ties, stating that his department will always remember the legacies of the President to strive for stronger bilateral relations. 

Among mourners were also Co-Chairs of the Congressional APEC Caucus Dave Reichert and Rick Larsen, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Asia at the Department of Commerce Diane Farrell, as well as leaders of several US companies and non-governmental organisations.

The officials appreciated President Tran Dai Quang’s contributions to the national construction and defence of Vietnam as well as the improvement of the country’s position on the international arena. They vowed to continue contributing to further promoting the comprehensive partnership between Vietnam and the US.

Present at the Vietnamese Embassy in the US, World Bank Vice President Victoria Kwakwa extended her profound sympathies to the Party, State and people of Vietnam, stressing that President Quang had made great contributions to Vietnam during his career.

During September 26-27, crowds of Chilean and international friends paid homage to the deceased President at the Vietnamese Embassy in Chile.

They included President Guillermo Teillier Del Valle and General Secretary Lautaro Carmona of the Communist Party of Chile; former Senate President, former President of the Socialist Party of Chile, Senator Isabell Allende Bussi; and President of the Chile-Vietnam Culture Institute Patricia Arbazua. 

After paying respect to President Quang, Under-secretary for Foreign Affairs of Chile Carolina Valdivia Torres told Vietnamese Ambassador Nguyen Ngoc Son that the passing of President Quang is a great loss to Vietnam. She also conveyed the condolences of the Chilean government and people over the leader’s death.

Funeral Board, family of President Tran Dai Quang offer thanks


A requiem for President Tran Dai Quang was held in at Phu Lien Pagoda in Thai Nguyen city, Thai Nguyen province on September 27

The Funeral Board and the family of President Tran Dai Quang expressed thanks following the burial service for the leader in his hometown in the northern province of Ninh Binh on September 27.

The following is the message in full:

“The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, the Funeral Board, and the family of General Tran Dai Quang wish to express sincere thanks to:

- Compatriots, comrades;

- Revolutionary veterans;

- Intelligentsia, religious dignitaries;

- Agencies, organisations, localities, units;

- The people’s armed forces;

- The Party organisations, administrations, and people of Hanoi city, Ho Chi Minh City, and Ninh Binh province;

- Diplomatic corps, representatives of international organsations, and international friends;

For sending condolence messages and wreaths, as well as attending the respect-paying ceremonies, memorial services, and burial ceremony of General Tran Dai Quang, member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam and President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.”

President Tran Dai Quang passed away on September 21 at the age of 62 due to serious illness.

Vietnam observed two days of national mourning for the leader on September 26 and 27. 

Tribute-paying services for President held across Asia


First Vice President of Myanmar U Myint Swe write in the funeral book 

Vietnamese embassies across Asia held tribute-paying services for President Tran Dai Quang and opened funeral books on September 26-27. 

At the Vietnamese embassy in Myanmar, First Vice President of Myanmar U Myint Swe wrote that President Quang will be always remembered for his dedication to the development of Vietnam and the ASEAN Community. 

The Ambassadors of Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, the Republic of Korea, Canada, Serbia, Timor Leste, Pakistan, Canada, and representatives from the embassies of the US, Russia, France, Thailand, India, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Qatar, Brunei, Kuwait, Poland, and Czech Republic also paid homage to the Vietnamese leader. 

At the Vietnamese Embassy in the Republic of Korea, Lao Ambassador Khamsouay Keodalavong expressed his profound condolences to the Vietnamese embassy in the RoK, the Vietnamese Party, Government, and people, as well as the family of President Quang. He lauded the President as a great revolutionist and leader of the two countries. 

The same day in Beijing, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress Li Zhanshu led a delegation from the Chinese parliament to lay a wreath and offer incense in tribute to President Tran Dai Quang.

State Councilor and Defence Minister Wei Fenghe and Chief Justice and President of the Supreme People’s Court of China Zhou Qiang, one of the foreign guests hosted by the President during his final working days, were also present. 

In the funeral book, Chinese Party and State leaders spoke highly of the President’s contributions to national development and bilateral traditional friendship. 

On September 26-27, over 70 delegations from the Chinese Party, National Assembly, and Government, as well as diplomatic corps and international organisations in China came to the Vietnamese embassy to write in the funeral book and extend sympathies to the Vietnamese Party, Government, and people. 

Similar ceremonies were also held in Cambodia, Mexico, Poland, Mongolia, and Sri Lanka.

