Asian Olympic Council delegation visits Vietnam


The OCA delegation and leaders of the Vietnam Sports Administration at the working session (Source:

General Director of the Vietnam Sports Administration Vuong Bich Thang had a working session with a delegation from the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) led by David DS Moon.

At the meeting, David DS Moon said the OCA delegation’s visit aims to promote the role of athletes through the establishment and development of athletes committees under national Olympic committees. 

He said the OCA wants to discuss with the Vietnam Sports Administration a project on training athletes in startup to prepare them for life after retiring from competition. 

The OCA official also mentioned the grant of scholarships for athletes with excellent performances and those in disadvantaged circumstances. 

He expressed the hope that after completing the national sport training centre in Can Tho city, Vietnam will invite foreign athletes to the centre for exchanges and experience sharing. 

General Director Thang said Vietnam’s sport performance is still far below the Asian level, and the country hopes to receive support from the OCA to improve its sport capacity. 

The Vietnamese sport official hailed the project on training athletes to prepare them for life after retiring from competition, which he said drew great interest from the Government and related agencies of Vietnam. He expressed hope that the project will be launched soon.  

Thang also reported that the athletes committee of Vietnam has begun operation but its work has not produced desired results. He said Vietnam needs more assistance from the OCA in the work. 

Asian Olympic Council delegation visits Vietnam


The OCA delegation and leaders of the Vietnam Sports Administration at the working session (Source:

General Director of the Vietnam Sports Administration Vuong Bich Thang had a working session with a delegation from the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) led by David DS Moon.

At the meeting, David DS Moon said the OCA delegation’s visit aims to promote the role of athletes through the establishment and development of athletes committees under national Olympic committees. 

He said the OCA wants to discuss with the Vietnam Sports Administration a project on training athletes in startup to prepare them for life after retiring from competition. 

The OCA official also mentioned the grant of scholarships for athletes with excellent performances and those in disadvantaged circumstances. 

He expressed the hope that after completing the national sport training centre in Can Tho city, Vietnam will invite foreign athletes to the centre for exchanges and experience sharing. 

General Director Thang said Vietnam’s sport performance is still far below the Asian level, and the country hopes to receive support from the OCA to improve its sport capacity. 

The Vietnamese sport official hailed the project on training athletes to prepare them for life after retiring from competition, which he said drew great interest from the Government and related agencies of Vietnam. He expressed hope that the project will be launched soon.  

Thang also reported that the athletes committee of Vietnam has begun operation but its work has not produced desired results. He said Vietnam needs more assistance from the OCA in the work. 

Communist Party of the Russian Federation delegation welcomed


Politburo member  Nguyen Van Binh (R) welcomes L.I. Kalashnikov, member of the CPRF’s Presidium 

The Vietnamese Party and State has always and will continue to prioritise consolidating its traditional friendship and comprehensive strategic partnership with Russia, a Vietnamese official has affirmed.

The statement was made by Nguyen Van Binh – Politburo member, Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee, and head of its Economic Commission – in Hanoi on November 6 while receiving a delegation from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF).

The delegation is led by L.I. Kalashnikov, member of the CPRF’s Presidium, Secretary of its Central Committee, and President of the State of Duma’s Friendship Parliamentarian Group with Vietnam.

Binh stressed that Vietnam attaches importance to its relations with the CPRF and welcomes its proposals on economic cooperation to help boost economic, trade, and investment ties between the two nations.

Kalashnikov told Binh that the delegation’s visit aims to seek ways to foster bilateral collaboration, particularly in finance and banking.

On November 5, the delegation was welcomed by Hoang Trung Hai, Politburo member and Secretary of Hanoi’s Party Committee. During the meeting, they exchanged views on cooperation between Hanoi and Moscow, as well as a plan to carry out the Moscow Centre project in the Vietnamese capital city in the time ahead.

The Russian delegation also held talks with Hoang Binh Quan, member of the CPV Central Committee and head of its Commission for External Relations, discussing measures to enhance the relationship between the two parties. 

