Party building is the main task for this year

Party chief Nguyen Phu Trong said Vietnam left a good impression last year with an economic growth of almost 6%.

During his recent interview with Radio The Voice of Vietnam (VOV), Trong said Vietnam has resolved well the East Sea issue, securing national independence and territorial sovereignty, peace and stability for national development, raising national image in world arena.

He highlights major tasks for this year, “One of major tasks for this year is Party building and preparation for Party congresses at all levels. Personnel nomination for Party leadership positions must ensure good quality to meet requirements.”

The Party leader wished people, soldiers and overseas Vietnamese trust in the Party’s leadership, determination and unity to successfully implement the Party resolutions for national development.

Egypt, Vietnam foster all-sided cooperation

Vietnam Ambassador to Egypt Dao Thanh Chung has hailed the development of bilateral ties in politics, economics, trade and culture in a recent media interview.

The Vietnamese Embassy in Cairo has fulfilled its 2014 tasks as a contribution to promoting the traditional friendship and cooperation between the two countries despite the complicated developments, Chung noted.

He emphasized Egyptian support for Vietnam’s stance on sea and island sovereignty as well as ASEAN’s viewpoint on the East Sea issue at the Non-Aligned Movement Ministerial Meeting in Algeria last year.

Over the past year, a host of measures were undertaken to strengthen economic and trade ties with Egypt such as holding business forums and meetings with businesses to alleviate difficulties and update market information.

Two-way trade turnover hit US$ 400 million in 2014, doubling the figure of one year earlier. Additionally, images of Vietnamese land and people broadcast on Egypt’s Nile TV and Egyptian TV channels helped the Egyptians get a better understanding of the Southeast Asian country and elevate the friendship between the two countries to a higher level.

The Vietnamese diplomat said this year, the embassy will maximize its efforts to deepen the relations between the two countries with top priority given to economic diplomacy aiming to reach the US$ 450 million bilateral trade target.

Congratulations to new Prime Minister of Timor-Leste

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has sent his congratulations to Rui Maria de Araujo over his appointment as Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste.

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh also cabled a congratulatory message to the new Timor-Leste Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Hernani Coelho.

Vietnam and Timor-Leste established their diplomatic ties in July 2002. Vietnam was one of the first countries to recognise Timor-Leste’s independence.

Wish of good health extended to Singaporean PM

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung on February 16 conveyed a wish of good health to his Singaporean counterpart Lee Hsien Loong who had to undergo surgery for prostate cancer.

The surgery on February 16 was successful.

“The surgery went very smoothly and he (PM Lee) is expected to recover fully,” Professor Christopher Cheng, the lead urologist at the Singapore General Hospital who undertook the operation said in a statement issued by the Prime Minister’s Office.

Intellectuals, artists vow to work for people

Intellectuals and artists in Ho Chi Minh City pledged to make more contributions to the nation’s science and art for the benefits of people while meeting with President Truong Tan Sang on February 16.

The President extended his New Year greetings to the city’s outstanding figures in the fields amid the atmospheric spring festival which is dominant across the country.

While visiting Professor Nguyen Chan Hung, former Director of the municipal Oncology Hospital and Chairman of the Vietnam Cancer Society, the State leader spoke highly of his expertise contributions to the healthcare, especially in cancer treatment.

President Truong Tan Sang expressed his hope that the doctor will do more for the national medical development, particularly the formation of a cancer treatment system that can be accessible to everyone.

Meeting with 95-year-old researcher Nguyen Dinh Dau, the President acknowledged his remarkable devotion to the fields of history and geography, saying Dau’s researches are beneficial to the Vietnamese science.

The President also visited People’s Artist Do Kim Cuong, Vice President of the city’s Association in Support of Disabled People and Orphans, the State leader confirmed that artists are crucial to preserving and promoting national cultural values.

President pays pre-Tet visit to workers in Long An

President Truong Tan Sang and officials of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour on February 17 visited and presented Tet gifts to workers in the Mekong Delta province of Long An.