Party leader hails growing Vietnam-China relations


General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong (R) shakes hands with Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s Commission for Discipline Inspection Zhao Leji 

Party chief Nguyen Phu Trong applauded the recent positive developments of the relations between the Vietnamese and Chinese Parties and States while hosting Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s Commission for Discipline Inspection Zhao Leji in Hanoi on September 27.

At the reception, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Trong thanked Chinese Party General Secretary and President Xi Jinping and other leaders of China for sending messages of condolences to the Vietnamese Party, State and people over the passing of President Tran Dai Quang.

He also thanked Zhao for leading a delegation from the Communist Party of China to pay tribute to the Vietnamese leader.

The Party leader spoke highly of the delegation’s visit to Vietnam, saying it will help strengthen mutual understanding, consolidate political trust, and further boost the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between Vietnam and China.

He suggested the two sides continue directing the realisation of common perceptions and reached agreements, work harder to foster practical cooperation, respect each other’s legal and legitimate interests, satisfactorily handle sea-related differences, strengthen the friendship between their people, and promote the healthy and stable development of bilateral ties.

General Secretary Trong also urged relevant agencies of the two Parties and States, including inspection and supervision agencies, to increase the sharing of experience in inspection and supervision work and corruption prevention, thus practically contributing to the socialism building cause in each country. 

For his part, Zhao affirmed that the Party, Government and people of China attach special importance to their relations with Vietnam, expressing his wish that the two Parties and States to continue instructing agencies at all levels and localities, including inspection and discipline agencies, to enhance exchanges and cooperation to reinforce political trust and develop the Vietnam-China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership in a positive, healthy, stable and long-term manner.

Earlier, Tran Cam Tu, Secretary of the CPV Central Committee and head of the committee’s Inspection Commission, held talks with the Chinese official. The two sides exchanged experience in inspection, discipline and corruption prevention as well as discussed collaboration orientations in the time to come.

After the talks, Tu and Zhao witnessed the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Government Inspectorate of Vietnam and the National Supervisory Commission of China.

Also on September 27, the Chinese delegation laid a wreath in tribute to President Ho Chi Minh at his mausoleum in Hanoi.

Vietnamese, Cambodian armies’ women enhance cooperation


VPA’s General Department of Politics Lieut. Gen. Le Hien Van (R) presents a bouquet to Secretary of State at the Cambodian Defence Ministry Dam Dariny

Women of the Vietnam People’s Army (VPA) and the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces (RCAF) should continue enhancing exchanges of delegations to strengthen solidarity and mutual understanding, along with bolstering experience sharing and training. 

This was agreed by deputy head of the VPA’s General Department of Politics Lieut. Gen. Le Hien Van and Secretary of State at the Cambodian Defence Ministry Dam Dariny during their talks in Hanoi on September 27.

They also agreed to promote communications and education on the importance of promoting the two countries’ friendship, thereby contributing to combating all plots and activities of hostile and reactionary forces wanting to break the solidarity of the two countries.

They said both sides need to work with relevant agencies to encourage the public to provide information for the search and repatriation of the remains of Vietnamese voluntary soldiers and experts who laid down their lives during wartime in Cambodia. 

They concurred to bolster information exchange and communications to ensure that people in border areas closely follow the countries’ regulations on border management, contributing to building a shared border of peace, friendship, stability and cooperation.

After the meeting, a high-ranking delegation of the RCAF led by Dam Dariny paid a courtesy call to head of the VPA’s General Department of Politics Sen. Lieut. Gen. Luong Cuong.

Party chief receives high-ranking Cuban delegation


General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong (R) received Roberto Morales Ojeda, Vice President of the Council of Ministers and the Council of State, in Hanoi on September 27 

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong received a high-ranking delegation from Cuba led by Roberto Morales Ojeda, Vice President of the Council of Ministers and the Council of State, in Hanoi on September 27.

The delegation is in Vietnam to attend the funeral of President Tran Dai Quang.

At the meeting, Roberto Morales Ojeda sincerely conveyed the deep condolences of the Cuban Party, State, and people to the Party, State and people of Vietnam over the passing of President Tran Dai Quang. 

He highly valued the contributions made by President Quang in Vietnam’s national defence and construction, adding that the President is a great, close friend of Cuba who had worked to promote the special bond between the Parties, States, and people of the two nations.

He stressed the President’s warm sentiments towards Cuba, recalling that Quang was the last foreign leader to meet with Fidel Castro in November 2016, not long before the Cuban leader passed away. 