Party official receives Sudanese guest


Politburo member Tran Quoc Vuong (R) and Deputy Chairman of the National Congress Party of Sudan Faisal Hassan Ibrahim 

Vietnam treasures the support given by Sudan in the past towards its national liberation, as well as the latter’s current support of the Asian nation’s process of development, said Politburo member Tran Quoc Vuong, who is also a permanent member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat. 

During a reception in Hanoi on November 6 for Deputy Chairman of the National Congress Party of Sudan and Presidential Assistant Faisal Hassan Ibrahim, Vuong suggested the continuation of high-level visits, improving the efficiency of cooperation mechanisms, stepping up people-to-people diplomacy, and working closely together at multilateral forums. 

He asked Sudan to support Vietnam’s bid to be a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for the 2020-2021 tenure. 

Speaking highly of Vietnam’s prestige and stature in the region and the world, Faisal Hassan Ibrahim expressed his belief that under the sound leadership of the Communist Party, the Vietnamese people will reap greater victories in the period of national construction and development. 

He affirmed a determination to further promote friendship and cooperation between the two parties, countries, and peoples. 

The guest suggested further tapping into opportunities so as to boost bilateral ties in the near future. 

During his stay, Faisal Hassan Ibraham held talks with Hoang Binh Quan, member of the Party Central Committee and head of its Commission on External Relations. 

Both sides informed each other about the current situation in each party and country, as well as discussing global issues of concern and ways to extend ties between the two parties and countries. 

The visiting delegation held working sessions with various ministries and departments, visiting the northern province of Quang Ninh to reach a consensus on measures to promote ties between the two parties and peoples.

HCM City welcomes Dutch water businesses


Ho Chi Minh City welcomes Dutch businesses, especially those in water management which is of the Netherlands’ strength, stated Tran Vinh Tuyen, Vice Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee while meeting Henk Ovink, Dutch Special Envoy for International Water Affairs on November 6.

Tuyen hailed the effective support of the Netherlands, especially Rotterdam city, the water management agency, and the Centre for Promotion of Imports from developing countries to the city in areas of climate change, management and flood prevention.

He spoke highly of the Netherlands’ idea to cope with challenges that the city faces during urban development process, expressing his hope to learn water technology from the Netherlands to make a breakthrough in water management.

Tuyen said that he hopes after the visit and participation in Vietwater exhibition 2018, Henk Ovink and the Dutch side will raise initiatives on cooperation with HCM City’s enterprises in water management and turn them into specific projects.

For his part, Henk Ovink held that the flooding and depression conditions that HCM City is facing is a chance for the two sides to collaborate, thus making water resources a factor serving the sustainable growth of the city amidst climate change impacts.

He pledged that the Netherlands is willing to cooperate with HCM City to seek financial resources for public-private partnership projects in infrastructure, water management and wastewater treatment.

Henk Ovink stressed that in the future, the two sides should strengthen cooperation activities and share experience and technology, thereby the city could deal with challenges related to water, thus ensuring the city’s sustainable development.

Earlier, Henk Ovink attended the Vietwater 2018, the only water trade event in Vietnam, which drew 450 exhibitors from 38 countries and regions.

National Assembly discuss bills on amnesty, husbandry on November 7


The National Assembly are discussing the draft revised law on amnesty and the draft law on husbandry on November 7. 

The draft revised law on amnesty submitted to the NA is the focus of discussion in the morning. The draft has been revised based on NA deputies’ opinions at the fifth session. The law is scheduled to be passed at this session. 

In the afternoon, the draft revised law on execution of criminal judgement will be presented to the NA.  

The NA deputies will then hear the revised version of the draft law on husbandry, and look into contentious points in the draft. 

The bill on husbandry was scrutinized at the NA’s 5th session and the 26th session of the NA Standing Committee. 

It is slated to be passed at this 6th session.

Bills on higher education, police focus of National Assembly on Nov 6


Ben Tre representative Luu Binh Nhuong speaks at a NA session 

The draft law on adjustment and supplements to a number of articles of the Law on Higher Education and the draft revised law on the People’s Public Security Force were the focus of the National Assembly on November 6. 