Around 3,000 out of the 250,000 workers working in provincial industrial parks will celebrate the biggest traditional festival away from their home.

He visited the Duy Quy and Kim Ty guesthouse compounds, which accommodate nearly 2,250 workers and 130 of whom do not go home during Tet, lauding the guesthouse owners for supporting the staying workers to have a cosy Tet.

He asked the provincial authorities to further improve the living conditions for the workers and wished for more workers to be able to enjoy Tet with their families in the coming years.

On the occasion President Truong Tan Sang also visited the Duc Hoa martyr cemetery and visited a number of historical sites in the province.

Memorial service for Party Internal Affairs Commission’s head held

The memorial service for Nguyen Ba Thanh, Head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Internal Affairs, was organised in the central city of Da Nang on February 16.

In the funeral oration, To Huy Rua, Politburo member and Party Central Committee Secretary, recalled the career of the late official, highlighting his great contributions to the nation-building cause, particularly to the development of Da Nang city.

In any positions, Thanh’s acts won high praises from officials, Party members and people of Da Nang, he said.

Nguyen Ba Thanh, 62, was born in Da Nang’s Hoa Vang district. He served as Chairman of the People’s Committee and Secretary of the Party Committee of the city before becoming the Head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Internal Affairs.

He was also permanent Deputy Head of the Steering Committee for Corruption Prevention and Combat.

He passed away at 13:00 on February 13 in Da Nang due to blood cancer.

Leaders visit House No. 67 in tribute to Uncle Ho

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong offered incense in tribute to late President Ho Chi Minh at House No. 67 in Hanoi on February 16 on the occasion of the traditional Lunar New Year (Tet).

Located in the President Ho Chi Minh relic site, House No. 67 was named after the year 1967 when it was built, in which the late leader worked and passed away. It is also a meeting venue for the Politburo during the war.

Talking with staff and officials of the relic site, the Party chief recalled President Ho Chi Minh’s teachings, stressing the need to strictly realise the Party Central Committee’s resolution on urgent issues in Party-building work, including the prevention of moral degradation and individualistic thought.

The same day, the Party leader visited and extended Tet wishes to Hero of Labour, Prof. Vu Khieu, who is the first Director of the Vietnam Institute of Sociology.

Earlier on February 15, President Truong Tan Sang visited House No. 67 to pay tribute to late President Ho Chi Minh on the occasion of Tet.

Expressing his deep gratitude to the late leader, President Truong Tan Sang pledged to continue studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s moral example and reasiling his will, thus boosting the country’s growth.

He also asked staff and officials of the President Ho Chi Minh relic site to work harder to preserve priceless souvenirs reminding the life and career of the great leader.

President pays Tet visit to HCM City’s Cu Chi district

State President Truong Tan Sang paid a visit to Cu Chi district, Ho Chi Minh City on February 16 on the occasion of the quickly-approaching lunar New Year (Tet).

While visiting the Thien Phuoc handicapped children support centre in An Nhon Tay commune, the President hailed the efforts of priests, sisters and donors to care for the children.

Giving lucky money to the children on the Tet occasion, the leader expressed his hope that the facility will continue helping them surmount all difficulties in life.

At his working session with leaders of Nhuan Duc commune, the President spoke highly of the fruits the commune has reaped during its rural area building process, which has seen important contributions of locals.

He asked the locality to swiftly design plans to further develop the rural areas, speed up the agricultural economic structure shifting and apply advanced technologies in production in order to stand firm during the international integration process.

According to Chairwoman of the communal Party Committee Nguyen Thi Hang, thanks to the 305-billion-VND rural area building project, the commune has been given a facelift with annual per capita income rising from 20 million VND to over 40 million VND and the number of poor households down to 2.56 percent.

Tet visits to senior intellectuals, war veterans

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong paid a Tet visit to Nguyen Van Hien, a 99-year-old revolutionary veteran, in the central city of Da Nang o n February 15.