On behalf of the Party, State, and people of Vietnam, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong thanked the Party and State of Cuba for offering condolences over the passing of President Tran Dai Quang, and especially for sending the Cuban delegation over to attend the funeral.

He highly apprecitated Cuba for its observation of the two-day national mourning for President Tran Dai Quang, with its high-ranking officials paying tribute to and writing on the funeral book at Vietnam’s diplomatic representative offices, showing the special friendship between Vietnam and Cuba.

The Party General Secretary affirmed that the Vietnamese Party, State, and people will do their best in joining hands with the Party, State and people of Cuba to deepen the exemplary fraternity, traditional friendship, comprehensive cooperation and faithful solidarity between the two Parties, States and people of Vietnam Cuba founded by President Ho Chi Minh and leader Fidel Castro.

President Tran Dai Quang remembered in his homeland

Born and raised in Kim Son district, in the northern province of Ninh Binh, President Tran Dai Quang is an elite son of his hometown. Many people in Kim Son district, especially those who shared a childhood with him, have expressed their grief for the passing of the President.

Local people in Kim Son district, Ninh Binh province, the homeland of late President Quang, have closely followed the activities of the president. The passing of the president brought great shock and sorrow to them.

Truong Ngoc Quang was President Quang’s classmate. When growing up, one became a great leader of the nation, the other worked as a security guard. But whenever they met, the president always greeted him with kindness.

President Quang was buried in his home village in northern Ninh Binh province after a state funeral in Hanoi.

Officials, diplomats pay respect to President Tran Dai Quang in Cuba, China, Poland


Vice Mayor of Shanghai Weng Tiehui writes on the condolence book when she pays respect to Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang at the Vietnamese Consulate General in Shanghai on September 27 

Many officials and diplomats came to Vietnam’s diplomatic missions in Cuba, Shanghai city of China and Poland on September 26 and 27 to pay respect to President Tran Dai Quang, who passed away last week.

At the Vietnamese Embassy in Cuba, Second Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba Jose Ramon Machado Ventura, First Vice President of the State Council and the Council of Ministers Salvador Valdes Mesa, Minister of the Revolutionary Armed Forces Leopoldo Cintra Frias, and First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Marcelino Medina paid their tribute to President Tran Dai Quang.

Writing on the funeral book, Salvador Valdes Mesa stressed that President Quang is a close friend of Cuba and he will be forever remembered as a person who greatly contributed to the friendship and cooperation between the two nations.

Paying tribute to the Vietnamese leader at the Vietnamese Consulate General in Shanghai on September 27, Vice Mayor of Shanghai Weng Tiehui offered the deepest condolences to the Vietnamese Party, Government and people and the family of Tran Dai Quang.

She noted the Shanghai administration will continue to uphold and implement Chinese and Vietnamese leaders’ common perceptions on the development of the countries’ comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, which Tran Dai Quang always attached importance and greatly contributed to.

Officials of China’s Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces and many foreign diplomats in Shanghai, including Lao Consul General Lattana Thavonsouk, also visited the Consulate General of Vietnam to pay tribute to President Tran Dai Quang.

Meanwhile, a number of Polish officials paid respect to President Tran Dai Quang at the Vietnamese Embassy in Poland over the last two days. They included Minister of the Polish President’s Office Adam Kwiatkowski, Deputy Foreign Minister Bartosz Cichocki, Director of Foreign Affairs at the Chancellery of the Prime Minister Marek Korowajczyk, and Director of Asia Pacific Department at the Foreign Ministry Paweł Milewski.

They wrote on the condolence book that the passing of President Tran Dai Quang is a big loss to the Party, State and people of Vietnam. He was always highly valued by the international community while holding his position, they added.

Parliamentarian Grzegorz Napieralski, who chairs the Poland-Vietnam Friendship Parliamentary Group, other members of the group and foreign diplomats in the country also came to the Vietnamese Embassy to bid the last farewell to the leader.

Earlier, Polish President Andrzej Duda had sent condolences to Acting President of Vietnam Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh, recalling President Tran Dai Quang’s warm welcome for him during his official visit to the Southeast Asian nation in November 2017 and praising the President's contributions to Vietnam's dynamic development and friendly cooperation with other countries, including Poland.