In the morning, the NA listened to a report of the Chairman of the NA’s Committee on Culture, Education, Youth, Adolescents and Children on adjustments made to the draft law on adjustment and supplements to a number of articles of the Law on Higher Education, based on previous discussions.

In the following debate on contentious matters in the draft law, 24 deputies took the floor, voicing their opinions on the tasks and authority of tertiary educational establishments in science-technology activities; the organisation and operation of national and regional universities; the ranking of universities, and the planning of the network of tertiary educational establishments, among others. 

Following the discussion, Chairman of the NA’s Committee on Culture, Education, Youth, Adolescents and Children Phan Thanh Binh explained further several issues raised by NA deputies. 

NA Vice Chairwoman Tong Thi Phong required the law drafting board and the verification agency to study the opinions of NA deputies and further clarify issues of deputies’ concern before voting on the draft law.

In the afternoon, the draft revised law on the People’s Public Security Force was tabled for discussion. Opinions focused on the functions, tasks and authority of the force, the highest rank of the heads of provincial public security department, and treatment policies for members of the force.

On behalf of the law drafting agency, Minister of Public Security To Lam gave explanations on issues of concern raised by the NA deputies. 

On November 7, the NA is scheduled to give opinion on the draft revised law on amnesty and the bill on husbandry.

Working performance shows efficiency of Party members’ example setting


An overview of the Party Central Committee's eighth meeting 

Setting a good example is considered a regular activity of officials and Party members.

Regulation No. 08-QDi/TW was issued recently, detailing members of the Politburo, the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat and Party Central Committee’s responsibility for setting a good example.

The regulation underscores that efficiency in performing tasks and missions is a requirement of every official and Party member regardless of their position.

The document once again highlights President Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts and standpoints on Party building and official training. 

President Ho Chi Minh often underlined the responsibility for setting good examples as well as the pioneering role of officials and Party members, which is manifested through the “most determined, most ardent, purest, and most enthusiastic attitude to serve the nation and people.”

Staying persistent to the late leader’s thoughts in Party building, over the past decades, the Party has focused on promoting the vanguard role of officials and Party members, especially in fulfilling their assigned jobs and tasks.

The setting of a good example is reflected in the working style of strictly abiding by rules, the thorough understanding and implementation of their responsibilities, tasks, and authority, and not abusing their position and power during performing their jobs.

The regulation underlines the need to “actively realise rules on decentralisation and closely control power; uphold principles, democracy and sense of justice and stay objective, opening and transparent in personnel affairs.”

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has reminded officials and Party members to perform their responsibilities and assigned tasks properly.

Over the past two years, the majority of 56 central officials receiving disciplinary measures from the Party and legal punishment violated Party regulations and Party Charter as well as the law and did not fulfil their assigned responsibilities and tasks and their duties to the Party and people.

For officials, especially management, leadership and senior Party officials, the criteria for a good example is not only completing their jobs but also in their capacity of uniting, gathering, motivating and promoting collective brainpower, and enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness in leadership and management and work performance.

Amid rapid and complicated developments in the world situation, the requirements of Party building and personnel development have become more significant and urgent than ever before.

PM appoints three Deputy Ministers

PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc has recently made decision to appoint three Deputy Ministers. 

Specifically, in Decision 1475/QD-TTg, PM appointed Mr. Le Hai An, Principal of the Ha Noi University of Mining and Geology as  Deputy Minister of Education and Training.

In Decision 1476, Mr. Nguyen Truong Son, Director of Cho Ray Hospital was named Deputy Minster of Health.

In Decision 1478/QD-TTg, Mr. Phung Duc Tien, Vice Chairman of the National Assembly’s Committee for Science-Technology and Environment was appointed as Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development.

HCM City’s leader receives Chinese guest


At the meeting 

Vice Chairman of the People’s Council of Ho Chi Minh City Pham Duc Hai on November 6 hosted a reception for Chairman of the Constitution and Law Committee of the National People’s Congress of China Li Fei.