The party leader wished the veteran a happy new year and good health, saying that he hopes Hien will continue to be a good example for young generations to follow.

Meanwhile, on February 14, President Truong Tan Sang visited and extended his New Year greetings to 88-year-old Prof. Dr. and People’s Artist Nguyen Dinh Quang; 98-year-old Prof. Phung The Truong, a former lecturer at the National Economics University; and Prof. Dr. To Ngoc Thanh, 81, a leading researcher in folk culture and music.

The President praised the senior intellectuals for their contributions to the cause of culture, literature and art, education and scientific research of the country.

The same day, the President offered incense to later Party General Secretary Nguyen Van Cu at his memorial house in Tu Son town’s Phu Khe commune, the northern province of Bac Ninh.

Nguyen Van Cu was elected the Party Secretary in 1938 when he was only 26. In June 1940, he was arrested in Sai Gon (now Ho Chi Minh City) and was sentenced to death by the French colonialists.

PM Dung pays tribute to President Ho Chi Minh

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung offered incense at House No 67 at the Ho Chi Minh relic site in the Presidential Palace in Hanoi on February 14 on the occasion of the up coming Tet holiday.

He expressed profound gratitude to President Ho Chi Minh in remembrance of his great contribution to the national liberation.

The Prime Minister commended officials and staff of the Presidential Palace complex for preserving objects closely linked to President Ho Chi Minh’s revolutionary life.

He asked them to better introduce late President Ho Chi Minh’s life and revolutionary career to Vietnamese and foreign visitors.

House No 67 is the place where the President passed away in 1969 and has welcomed many people visiting and paying tribute to President Ho Chi Minh every year.

Vietnam attends ASEAN Family Day 2015 in Mexico

The ASEAN Family Day 2015 was held in Mexico on February 14 with a view to fortifying traditional friendship and collaboration between nations in the bloc as well as with the host country.

The event was co-hosted by the Embassies of Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam in Mexico.

Speaking at the event, Malaysian Ambassador, who is the current chairman of the ASEAN Committee in Mexico (ACMC), Dato Jamaiyah M.Yosof highlighted the significance of exchange friendship activities in 2015 when ASEAN will officially become a regional community.

He also called for all ASEAN’s diplomatic representative agencies in Mexico to continue uniting and supporting each other in order to prove the ASEAN’s spirit of “One vision, One identity, One community”.

Numerous activities including folk games and art performances were held at the event while many traditional dishes were offered to participants. Vietnamese “nem ran” ( fried spring roll) and “mien xao” ( stir-fry vermicelli) were very popular among visitors.

Tet - great chance to foster Vietnam-Indonesia ties: diplomat

The traditional Lunar New Year (Tet) festival celebrated annually by the Vietnamese community in Indonesia has become an important cultural exchange activity to boost connection between both countries’ people, stated Ambassador to Indonesia Nguyen Xuan Thuy.

The Vietnamese Embassy in Jakarta has become a venue for more than 200 Vietnamese working and studying in Indonesia in Tet, during which they introduce to foreign friends gastronomic culture and traditional practices of Vietnam, he said.

Vietnam and Indonesia share many similarities in history, culture and custom, he noted, adding that both countries experienced harsh struggles for national independence and are acting as active members of ASEAN.

The Vietnam-Indonesia ties saw an important milestone in June 2013 when they became strategic partnership, said the diplomat, adding that the two sides are eyeing great chances to boost their affiliation in the economy, trade, investment and tourism, especially when they join the ASEAN Economic Community.

Since the national flag carrier Vietnam Airlines opened a direct air route linking Ho Chi Minh City and Jakarta , people-to-people connections between the two sides have been further promoted, with a surge in the number of tourists visiting each others’ country, said Thuy.

At the same time, the sound cultural coordination is also a foundation for Vietnamese and Indonesian strengthen their links, contributing to the building of a Socio-Cultural Community, added the ambassador.-