Vietnam, Laos cooperate to develop border trade


The 11th Vietnam-Laos border trade development cooperation conference opened in Dong Hoi city, central Quang Binh province on September 27 

The 11th Vietnam-Laos border trade development cooperation conference opened in Dong Hoi city, central Quang Binh province on September 27.

Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Tran Quoc Khanh said the event aims to discuss ways to boost cross-border trade between Vietnam and Laos, towards stability, sustainability and effectiveness and in line with the two countries’ special neighbourliness and the current regional and global situation.

Since the previous conference, the two countries have seen new steps of development in their trade relations, and cross-border trade in particular, he said

In 2017, trade turnover between the two countries reached nearly 936 million USD, up 13.6 percent from the previous year. In the first eight months of this year, bilateral trade rose 12.9 percent to nearly 656 million USD.

In recent years, Vietnam and Laos have signed numerous trade agreements and memorandums of understanding in investment, transport, defence-security, agriculture, creating legal basis for promoting their economic and trade ties, Khanh stressed.

Bounmy Manivong, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of Laos, said the import-export departments of Vietnam and Laos have worked closely to organise fact-finding trips at some border gates in order boost, encourage and facilitate trade development.

He suggested Vietnam and Laos discuss and reach consensus on policies and regulations to facilitate the development of border trade, while paying attention to developing trade infrastructure, border markets, and working together to address related issues.

The two sides need to coordinate to expand the scale of border goods exhibition, organise meetings to share experience, while creating conditions and opportunities for meeting, exchange and cooperation between the two countries’ businesses, he added.

At the conference held by Vietnam’s Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Laos, participants reviewed outcomes and shortcomings in border trade activities while discussing measures to ease difficulties such as import-export licenses, administrative procedure, and transport and trade infrastructure in border gate areas.

Within the framework of the conference, a display area for the products of the provinces along the Vietnam - Laos border was opened in Dong Hoi on September 26.

There are 22 booths from 40 enterprises of Vietnam and Laos, including 11 booths of Lao enterprises with wooden products, home appliances, electronics, rubber products, rice and sugar. Meanwhile, the 11 Vietnamese booths exhibit cassava starch, pepper, curcumin powder, sweet potato, peanut oil, citronella oil, coffee, medicinal herbs, clean vegetables and Phuc Trach pomelo.

Vietnam-Laos borderline stretches as far as nearly 2,337 kilometres, through ten Vietnamese and ten Lao provinces.

Hanoi delegation concludes Australia visit


A working session during the visit of the Hanoi delegation 


A Hanoi delegation led by Vice Secretary of the municipal Party Committee and Chairwoman of the municipal People’s Council Nguyen Thi Bich Ngoc concluded a three-day working visit to Sydney and Canberra on September 26. 

During a working session with the Ministry of Planning and Environment of New South Wales (NSW) led by chief planner Gary White on September 24, the official expressed thanks to the host for sharing planning experience, wishing that the two cities would conduct more exchanges in the near future. 

White shared experience in building strategic vision for Sydney and NSW master plan, which takes into consideration factors such as population aging, transportation, housing for low-income earners, regional and detailed planning. 

He said public transportation such as railway, subway, bus and elevated railway must ensure “30-minute” city standard, which means that travelling time from homes to schools or offices should be less than 30 minutes. 

He also called for attention to collecting public opinions on planning and its management. 

Later, the Vietnamese delegation learned about NSW’s experience in upholding values of historical and cultural vestiges in combination with tourism promotion, museum and park planning. 

On September 24, the delegation held a working session with NSW Ministry of Education led by Executive Director of Education and Business Systems Chloe Read. 

Read talked about the management of local public and private schools, teaching equipment, school policies and fees. 

Both sides expressed wish to foster bilateral training cooperation, especially in vocational training and career orientation to students after high school graduation. 

Visiting the Vietnamese Consulate General in Sydney and the Vietnamese Embassy in Canberra, Ngoc asked them to serve as a bridge connecting Hanoi with Australian localities in fields of urban planning and transportation, education and training, clean water supply, smart city development, preservation of historical and cultural vestiges, tourism, and cultural and sport events of international scale. 

During its stay, the delegation also held a working session with the Vietnamese Entrepreneurs’ Association in Sydney. They pledged to serve as a bridge to call on Australian firms and organisations to invest in Vietnam and Hanoi in fields of strength such as farm produce, tourism, real estate, resort development and education. 

Vice Secretary Ngoc expressed her belief that the association will make contributions to the development of Vietnamese community in Sydney via practical and effective activities.