At the meeting, Hai said the Party, Government and people of Vietnam always attach importance to developing the traditional friendship and multifaceted cooperation with their Chinese counterparts. 

Vietnam stands ready to work, together with China, to develop the bilateral relationship in a healthy, stable and sustainable manner, for the sake of the two peoples, and for peace, stability and development of each nation, the region and the world at large, the official added. 

Hai told his guest that the municipal People’s Council is implementing the National Assembly’s Resolution No. 54 on piloting special mechanisms and policies for the development of HCM City. 

Many important contents of the resolution such as administrative reform, automobile parking fees on roads, adjustment of environmental protection fee and income increase for public servants have been realised, according to the host. 

Besides, the council has supervised the performance of authorities in the work, he said.  

Hai said the municipal People’s Council as well as districts, wards and communes of HCM City have set up their own legal boards which are in charge of law-related issues and providing consultations for authorities in this regard. 

For his part, Li Fei said his committee always places importance on developing relations with the Vietnamese Government and people, especially the National Assembly and local People’s Councils. 

This is the first overseas visit by the committee’s officials since it was established in 2018, he said. 

Apart from assessing legal projects and documents, the committee has been tasked with clarifying and implementing the Constitution, Li Fei said, adding that through the visit, the Chinese sides wants to intensify the exchange of experience in popolarising and materialising the Constitution, and learn from operational experience of the HCM City People’s Council.

Revolutionary morality - Root of revolutionists, Party’s origin of strength


The eighth plenum of the 12th Party Central Committee.

Throughout his revolutionary career, President Ho Chi Minh always paid attention to educating and training the revolutionary morality of officials and Party members, considering this the foundation and root of revolutionists. 

Inheriting his ideology, the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) has placed special importance on cultivating the revolutionary moral foundation and raising the responsibility for setting examples of officials and Party members, in order to enhance the public’s confidence in the Party and make the Party purer and stronger. 

The 12th CPV Central Committee (CPVCC) has recently issued Regulation No. 08-QDi/TW on the responsibility for setting examples of officials and Party members, firstly members of the Politburo, the Secretariat and the CPVCC. 

Under the document, officials and Party members have to set examples in eight aspects, especially in morality and lifestyle. 

This is the first time the responsibility for setting examples of senior Party leaders, including members of the Politburo, the Secretariat and the CPVCC, has been mentioned openly and directly. 

The Regulation has received approval from officials and Party members, as well as the masses. 

It says officials and Party members, firstly members of the Politburo, the Secretariat and the CPVCC, must be paragons of morality and lifestyle, preserve the prestige of officials and fight degradation and negative phenomena. 

Over the past two tenures, the Party issued two resolutions at the fourth plenums on Party building and rectification, focusing on political ideology, morality and lifestyle of officials and Party members. 

The two resolutions set forth tasks and solutions to prevent and drive back degradation in ideology, politics, morality and lifestyle and “self-evolution” and “self-transformation” phenomena among officials and Party members, resolutely combat corruption, bad deeds and wastefulness and build an increasingly pure and strong Party. 

The 12th National Party Congress has, for the first time, identified morality as one of the four pillars in the Party building work, along with politics, ideology and organisation. 

In implementing Party regulations, many officials and Party members, especially those holding key positions at all levels, have studied and followed President Ho Chi Minh’s moral example and followed codes of ethics. 

Of note, the Resolution adopted at the fourth plenum of the 12th Party Central Committee on strengthening the Party building and rectification, and the Politburo’s Directive No. 05-CT/TW on studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality and lifestyle have helped prevent degradation in political ideology, morality and lifestyle as well as “self-evolution” and “self-transformation” phenomena within the Party and promote the spirit of criticism and self-criticism among officials and Party members.


Officials, Party members must raise responsibility for setting example

The Communist Party of Vietnam wants its leaders and members to set good examples, so it is spelling out how they do this.

The 12th Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee (CPVCC) on October 25 issued Regulation No. 08-QDi/TW on the responsibility for setting examples of officials and Party members, firstly members of the Politburo, the Secretariat and the Party Central Committee.

The need for officials and Party members to set examples has been often mentioned in Party documents, resolutions and regulations. However, this is the first time the CPVCC has issued a regulation detailing the top Party leaders’ responsibility for setting examples, showing increasing transparency and democracy within the Party.

The regulation once again affirms that setting an example is the responsibility, duty and part of the ethics of a cadre.

The raising of responsibility for setting examples has never been mentioned as often or as seriously as in recent years.  After the Resolution of the 11th CPVCC’s fourth plenum on several urgent issues on Party building at present was issued, on June 7, 2012, the CPVCC’s Secretariat promulgated Regulation No. 101-QD/TW on the responsibility for setting examples of officials and Party members, especially key leaders at all levels.

The regulation requests officials and Party members to lead the way in implementing, popularising and protecting the guidelines and policies of the Party and the policies and laws of the State as well as the objectives and ideals of the Party. They must set good examples in terms of morality and lifestyle, and pioneer in fighting corruption, wastefulness and other negative phenomena. They should be a mirror in self-criticism and criticism, responsibility for work, relations with people, sense of discipline and internal solidarity.

In Regulation No. 55-QD/TW, issued on December 19, 2016, the Politburo banned officials and Party members from receiving and giving gifts for self-interested purposes and leading a lavish lifestyle.

The Resolution of the 12th CPVCC’s fourth plenum on strengthening Party building and rectification set out measures to fix shortcomings in personnel work and cadre management; drive back degradation in political thought, morality and lifestyle; and roll back corruption, wastefulness and other negative phenomena.

President Ho Chi Minh once taught that “A living example is more valuable than hundreds of agitprop speeches”. If officials want people to follow them, they must set good examples and volunteer first.

Setting a good example is a leadership mode of the Party but has its own specific characteristics. Setting a good example has extremely great effects as it is capable of calling upon the masses through the strength of confidence and sentiments from their hearts.

In a closing speech at the recent eight plenum of the 12th CPVCC, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong stressed that if nearly 200 members of the 12th CPVCC raise their responsibility of setting examples, it will create strong changes in the entire Party and political system, helping to consolidate and enhance trust among officials and Party members, and the people in the Party Central Committee, the Politburo and the Secretariat.

Accompanying the nation through history, the Party has always attached importance to the Party building, particularly personnel work, considering it an extremely crucial task.

Vietnam’s core interests still ensured with CTPPP membership


Vietnam’s core interests will still be ensured after the country joins the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP).

Vietnam’s core interests will still be ensured after the country joins the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh told the National Assembly on November 5. 

The Deputy PM made the affirmation when explaining the pact and related documents to the legislature during the debate of lawmakers. 

The Government’s assessment report said joining the pact as one of the found members demonstrates Vietnam’s policy on international integration and affirms the country’s important geo-political position in the region and the international arena. 

Economically, CPTPP can boost Vietnam’s GDP and export by 1.32 percent and 4.04 percent, respectively by 2035. In terms of investment, CPTPP commitments relating to services and investment are expected to have positive effects on the investment environment. The pact will also help push the process to complete economic institutions. Socially, the pact will contribute to job generation, enhancement of incomes and poverty reduction. 

Most NA deputies approved the necessity to ratify the CPTPP, stressing that it is a new generation free trade agreement with high quality and the highest level of commitment so far.

At the same time, many deputies also cautioned about possible challenges and difficulties that will come with the CPTPP. Bilateral and multilateral trade may face difficulties. Several sectors such as advertisement and logistics are expected to face fierce competition. However, the competition also forces domestic enterprises to reduce operation costs. 

The deputies said a number of domestic enterprises could fall into difficulties due to increasing competition after the CPTPP takes force, resulting in loss of jobs. 

They noted that the country will have to adjust and revise legal regulations on trade, customs, intellectual property and labour to comply with CPTPP commitments.   

 “At this point, we don’t need to spend much time on discussing whether we should or should not join the CPTPP. The most important thing now is to make clear what we should do to make use of advantages and opportunities brought by the pact while minimising its adverse impacts on domestic production and business,” said deputy Hoang Van Cuong of Hanoi. 

Speaking on the sidelines of the debate, many deputies wanted the Government to do more research on the impacts of the deal on Vietnam. 

They also urged the Government to take the initiative in reviewing and adjusting related laws to ensure the effective implementation of the CPTPP and prevent risks to the most, while maintaining national sovereignty and avoiding becoming dependence on others.

NA deputies concerned over domestic firms’ capacity to utilize CPTPP


Mr Vu Tien Loc

Despite the obvious benefits of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), National Assembly (NA) deputies, at a discussion session today, November 5, expressed their concerns over the ability of local enterprises to take advantage of opportunities ushered in by the pact.

At the discussion session on the CPTPP ratification, NA deputy Vu Tien Loc from Thai Binh Province threw his support behind Party General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong’s proposal on the early ratification of the CPTPP due to the significant benefits of the deal.

According to Loc, who is also the president of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Vietnam will have opportunities to expand its trade and investment ties with CPTPP's member countries. Domestic companies can increase their revenues and offer more jobs, contributing to economic growth and the improvement of people's living standards.

In addition, the country will have more partners, reducing its dependence on certain markets.

These opportunities are more valuable amid the fluctuations of the global economy, especially with the escalating trade friction between the U.S. and China.

The CPTPP is also expected to be beneficial for local laborers and helps build brands for made-in-Vietnam products given Vietnam’s commitments under the deal, Loc stated.

NA deputy Tran Hoang Ngan from HCMC agreed with Loc, adding that the CPTPP is a new-generation agreement with high standards in transparency. The comprehensive trade pact covers not only trade and services but also investment, intellectual property, the labor market, small and medium enterprises and State-owned firms.

The CPTPP, whose member economies boast an average gross domestic product per capita of over US$30,000, will help Vietnam improve the quality and safety of its products, increasing their competitiveness.

Apart from the influx of foreign direct investment in recent times, Vietnam can choose strong investors, including those from Canada, Australia and New Zealand, Ngan added.

At the discussion session, many NA deputies agreed that local enterprises have yet to make the most of opportunities brought by the free trade agreements (FTAs) that Vietnam had earlier signed.

According to the General Statistics Office of Vietnam, the country enjoyed a trade surplus of US$2.7 billion in the first half of the year but faced a trade deficit of US$29.1 billion with its FTA partners. The country incurred a total trade deficit of US$26.7 billion and US$32.5 billion with its FTA partners in the first six months of 2016 and 2017, respectively.

Loc said FTAs were expected to bring multiple benefits for Vietnam, but the country might fail to take full advantage of these deals. For example, the country can enjoy only 40% of the benefits from preferential tax policies offered by FTA partners.

Loc proposed issuing mechanisms to enhance the capability of both authorities and enterprises. The policies and legal system should be built in a manner that not only fulfills commitments under the CPTPP but also responds to possible risks and seizes opportunities under the deal.

Loc noted that Vietnam intended to issue a decree on preferential policies for import-export taxes but has yet to draw up plans to offset the State budget revenue shortfall, boost public-private partnerships and prevent tax evasion and transfer pricing.

Meanwhile, NA deputy Bui Sy Loi from Thanh Hoa Province noted that the CPTPP, according to the Government, would leave positive impacts on the food, tobacco, textile-garment, chemical and plastics sectors. However, these sectors use a large number of workers, so they find it hard to improve labor productivity.

He suggested amending both the Labor and Trade Union Laws.

According to Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh, the CPTPP does not include requirements for the labor market but highlights labor standards stipulated in the International Labor Organization’s statement, issued in 1998.

Accordingly, foreign enterprises are allowed to establish labor unions, which must comply with the laws of host countries with the purpose of protecting laborers’ legitimate rights and interests.